No steroid use in 13 years, but still get gyno lumps that come and go....


New member
Hi all, I hope this is the right forum to ask this question. I've tried searching, but haven't come across anything that has quite fit my scenario...

I did a couple cycles 13+ years ago, test and nandro for my first, but my last cycle I introduced deca and immediately got gyno symptoms (started as sensitive nipples, and eventually small lumps under the nipples). I stopped as soon as the symptoms came along and after a month or so, the lumps went away. Since then, every once in a while, I will get lumps under one nipple for a couple of months, then it will go away. It has been rare, maybe only every 2 years, and only lasting a couple of months. Each time I start to freak out and think about making a doc appt, then it goes away.

Well, I was pretty lazy during that time with very little workout, but just started (for the past 3 months) working out 5 days a week, and a lump has come back under one of my nipples. I haven't done any steroids in over 13 years so it seems strange that this keeps happening, and the fact that they go away eventually on their own, without me really doing anything differently, seems really strange to me.

I was hoping someone on the forum has had a similar experience and can explain why this happens. Do I need to take letro to get rid of this completely, or should I see a doctor because I'm going through phases where my body is producing more estrogen than normal....

Any advice is greatly appreciated!