Not feeling a thing?


New member
I have been on Sustanon (sust) and dbol(body research purple hearts) for 2 weeks now. I'm getting uptight because I would have thought that I'd be feeling the dbol by now. 25mg ED. No results, yet!

What the hell is going on?
I would have thought so too. Normally a week for the D-bols would be plenty to start seeing results. Anything at all?? Water retention?
No water retention, nothing! My source is reliable but maybe there are some fake purple hearts going around. Do you think it would be crazy for me to take like 40mg at one time before I workout and see if I get pumps?
Though d-bol is best split throughout the day as it has a short half life (around 4.5 hrs) it can be taken in one go. So yep you could try that.
I have been on sust250/wk and dbol20/day for 2 1/2 weeks now and have gained 11 pounds. My arms stay pumped and my strength gains are amazing (at least to me)!
Well I had the gyno going on(better now on anti-estro). Has anyone heard of any fake body reasearch "purple hearts?"
Today things are finally changing. Strength and weight are going up and my face is showing the shine I get from gear. I started to take my dbol 30mg at once which made the difference. I'm on my way and excited. The only bad thing is the terrible dbol back pumps. My lower back is killing me! I am eating like a champ but showing signs of a belly. Some people can eat whatever on gear and remain ripped and hard. I am not one of them!

thanks everyone!