nolva vs arimidex


anabolic abuse
I spend a lot of time reading in this forum and I believe I've read almost exclusively that the guys use arimidex during a cycle in order to control bloat, however I've heard a couple guys tell me that they use Nolva during a cycle to controll bloating because arimidex completely blocks estrogen and nolva just slows down its production.. and apparentely a little estrogen is good? I had planned to use nolva if I had any signs of gyno but I never considered using it for bloat.. what are your thoughts on this? Nolva or Arimidex for bloat?
TNfball34 said:
I spend a lot of time reading in this forum and I believe I've read almost exclusively that the guys use arimidex during a cycle in order to control bloat, however I've heard a couple guys tell me that they use Nolva during a cycle to controll bloating because arimidex completely blocks estrogen and nolva just slows down its production.. and apparentely a little estrogen is good? I had planned to use nolva if I had any signs of gyno but I never considered using it for bloat.. what are your thoughts on this? Nolva or Arimidex for bloat?

WEll, it all depends. Adex will not completely block your estrogen. Nolva doesn't slow it down, it just keeps it from binding to the receptor.

I use Adex for bloat and gyno. How much I take depends on my dosages. For example I am taking .25mg ED and I am taking in about 12-1500mg of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) a week. That may not work for you, but that's what I use. I also don't use too much, cause yes, some estrogen is good IMO.

As far as getting what you need. That shit is so cheap I would just buy both. If you are prone to gyno and it starts to happen, take the Nolva. IMexperience, Adex won't getrid of gyno, it will only prevent.
gotenks004 said:
but Arimidex is very,very,very expensive.

Very, very, very

You can get generic Arimidex tabs for the same price as the liquid stuff, you just gotta know where to shop.
thanx rjh8541.. I'm only running 500mg of test enan a week.. its my first cycle and I'll be one week in tuesday.. I have liquid nolva and liquidex on hand but I hear so many different things that I'm not sure whether to use them now or wait until I see signs of gyno / bloating before taking any..? I'm not sure what I'm prone to bc this is my first real cycle but if you guys have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them.. thanx again
I have 1mg capsules, is it safe to take 1 capsule every other day to get your .5mg everyday amount? or will this be too inefficient? Thanks for any input
I have 1mg capsules, is it safe to take 1 capsule every other day to get your .5mg everyday amount? or will this be too inefficient? Thanks for any input

.5mg eod works for me, be careful man. Let ur estrogen get too high and u will feel like shit, let ur estrogen get too low and u will feel even worse. That has been my experience.

I dont want to give advice, there are much more qualified ppl to do that here. But I definitely think you are going to want blood work through a private lab like one in Megatrons sig during your cycle. Hormone Panel for Females will be ur best choice.
It's just that my Arimidex came in capsules so not very easy to gauge the amount. I would have to open them and dump some powder into a drink or something to make this work then.
Megatron28 I am wanting to take Arimidex throughout my cycle just to prevent gyno.
Thanks for the input everyone
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It's just that my Arimidex came in capsules so not very easy to gauge the amount. I would have to open them and dump some powder into a drink or something to make this work then.
Megatron28 I am wanting to take Arimidex throughout my cycle just to prevent gyno.
Thanks for the input everyone

Mine are in capsules as well. .5 mg on. mon/weds/fri should be fine to start then get mid cycle bloods
Depends on the particular goal of the cycle. Mass or cut?

Estrogen has profound beneficial effects for mass gain, though fat gain, water retention and gyno are obviously unwanted. It does support glucose utilization, gh release, androgen receptor proliferation, and a well being feeling/energy. These are benefits of slightly elevated levels... Not ridiculously high that has another laundry list of health issues.

If we are cutting than yes lowered levels of estrogen are more desirable which is why generally non-aromatizing steroids are used heavier in a cut cycle.

Suppression of estrogen when not needed in my opinion is a waste
It SHOULD however be managed properly with blood work.

Arimdex is an aromatase inhibitor
(blocks the enzyme aromatase, preventing conversion of test to estrogen) effective and strong 1mg can drop estrogen a significant amount.

Nolva is a SERM
(binds to the receptor, preventing estrogen to bind, but does not stop conversion) used very commonly for prevention of gyno and/or reduction.

Both can be used for estrogen management but quite different. Arimdex is more effective, but can be harsh to the beneficial side of estrogen. Nolva won't ever crash estrogen but also won't prevent high levels.

This is why blood work is important, we can all give you suggestions on how much to take based off our experience but that's IT. it's our experience and you will be different. There are just too many variables to be accurate. This is not something we'd want to play guess with.

Blood work is a must if you want to:
1) be healthy and safe with cycling
2) get the best results with your cycle.