Ok, what does one say when their girl asks if you take juice

Just tell them that you wouldn't do that, because not only are steroids bad for you, but they "shrink your dick." So many females believe this but the funny thing is Steroids make your dick bigger and harder. So pump a couple grams of test, deny everything, and fuck her brains out 4 times in the same night.
Golden_Muscle said:
You should have asked her if she is on birth control.

Why would a guy asking the girl he's dating whether or not she's on the pill be offensive? I ask as soon as it's relevant (ie. around the time a nipple makes its first appearance.)

grafix - Adebisi!
my first girl i did............ and well lets just say......... i wont be making that mistake twice.......
grafix-gnc said:
thats the dude from the HBO show "OZ", cant remember his name, its a weird name, that fuckin hat never falls of

his real name is Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. if he changed it he would be the next mel gibson!!
It's obvious I take shit!!!lol!!!!

I don't tell them, I tell them that I eat a lot and I workout for hours he he.
its nobodys business anyways. when people come to my house and see how much shit i take they dont even believe me. i have a fuckin farmacy of viatmins, minerals, herbs, roots, balms, and oils and nobody really believes i take all that shit. just basic shit like vitamin c and golden seal root, ginseng, green tea... everyone is like whats that for and what is this for. its nobodies business what we put in our bodies. fuck them, i dont tell anyone unless they are really close. like my girl who i live with. my folks and shit. other than that, i will bulshit a bitch or any fool all day and deny deny deny. i just tell them to come to the gym with me whenever they like or to come see how i eat or what time i go to bed. besides, having a fuckin farmacy of natural products vitamins and mineral handy, as well as my tubs of protein and creatine makes an explaination easy. i just ask, do you take all this shit? well i do. nobody believes it. incidentally i ran into some friends today who i hadnt seen for a month and a half. im 2 weeks into a cycle and they are telling me my neck is bigger and my arms are huge. im gonna start wearing sweaters and loose clothing. cause when the shit hits and i start gaining, someone is gonna be assuming and they are gonna be right.
Well I'll just have to drop a couple of D-bols into her milk for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I'll ask her if she is taking steroids, when she begins to get huge traps and so forth. HEHE. Well i told you guys one time before what happened to me and my exfiance where she found my used syringe and broken amp. where she went down to the gym to throw the stuff at me and yell at m as to why I take steroids, thank goodness I left 5 minutes before she arrived!!!! But at home she smashed ALL my gear, and yelled at me like a child, and threatened to go to the police to report it!!! after that about 1 month later, i said screw you an we split, Thank goodness. HAppier now!!! Okay so i would have to feel the girl out first and then decide if i want to tell her. I guess I will just say that steroids are bad, no way!!! and continue dropping 25 mg of DBOL into her milk every day!!!!!!!!
that fuckin sucks. women are fuckin vicious. my girl found some pornography once and ripped every fuckin magazine to pieces and went nuts. im lucky she is more understanding about the gear or i guess she would be out in the street on her ass. i fuckin hate control freaks. youre better off alone.
I can't stand control freaks, thats what they are FREAKS! I'm on 1000mg of test right now, and I feel so good, forget the women, if they want me then they'll come get me!!!
I just broke it to my girl that I am goin to use AAS...she doesnt know about the first cycle under my belt...I have been with her for 5 yrs though...to my HUGE surprise she was like..yeah go for it..haha ohhhh shit I get the free pass to RIPPAGE..haha...cant wait for the Test cycle..she is gonna love it..
Thunder said:
I just broke it to my girl that I am goin to use AAS...she doesnt know about the first cycle under my belt...I have been with her for 5 yrs though...to my HUGE surprise she was like..yeah go for it..haha ohhhh shit I get the free pass to RIPPAGE..haha...cant wait for the Test cycle..she is gonna love it..

Thunder... you lucky bastard.......... you wanna swap for 12 weeks just untill my next cycle is finished..........:D
I had to come clean when my girlfriend walked into my bedreoom and saw needle stuck in my ass. I did not think that she would buy the vit b12 story. Anyways she was concerned about my health but that soon faded as she much prefers having a ripped muscular body to feel at night - now she gives me my shots!
My gf would freak out if she knew. She's an MD. Maybe I could get her to talk to Swale though and then she wouldn't be so down on it.

You could always shoot some test and drop half an anavar in her drink. Then when she gets horny as hell from the anavar tell her she has to suck you off and then suck you back up before you'll fuck her. She'd be a regular junior hoover on that bad boy.
Not the right girl for you if she won't let you do your own thing. Thats one thing I love about my GF. I told her I was gonna make tren and that I might be an asshole for a couple of weeks and she was like "thats ok". She isn't stupid either, she scored over 150 points higher on her SAt then I did. 1340 she had. but she sounds just like a piece of ass anyway so why say anything. Good luck
i told my girl the truth...and she tells me to stay on the test all year round..i bottom her out everyday all night....i fucking love test.....argh...............................
