NTBM DAA on sale for $20!!


Jacked and Tan
NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid).

If you read the popular muscle magazines then you've probably heard all about D-Aspartic Acid already. But even if you do, here's a refresher course. Aspartic acid (also known as D-Aspartic acid, or simply DAA) is a nonessential amino acid involved in the synthesis of testosterone (1). It gained prominence when a group of Italian researchers noted that the administration of DAA results in the enhancement of testosterone synthesis as well as its release. That study, performed at the University of Naples over the course of 12 days, found that testosterone increased by more than 40 percent.
In the pituitary gland DAA can boost the concentration of Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), a messenger that transfers signals in the pituitary from otherhormones. Elevated cGMP translates to an increase in Luteinizing hormone (LH), which initiates the release of testosterone. DAA is a great product with some great science behind it, and this is exactly why needtobuildmuscle has added DAA to our line up.
Often because of the relatively large dose involved (3 grams), most reputable supplement companies have chosen to sell this amino acid in a 100 gram container of powder, with a scoop for dosing, instead of the more traditional pill-form seen with other test boosters. This means you'll be able to dump a scoop into your favorite preworkout shake (which we already know is N2KTS) or even mix a dose into your post workout shake - either way, the extra testosterone will help with your workouts, speed up your recovery, and with one simple scoop can be added to your supplement program with ease.
Needtobuildmuscle is dedicated to bringing you nothing but the very best supplements money can buy. We are the brand you trust because we put heart and sole into every supplement we make brining you nothing but perfection. Our customers know NTBM does it right or not at all.
awesome product and top quality daa, always have a pot of this at the ready and features in my post cycle therapy (pct) everytime.
have to grab afew tubs at this price, save them for my future activities lol :rolleyes: