wow I eat that much by lunch
If the op does NOT want all the size and just wants to be lean and ripped why is he even using steroids? water will flatten him out and imo a proper training regime and bang on diet will achieve what he is looking for. This seems like another example of "someone told me to so I will"
Didn't you know? AAS makes dreams of becoming that fitness model with a 7 figure salary and a harem come true WITHOUT having to lift a single weight! Doesn't matter what diet or current stats are - it's just THAT magical!![]()
Brother I'm broke as a joke and I eat 350 grams of protein Ed and 500 g carbs when I bulk and the key to that is cupons walmart and reduced price meats go shopping earley on Sunday's like 8 am the meat department puts 50% off or better on meat that is going out of date and rice is cheap as hell get ur carbs up and increase the protein really and u will be happy I'm not flaming u just trying to helpu know what friend, I am not from a rich family, I save, a Lot, from all my basic needs and I save money for my diet and all gym stuff, I was 110 kg wen I started to gym now I am 78 kg wd 16 %bodyfat , a year I am dieting quit well, and but still I am not geting good results so, frustrated, pls some body giv me a total diet and workout routine so that I will get good results plsss
And 5 kgs in 8 weeks isn't to bad anyway
Get yourself some mass gainer protein I'm getting 1800 calories 70 grams of protein and 230 carbs from 1 shake plus 3 to 4 meals a day
Yea man true but I need those shity calories Im bulking I'm only sitting at about 73 kgs had a bad motorbike accident and lost a fair bit of weight not being able to train and being put on pain meds but your right chicken is the way to go I just need a little something for in between that
Yea I get your point man I usually get those egg whites and make up scrambled eggs for breakfasts with a few pieces of whole meal bread then a shake about mid mourning then usually something fatty for lunch hamburger or something like that then a bit of tuna when I get home then usually chicken breast or steak for dinner then usually a shake post workout
But something healthier than the shakes would be good because when I have one I can't do much for 45min to and hour it's feels like I've just eaten a loaf of bread
Its just a bit of a mission trying to eat so much when your stuck at work and only get 2 brakes to eat a day as all you boys would know . I'll give the egg whites in the shake a go how do they taste haha and can't you get food poisoning from eating raw eggs ???
More food would go well between all that. Weight gainer shakes are junk. Shit, I don't even use any shakes. Get yourself some low fat chocolate milk and cartons of egg whites. I mix ten oz egg whites in a shaker cup and fill it up with milk. I'm sure you could add all kinds of stuff to that but you get the idea. It's cheap and simple...