Nude girls inside!!!!!!!

HAHAHA it went no where man. Im in a back row in my class right now, with this fine little number. Got a blocked off computer desk setup built for 2. And shes looking up some dirty shit hahaha, so I thought I would partake in the festivities.

Going to see if I can get a rub down while were at it LMFAO
dear god im loving ur avi and your name... how great is this!!!

best idea Mrs. P ever came up with!

It's kindda of distracting at first, but once you get past the croocked teeth, limp hair,
& features you you can respond & contribute to a post... It's even funnier when he's responding to a serious post .... But I'm not enjoy it .....:angel2:
I clicked on it and went no where, man I had the towel and lotion ready to go, the lights were dimmed...... and NOTHING WTF!!!!!!!
yeah i saw that the link quit working lol WTF...oh well guess you guys will never know the nudi-ness that was in this thread.