Thank you!! I can't stand a wImIn ShOuLdNt dO ThAt BuT i cAn ass bitch... mAtT can eat a dick, idc what he thinks is "discusting". Tbh I find his pic ugly as shit too, so ok whatever lol.
Anyway I came back to update. Been cruising for the last few months, and it's been meh.. I'm now realizing why ppl take other things along with the test and that test by itself isn't nearly as fun as test mixed with other things. With that being said, I'll either stay on this for a few more weeks then blast for about 5 weeks for a meet or start blasting again next week.
Sides aren't bad, possibly cause it's such a small dose and just this one thing, not test and the few others I did last cycle. I do feel bloated as shit at 171 and am looking forward to going back to test P soon. The possible cycle I have in mind is:
this week: add EQ to test E
8wks out: add Primo
6wks out: add deca and var
5wks out: switch to test P
1wk out: superdrol
meet day: cheq drops
possibly throw some mast in there somewhere, but I'm not sure how/ when yet...
I've gotten some feedback from various ppl, but a lot of it is contradictory to each other so basically we still doing trial and error.
Feel free to make suggestions on this.
As for blood, I finally gave some a few weeks ago and I'm gonna also get some bloodwork done soon. So far I found some on Stan Efferding's site and a couple others but if someone knows of something cost effective that would test the right things, lmk.
EDIT: This was supposed to be a reply to Mycelium.
Anyway I came back to update. Been cruising for the last few months, and it's been meh.. I'm now realizing why ppl take other things along with the test and that test by itself isn't nearly as fun as test mixed with other things. With that being said, I'll either stay on this for a few more weeks then blast for about 5 weeks for a meet or start blasting again next week.
Sides aren't bad, possibly cause it's such a small dose and just this one thing, not test and the few others I did last cycle. I do feel bloated as shit at 171 and am looking forward to going back to test P soon. The possible cycle I have in mind is:
this week: add EQ to test E
8wks out: add Primo
6wks out: add deca and var
5wks out: switch to test P
1wk out: superdrol
meet day: cheq drops
possibly throw some mast in there somewhere, but I'm not sure how/ when yet...
I've gotten some feedback from various ppl, but a lot of it is contradictory to each other so basically we still doing trial and error.
Feel free to make suggestions on this.
As for blood, I finally gave some a few weeks ago and I'm gonna also get some bloodwork done soon. So far I found some on Stan Efferding's site and a couple others but if someone knows of something cost effective that would test the right things, lmk.
EDIT: This was supposed to be a reply to Mycelium.