

New member
By far, i believe i got everything down pat information wise to convert most of my stuff, except for NPP.

Im assuming that i would convert NPP similar to test prop?

Test enan, deca and eq are converted using only oil...
Test prop and possibly NPP with 5% Ba and 15% BB
Winny using Peg400 and Ba/BB -- waiting for ld50's final results
Masteron with 3% Ba and 9%BB

let me know what ur thoughts of NPP are...

masteron has a prop ester and you can make the test prop the same as you did masteron. might be a little less painful with lower ba. ive never used npp but im guessin its gonna be very similar.
gymphreak said:
someone delete posts from this thread??

I think there were some issues with the board and several posts were lost.

Anyway. just go 5%ba and 15%bb for the npp. should be fine.

Also, don't bother w/ my Winstrol (winny) recipe unless you have an issue w/ p400. Just go 100% p400 or add 2%ba for peace of mind, if it is an issue.

BTW i have the final pics/results on my Winstrol (winny) at the Winstrol (winny) thread
ill probably go with the 100% p400, but thatd be a whole lotta easier...will it be suspendable? or will it be milky? i was hoping i could achieve a clear Winstrol (winny) sol'n.
gymphreak said:
ill probably go with the 100% p400, but thatd be a whole lotta easier...will it be suspendable? or will it be milky? i was hoping i could achieve a clear Winstrol (winny) sol'n.

"suspendable" is milky weed hopper. solution is clear. and thats what it will be :D
Well, my first bath was NPP.

50mls @100mg/ml 3.5%BA/8%BB

I've started with only 3%BA/5%BB but after a week it begin to cristallize so I've upped BB to 10% and added a little BA solving the problem.

Almost painless.

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Im thinking of trying Dazed sol'n for NPP....ive heard that if this is used with prop and masteron, its nearly painless..(according to House1)