not gaining any muscle?... Just fat?.. First Test E cycle 9 weeks in..


New member
I am 9 weeks into first test E cycle at 500mg/week

NO it's not fake. Bloodwork proves that.

Eating 4000 calories a day at 280-300g protein and i'm 190 pounds..

Stength DID go up in the start but I have stalled on my lifts now.. I am on a program called ICF 5x5 which is basically a 5x5 3 times a week with isolation added.

Honestly did a crap ton of research before this and I have no idea why i'm not gaining.. I went from 180-190 but I know I have not put on any muscle.. I can tell it's fat and water...

WTF I should be growing like a WEED first cycle..
That's over kill on the protein bro. You didn't mention an AI. You taking anything for estrogen control?? What's your diet look like other than all the GD protein??
You're training for strength, not size. Ditch the 5x5 3 times a week and get into the gym 6 times and fatigue your muscles. When on the juice muscle react (size wise) best with reps btw 8-15. Get in the gym and blast your muscles. Your 5x5 is a waste unless you're only going for strength. There may be other issues but this is your most pressing.
You're training for strength, not size. Ditch the 5x5 3 times a week and get into the gym 6 times and fatigue your muscles. When on the juice muscle react (size wise) best with reps btw 8-15. Get in the gym and blast your muscles. Your 5x5 is a waste unless you're only going for strength. There may be other issues but this is your most pressing.

Sorry son, but elevated estrogen levels will make one bloat(fat) before a specific training routine will.
I'd question the type of training routine you have an you diet..

Normally I would start with diet, but from the sounds of it you're meeting your macro's (but what ratio)..We'll get to that in a min...

Let's look at your training; Seems like this routine is not fit for your genetics, when it concerns what muscle fiber is more activated (white vs red)..Some People can respond amazingly well to all sorts of routines, just because this 5x5 worked exceptionally well for someone else, it doesn't mean it's entire for you.... Your intentions may be to add size/growth, but you could be unknowingly neglecting a large percentage of stimulation in which your genetics made to be more dominate..
This is why training routines are customized and individualized, because particular training methods will recruit more fibers per the routine that's adequate for that individual optimizing in maximum efficiency (stimulation).. I would suggest changing your routine, just my humble opinion!

I seen guys grow like a weed with high reps, and get the best pumps, yet hardly respond to high weight low rep, regardless if the intensity and volume..


In regards to your macro's... what percentage of that meets 4k?

example,here's mine.. 3,700 cals give or take - Total grams - 375ish protein, 375 carbs, 88 fat
Cals - 1450 protein, 1500 carbs , 790+ fat

Brakedown 40ish% protein, 40ish% carbs, 20ish% fat
Sorry son, but elevated estrogen levels will make one bloat(fat) before a specific training routine will.

Agreed, but he complained about not gaining any muscle and I think it's clear that it's his training that is yielding poor results. I didn't imply any bloat was due to his training.
I agree with you all....

First of all he is using a strength progression program - when his No.1 aim is to add muscle.

By all means start your sessions with some structured progressive lifting, but the last 25-30 mins of your session needs to be balls to the wall volume, hypertrophy training using supersets, drop sets, rest-pause work etc etc - with your sole aim being to trash the target muscle into submission...

Then get out, rest, eat and grow.

Secondly, the fact that he hasn't mentioned an AI in his original post rings the alarm bells with regard to raised E2, however he has mentioned bloodwork, so perhaps he just forget to mention his E2 reading....?

Some people can get away with no AI on 500mg Test per week - but in my experience, not many - so it should always be used at a conservative dose and tweaked accordingly.

With regard to his nutrition split, it's not ideal - but that won't be the reason he isn't growing.
More than enough protein for growth and recovery, the rest is up for the debate.
By all means start your sessions with some structured progressive lifting, but the last 25-30 mins of your session needs to be kettleballs to the wall volume, hypertrophy training using supersets, drop sets, rest-pause work etc etc - with your sole aim being to trash the target muscle into submission...

Just wanted to add a correction for one part you missed Ben. :-)
I concur with everything Ben just said....

Chances of this being diet-related is minimal if in fact the information provided by the original poster is on point...

Starting with some Progressive movements and ending with targeting would be ideal for stimulation and to maximize growth, fuck the secondaries just put more emphasis on targeting for now...

Focus on, mechanical tension ( starting you're left with Progressive movements)... ********* stress ( make 2/3 of your routine targeting, drop sets or supersets ).... muscular damage ( focused on your rest and Recovery and meeting your Macros )....

Get in your BCAAs, and pre and post-workout nutrition ( carbs and protein )
Id say its MAILY a diet issue honesly. Training methods and routines aren't s critical when 'on', he should be growing no matter what he does, even if it is a strength routine, he is still damaging muscle fibers, provided he is doing the exercises correctly. Now, I would not pick a routine such as 5x5 as my first pick, especially only 3x per week, and at week 9 a stall in progress isn't surprising. A training program geared towards hypertrophy 5x week would be MUCH better and give better results.

Now, as far as you diet goes. First thing, that is WAAAYYYY too much protein. What does your macronutrient set up look like (amount of Pro, fat, and carbs consumed each day) if you do n fact have one set up. If we don't know this we can only assume what going on and really offer no help.

And like soldier said, I don't see any mention of an AI being used. This could also be part of the problem.
With regard to his nutrition split, it's not ideal - but that won't be the reason he isn't growing.
More than enough protein for growth and recovery, the rest is up for the debate.

If he isn't eating any carbs or fats, ending him up in a deficit, then hes fucked. Hell never grow on 500g of protein a day if hes still not meeting his caloric needs :)

Come to think of it, that's probably what is going on right there actually. Test with no AI plus a caloric muscle gain with water and fat gain.
He's on 4000kcals a day brother!

That aint no deficit :)

Oh for fuck sake, lol, how the heck did I over look that. Good call. Id like to see a macro breakdown though, to see if it is in fact a 4000 a day intake. A lot of guys think they are eating 4000 but arent even coming close, and if he doesnt know his macro breakdown then 4000 doesn't mean anything :) Something tells me this might be the case. What is going on makes no sense. I gained 10 lbs in 10 days on 4000 at the start of my bulk, no fat, glycogen and water with probably a pound or two of muscle, but no fat. So, something is fucked up here. Even if his training is subpar he should still be gaining muscle. Heck, you can gain muscle, albeit very little, on AAS without training whatsoever.
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If he isn't eating any carbs or fats, ending him up in a deficit, then hes fucked. Hell never grow on 500g of protein a day if hes still not meeting his caloric needs :)

Come to think of it, that's probably what is going on right there actually. Test with no AI plus a caloric muscle gain with water and fat gain.

But he stated he's meeting 4k in cals...

He's meeting all the requirements for growth, yet no progression? IMO, he needs to manipulate his training, not his diet.. If his diet is on point and training is too, then he's in the right anabolic condition for satellite cell activation and subsequent proliferation, but it's clear that his training is failing to generate new muscle fibres, provided the addition of his macro's.. He's routine/response to the present resistance training ( his attempts to induce hypertrophy ) has failed to show satellite cells activation/ regeneration of new muscle fibres..

to the OP - My suggestion.. Ditch your routine.. get more fluids, in corp BCAA's, get more fats (it will increase IGF-1 bioavailability), last be not least toss in some sups such as a cortisol blocker,cortisol can greatly effect protein synthesis, if elevated)
Also, when you suggested that your Test is legit due to bloods, can you post your results so we can see your e1/e2 levels, and free test are?I'm also ponder were your SHBG is at..
Oh for fuck sake, lol, how the heck did I over look that. Good call. Id like to see a macro breakdown though, to see if it is in fact a 4000 a day intake. A lot of guys think they are eating 4000 but arent even coming close, and if he doesnt know his macro breakdown then 4000 doesn't mean anything :) Something tells me this might be the case. What is going on makes no sense. I gained 10 lbs in 10 days on 4000 at the start of my bulk, no fat, glycogen and water with probably a pound or two of muscle, but no fat. So, something is fucked up here. Even if his training is subpar he should still be gaining muscle. Heck, you can gain muscle, albeit very little, on AAS without training whatsoever.

That's funn y. I can't remember which sticky thread it is but one of them shows a study with two groups on x amount of test, one group works out the other group doesn't and both gained muscle at the end.
That's funn y. I can't remember which sticky thread it is but one of them shows a study with two groups on x amount of test, one group works out the other group doesn't and both gained muscle at the end.

I know which one your speaking of, i believe it was conducting in 98 if im not mistake..
But he stated he's meeting 4k in cals...

He's meeting all the requirements for growth, yet no progression? IMO, he needs to manipulate his training, not his diet.. If his diet is on point and training is too, then he's in the right anabolic condition for satellite cell activation and subsequent proliferation, but it's clear that his training is failing to generate new muscle fibres, provided the addition of his macro's.. He's routine/response to the present resistance training ( his attempts to induce hypertrophy ) has failed to show satellite cells activation/ regeneration of new muscle fibres..

to the OP - My suggestion.. Ditch your routine.. get more fluids, in corp BCAA's, get more fats (it will increase IGF-1 bioavailability), last be not least toss in some sups such as a cortisol blocker,cortisol can greatly effect protein synthesis, if elevated)
Also, when you suggested that your Test is legit due to bloods, can you post your results so we can see your e1/e2 levels, and free test are?I'm also ponder were your SHBG is at..

Refer to post #15 :)