NOob ???'s...advice appreciated


New member
I know there are tons of these threads on here, made good use of the search function but still have a few questions. All advice is appreciated.

Background: M/24/ 5'7'' 146lbs. Started lifting in Dec '10. Weighed 180lbs and had zero muscle. Had never worked out in my life. Have cut down to current weight and put on muscle. I am happy with the results 'cept now I would like to start adding some mass. (insert 'ology forum here)

Did some research and decided to try anavar for my first cycle, by itself. Read some pretty solid reviews and liked how most said its sides were pretty minimal. Plus, im only interested in orals at this point (did read "Dadawgs" sticky about orals being useless)

Now here goes the ??'s. Before I was able to get ahold of Z's var i ordered a bottle of 'Helladrol' as well as a PCT supp by 'Forge'.

1.) Would be a good idea to stack the hdrol and var together? If so how do I run it and at what mgs etc? If not Im just gunna run the Var by itself and keep the hdrol for another time.

2.)The Var I ordered is 50 50mg tablets. Found through searching that 50mgs is pretty ideal per day as far as dosage goes. However, I noticed most people split it up 25 and 25. Not really looking to open up cap and split since I dont have empty caps laying around..Is just 1 50mg 30 min pre-workout good?

3.) PCT- I ordered 'Forged Post Cycle Therapy'. Is this sufficient? Just start taking as soon as I'm done with cycle? Read that maybe some of the test-boosters are good to run concurrent with other PCT supps. This true? Any input on PCT would be helpful as Im pretty clueless in this area.

4.) Have cycled off creatine for a few weeks now and will start back up with C-bol when I start this cycle. I've heard Var runs particularly well with creatine. True?

-Other supps will be Orange Triad multi, Oxi-mega fish oil, Myofusion protein, CL White Flood PWO

Anything else I should know before I get started would be helpful!
No test with that bro ? Did you talk to any of Z's guys about var only cycle and how long to run it ?

If I was going to run var like that then I would have to atleast add some test prop.

You would be better off to break that Var up thoughout the day with the largest dose being before bed. I'm not sure but I think Var has a very short life cycle of something like 6 hours.

You need more input on this... How long you plan on running this cycle ?
I'm just wondering why so many people say they've done tons of research and still just want to run oral only cycles...

If you've done tons of research, you should come to the conclusion that oral only is like you said, "useless". So why waste your time and money? If your afraid of needles or not into sticking yourself, then steroids probably aren't for you, plain and simple!
I must admit that I don't know what to say here because I don't know what a Var only cycle looks like, or if it's even a bad idea.... I don't believe it is over a short period.

I know you are going to need more than 50mg of Anavar per day. I took my first dose at 100mg of Anavar yesterday and I feel it today in the form of agression. With that said, I doubt that I'm going to go as high as 130mg as I had planned.
No test with that bro ? Did you talk to any of Z's guys about var only cycle and how long to run it ?

If I was going to run var like that then I would have to atleast add some test prop.

You would be better off to break that Var up thoughout the day with the largest dose being before bed. I'm not sure but I think Var has a very short life cycle of something like 6 hours.

You need more input on this... How long you plan on running this cycle ?

Researching test prop it like oral test used in conjunction with other AAS'?

I'm just wondering why so many people say they've done tons of research and still just want to run oral only cycles...

Haven't done tons of research. I would like to see what kind of result I can get. Im pretty small (only 145lbs). if i can put on 10-15pds and keep 8-10 id be more than happy. If not maybe ill try other avenues.

Needles are scary... amirite?

Not at all. I have my reasons. Im in recovery from drug addiction. I live with my parents and I dont think they would appreciate me sticking myself. They wouldn't see the difference between what I was doing then and this.

If you've done tons of research, you should come to the conclusion that oral only is like you said, "useless". So why waste your time and money? If your afraid of needles or not into sticking yourself, then steroids probably aren't for you, plain and simple!

The research I have done has not suggested oral only is useless. Ive read many logs from people claiming to have made significant gains in strength and size from oral only cycles. As I said earlier I would like to try it out, if its not effective I will perhaps try other avenues.

Ps-Planned on running the Anavar for 50days at 50mg a day.

Thank you for the replies. Info on prop test and post cycle therapy (pct) appreciated
Oral only cycles are terrible. Everyone here had been scared to pin. Just man up it doesn't even hurt. Plus you've been working out for 8 months. You need to wait a little while before you go to the next step. Read up a little more cause your didn't read shit.
Oral only cycles are terrible. Everyone here had been scared to pin. Just man up it doesn't even hurt. Plus you've been working out for 8 months. You need to wait a little while before you go to the next step. Read up a little more cause your didn't read shit.

I am not afraid to use a needle. The reason I was interested in the Anavar was because of what I read about it. Little to no sides, not harmful to the liver etc. Gains minimal but most kept after cycle. I would not be willing at this point to try to 'more hazardous' AAS'. I understand an oral only cycle is not going to elicit the types of results liquid would. However, I do not think that means they should never be run or 'that they are terrible'.
Prop is an oil base injectable so your family won't like it too much.
Try to get at least 60mg per day out of that. Do some math and desolve it in Gatoraid so you are getting an even dose. Just take drinks from it throughout the day.

PCT would probly start the day after you stop. You are going to need advice from someone else besides me on how much you need.

I've done much worse so I don't think this is a really really bad idea but you might get some heat for it and maybe I will too :)
Well Regarless most people don't turn to the next step untill there ready. You just need to eat eat and eat more. Then after that workout hard. You don't need stuff yet. You need to wait a little longer in my opinion. I've been working out for about 6 years and I'm on my first cycle now. I'm also 26 which I wanted to wait till I was older. My advice to you is get your diet in check and workout hard. You've been working out for 8 months which in my eyes you haven't got everything out of your natural self yet. But I'm sure you'll do what you want. I'm not trying to be a dick but just trying to help you out.
Well Regarless most people don't turn to the next step untill there ready. You just need to eat eat and eat more. Then after that workout hard. You don't need stuff yet. You need to wait a little longer in my opinion. I've been working out for about 6 years and I'm on my first cycle now. I'm also 26 which I wanted to wait till I was older. My advice to you is get your diet in check and workout hard. You've been working out for 8 months which in my eyes you haven't got everything out of your natural self yet. But I'm sure you'll do what you want. I'm not trying to be a dick but just trying to help you out.

Now worries bro, I appreciate the input.

Prop is an oil base injectable so your family won't like it too much.
Try to get at least 60mg per day out of that. Do some math and desolve it in Gatoraid so you are getting an even dose. Just take drinks from it throughout the day.

PCT would probly start the day after you stop. You are going to need advice from someone else besides me on how much you need.

I've done much worse so I don't think this is a really really bad idea but you might get some heat for it and maybe I will too :)

Is it ok to take the cap apart and dissolve it in gatorade if I wanted to? It wont compromise the chemicals in any way? If so that would make it easier to split the dosage up throughout the day for sure.

Does anyone have any experience with the 'Forge PCT' on mrsupps...sufficient for PCT if I were to run the Var the way I stated above. 50mg a day for 50days. Would I need anything else like a natural test booster?
Yup, You don't even have to use Gatorade. It's cheaper if you want to use just water. Make sure to save the largest dose before bed to carry you through the night.

test boosters don't do much when you are on AAS but if you have them, take them.
I don't have any info on 'Forge post cycle therapy (pct)'... I hope someone can chime in here and lend a hand with his post cycle therapy (pct) for this without being too hard on him.... Or me either :)
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Sorry bro, I made a mistake. I thought you had caps so you don't need to put them in any drinks. You can just splt the tabs into 5 parts. Don't matter what size they are as long as you can take them at different times. My bad :-\
Just want to say this, I'm also a recovering addict. Celebrated 6 years July 4th. If you consider steroids a drug that will go against your recovery then orals are the same thing as pinning. A drug is a drug. I personally don't consider it a "relapse" because I'm not getting high nor taking it to get high. Oral only Cycles = no bueno. Your gonna feel like shit. That alone could make you get back into your addiction. That being said at 145 focus on your diet. You can make those gains naturally if your diet is in check. Even with gear you won't make gains if your diet sucks. Up your cals and protien intake. Try that for 6 months and stay dedicated to it and you get big bro. Diet is key to gains no matter what.
please read the info in this thread bro

Thanks...I read the first couple pages already. I just dont see how some people claim oral only cycles to be efficient means of gaining size and strength when others say they are useless. Doesn't make any sense. I figured because of my size and never running a cycle before my body would react to an oral only and gains would be made. Maybe im wrong.

Just want to say this, I'm also a recovering addict. Celebrated 6 years July 4th. If you consider steroids a drug that will go against your recovery then orals are the same thing as pinning. A drug is a drug. I personally don't consider it a "relapse" because I'm not getting high nor taking it to get high. Oral only Cycles = no bueno. Your gonna feel like shit. That alone could make you get back into your addiction. That being said at 145 focus on your diet. You can make those gains naturally if your diet is in check. Even with gear you won't make gains if your diet sucks. Up your cals and protien intake. Try that for 6 months and stay dedicated to it and you get big bro. Diet is key to gains no matter what.

Thanks colt...I def dont consider it a relapse. Im coming up on 11months (actually in about an hour and a half lol) My only concern was that my parents would flip when they realized I was sticking myself and God knowns Ive already put them through enough. That was my ONLY reason for wanting to run an oral only cycle. I may put this off for 5-6months and see how much weight I can put on naturally. Stop the cardio, stop the caloric deficit and start lifting heavy.

Ive allready ordered the Anavar, will it be useful at a later date to use concurrent with something else if I decide to just hold onto it?

Ill prly just run the Helladrol for the hell of it since Im gunna have it laying around anyways. Appreciate everyones input. I know answering noob questions can be annoying.
Thank you... People say oral only cycles are useless because any type of gear shuts your natty test out put down. When I started I thought about running a dbol only cycle cuz I was sketched out about putting more needles in my body. Then when I researched and learned what oral cycles do to your natural test output I decided that I didn't want to feel like ass and have limp dick, loss of gains, and all the other good stuff that goes along with being shut down. If I were you I'd save your anavar, get your diet right, wait until you're comfortable enough or move out, do some more research, go with a test only cycle for your first time and save the orals for your 2nd cycle. People on here are just lookin out for you from their own experiences. Good luck man
How will your parents know that you're using needles?
I'm just asking, do they go through your things to make sure you're still clean? If so I understand, but I must concur with the other guys here in regard to oral only cycles. They shut down your natural testosterone production, thus raising your natural estrogen levels, which leads to depression, erectile dysfunction, and an overall shitty feeling. These are not good side effects for a recovering addict. Even 300mg of Test a week will keep you in a state of bliss, and get you way more muscle, the Var will be good to run with it, sure, but take Test with it bro, you'll be so thankful that you did.