12 week weight gainer

Monday March 29/04

-Could have been better, i'm pretty broke right now so i gotta eat what i got, and it ain't always much.

-FINALLY did Shoulders and abs... really didn't feel like going, but i pushed myself.
Military Press (barbell), first set was 80lbs for 10 reps, then 2 sets of 115 for 6 reps (went down but i've been slacking, so its understandable), then did one last set with the 80lb bar for 10 reps.
Side, Front, and Back Lateral Raises, did 4 sets for each (1 warm up with the 20's-25's) and 3 sets of each with the 30's (for back lat raises i only did the 25's for my "heavy set", which was pathetic, but i was so tired and out of shape feeling today).
Dumbbell Shrugs, first set with the 65's for 12 reps, then the 85's for 8 reps, then the 90's for 7 reps, then supersetted that with the 65's for 8 reps.

just did 2 sets of about 20 reps of decline sit ups with my buddy throwin the 12 pound medicine ball

-I think it's time i switch up my ab exercises a bit, and actually focus harder on them when i work them out.
Glad i made it to the gym today, felt pretty decent, although i was feeling so weak and out of shape.
Been feeling kind of weird/depressed again,,,, not really sure why, but i'm sure not going to the gym the last few days and all this shit going on with my friends and the ex and how the girlfriend is reacting to it all is fucking with me a bit. Plus my car is all fucked, i wanna quit my job, but i'm not really sure where i do want to work (if i'm ready to start working at a gym yet) instead,,, i feel like if i start working at a gym i'm basically getting ready for my career, and haha, it's stupid but i just want one last summer of being young and not having to grow up, but i don't see that happening.... fuck it, legs tomorrow.
Tuesday March 30/04

-Could have been better, not eating enough.

-Did legs today,
first set with 135 for 12 reps, then 185 for 10 reps, then 225 for 7 reps, then dropped to 135 for 10 reps.
Leg Press:
first set 270lbs for 12 reps, then 450lbs for 8 reps, then 540lbs for 6 reps, dropped down to 360lbs for last set doing 8 reps.
Leg Extensions:
first set with 105lbs for 10 reps, then 150lbs for 8 reps (2 sets).
Leg Curls:
first set with 90lbs for 10 reps, then 120lbs for 7 reps, then 105lbs for 8 reps.
Standing Calve Raises:
first set with 200lbs for 12 reps, then 300lbs for 8 reps (2 sets) then dropped back to 200lbs for 8 reps.

Legs hurt like a mother fucker, my squat went up in strength, hopefully everything else will too, my legs are weak and small.

-Good leg workout today, didn't eat as much as i should have though, but the whole not much money thing is hurtin me on that one.
My girlfriend is all depressed (but won't really tell anyone why), her and her sisters are all fuckin moody, i couldn't even stand to be around her today, and i haven't seen her in 2 days, pretty sad.
I ran into this girl i wanted to start seeing like 2 months ago, but i only got to say "Hey" and wave cause i was driving by her, when she saw me she had a huge smile on her face... i think i'm gonna start talking to her just in case i get fed up with the girl i'm with now... cause she looked pretty fuckin good tonight when i saw her (ahh, she always looked good, but she looked really good tonight for some reason)... gotta keep the options open no matter what.

Gonna hit the gym around noon tomorrow, doing Chest, Triceps and Abs,,, it'll be 2 days behind when i should be doing that workout, but i'll catch back up. Till then.
Wednesday March 31/04

-Shit,,, should have ate more,,, i'm living off of vitamins, protein shakes, and protein bars... not good.

-Did Chest, Triceps and Abs
Bench Press:
first set of 135lbs for 12 reps, then 185 for 9 reps, then 225 for 5 reps, then dropped back to 135 for 8 reps (so weak today)
Incline dumbbell press:
first set of 60's for 10 reps, then 90's for 3 reps (felt SO weak, started to get dizzy), grabbed the 80's for 7 reps, then 60's again for 6 reps.
Flat bench Dumbbell Flys:
first set of 30's for 10 reps, then 2 sets of 45's for 6-7 reps.

Skullcrushers (barbell):
first set with 50lbs for 10 reps, then 2 sets of 70lbs for 6 reps, did a drop set on the last one with 40lbs for 7 reps.
Rope Pushdowns:
first set with 60lbs for 12 reps, then 80lbs for 8 reps, then 100lbs for 7 reps.

threw ball (12 pound medicine ball), 2 sets of about 20 reps, painful.

-Well my eating was terrible today, my workout was weak and i felt shitty, triceps was alright though.
Broke up with the girl tonight before work,,, girls got some fuckin issues and i can't deal with it right now... was supposed to call her tonight after i got off work, but fuck it. Maybe i'll call her tomorrow sometime, but i don't even know if i will then. She's supposed to come out with me this Sat. night to my aunts wedding reception before we go out for my birthday,,, but i dunno what's going on now. Fuck it, plenty of pussy out there.

Back, Biceps and Calves tomorrow. till then.
Thursday April 1/04

-Pretty decent today actually, got more food in then i have been.

-Back and Biceps.
Wide Grip Chins:
did one set of 8 reps
Lat pulldowns:
2 sets of wide grip, both for about 8 reps at 150lbs, then 2 sets of close grip (overhand) at 150lbs for 7 reps and 120lbs for 10 reps.
Seated Cable Rows:
first set of 140lbs for 12 reps, then 200lbs for 7 reps, then 180lbs for 6 reps and dropped to 120lbs for 6 reps.
Incline Dumbbell rows:
first set with 45's for 10 reps, then 2 sets with 60's for 7 reps, then dropped to the 40's for 8 reps.
Did hyperextensions, 3 sets holding a 25lb dumbbell, about 12 reps then squeezed out 4 more reps without the weight.

Barbell curls:
first set 70lbs for 10 reps, then 100lbs for 5 reps, then 100lbs for 6 reps, dropped to the 60lb bar for 8 reps.
Standing Dumbbell Curls:
45's for 5 reps, then 40's for 7 reps, then ran into someone and talked too much.
Then i supersetted prechur curls (dumbbells) and cable curls with a straight bar,, was doing the 30's for 6 reps for prechurs and 100lbs for the cable. did 3 sets of each.

-For some reason i feel like i didn't have that good of a pump today... not sure what it was, but it's like my muscle's just got tired instead of getting a burn... made no sense.

Day of rest tomorrow, i'll need it anyway cause i work all fuckin day.
Friday April 2/04

-Half decent, could always be better.

-Day of rest, just did 2 sets of 25 pushups before work.

-Worked a LONG shift, then it was a boring night.

Shoulders tomorrow.
Sunday April 4/04

-complete shit.

-hahahha no... no training today.

-God damn, had a blast last night for my birthday,,,, but now the real world is back and my life is fucked..... my buddy's ex girlfriend is now thinking of calling my buddy up and seeing if he'd be cool with me and her hooking up. Right now she's gone out and im waitin for her to get back so we can talk about this... i told her its a bad idea cause i could end up losing 2 friends out of it. I told her i'm lookin more for a good time but she's lookin for a relationship, and i was like "Well that's no good cause i'd obviously be a rebound and i don't wanna get emotionally attached because of it" and she said she'd never use me, blah blah.... my brain is a mess right now. I can't wait until tomorrow cause i'm hittin the gym, shoulders... till then... fuck.
Wednesday April 7/04

I feel like i've been letting myself go for too long now. I don't feel like i've been hitting the gym enough or taking this stuff very seriously at all. So i'm gonna go do a light shoulders workout upstairs before i go to work, and tomorrow i'm gonna do chest and back, mix up the workout a little to by monday i'll be back on track and get VERY serious. Gonna do a few weeks of Andro to finish off what i have, then cycle some creatine for about 6 weeks, then by then i'm gonna consider going on the juice. Thought about takin dbols and Winstrol (winny), but might just do test and Winstrol (winny). Still not sure if i even will. Only time will tell. Time to get serious tomorrow though.
Thursday April 8/04

Had a piece of pizza so far today.

Went to sleep at about 8 this morning, hooked up with my buddy's ex last night and this morning. Trouble might be brewin, but i dunno, i don't think so, only she really wants a relationship, said she's had a thing for me for a LONG time,,, no good. Whatever, can't turn back, no regrets,,, GOTTA hit the gym tomorrow.
Friday April 9/04

Fucking christ,,,, i gotta get serious soon,,, went out last night, wasn't gonna drink but ended up drinking quite a bit,,, we were the last ones to leave the bar when it closed. Then went back to a friends place, played guitar and smoked for a while (we sang songs about how we loved cocaine, it was our way of making fun of our 2 friends doing it in the kitchen,,, ah it was good times), while 2 other people were doing cocaine and i had to drive one girl home,,, we left at like just before 6 in the morning, but she was all fucked up and just wanted to sit around and talk. We just smoked cigarettes for like an hour and a half,,, i got home just after 7:30 this morning,,, fucked up sleep is messin with me. Tonight i'm for sure gonna get proper sleep and try so hard to have energy for the gym tomorrow.
i think its Sunday April 11/04

Diet has been shit for the past few days, so has my sleep and i haven't trained at all.

I think i've gotten about 10-15 hours sleep in the last 4 days, and over the last 2 nights it's only been 1 hour on Sat. morning from about 8:00am-9:00am. But it's almost 2:00am on sunday morning and i'm going the fuck to sleep finally... i hope i sleep all day tomorrow and get back into the regular routine on Monday.
Monday April 12/04

-Pretty fuckin good for a change, just keep eating, gettin in lots of protein, had my fat boy shake (1500 calories), 8 egg whites, protein shake, almonds, and some other shit, vitamins even, and 50mg andro.

-Chest, Triceps and Abs
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press:
First set of 50's for 10 reps, then 80's for 8 reps, then 100's for 4 reps, then one more set of the 100's for 5 reps.
Decline Dumbbell Press:
2 sets of the 80's for 7-8 reps, then a set with the 40's for 12 reps.
Cable Flys:
first set at 45lbs for about 12 reps, then 60lbs for 8-10 reps (can't remember now), then 75lbs for 6 reps, then 45lbs for a few more reps.

Close Grip Bench:
3 sets of 135 for 8 reps (painful)
first set with 60lb dumbbell for 10 reps, then 80lbs for 8 reps, then 70lbs for 8 reps.
Dips (using 2 benches and plates on legs for weight):
first set with just a 45lb plate, did about 8 reps, then 4 more without the weight, then i did a set with a 45lb plate and a 25lb plate on that, did 6 reps, took off the 25, then did 8 more reps, took off the 45, then did 4 reps with no weight.

For abs i just did 2 sets of sit ups with my buddy throwing me the 12lb medicine ball, but i caught it above my head and went down and up really slow and did about 8-10 reps each set, it was painful.

-Wicked to work out again... i dropped the 80lb dumbbell on my left side of my stomach doing a set, i lost it on the way down at the end of the set, should have just dropped them on the floor.... ah well, back and bi's and calves tomorrow.
Tuesday April 13/04


-Didn't go to the gym today.

-Took today off, chest was still sore, but i stayed up retardedly late again and didn't get much food in me today, it was pretty shitty, but i've done this a few times lately and it's really starting to piss me off, so i think it's time for a change for the better.

Back, Bi's and Calves tomorrow
Saturday April 17/04

-Half decent

-Haven't trained since the last time, did a few sets of sit ups and pushups,,, that's it, but gym for sure tomorrow.

-Staying up TOO late for the last bit, new girl is crazy, doesn't sleep much, party's too much. AND i just found out she's got mono,,, FUCK if i get mono i'm gonna be pissed...

i THINK i'm gonna go on a cycle of test for 10 weeks starting within a month,, but i really gotta get back to being very serious in the gym before hand... fuck i swear to god if i have mono i'm gonna kill someone.

Back and bi's tomorrow
Sunday April 18/04

-Pretty good today,,, must start keeping track of what i eat or at least how many calories i'm getting in a day.

-Did back, bi's and calves

Lat pulldowns:
4 sets, 2 wide grip, 2 close grip (all overhand grip), did about 165lbs for most of the sets.

Seated Cable Rows:
3 sets, went as high as 180lbs for 7 reps.

T-Bar Rows:
3 sets, first with 135lbs, then i tried 180lbs, couldn't hold myself up (fuckin bitch i am), so i stuck with 135lbs again, then did a last set with 90lbs.

3 sets, first with 135lbs, then 2 sets of 185lbs (gonna hit 225lbs SOON for sure, just been a while since i've done dead's so i took it easy today)

Straight Barbell Curls:
first set with 70lb bar, then 2 sets with the 100lb bar for about 5-6 reps, then a last set with the 60lb bar for about 10 reps.

Standing dumbbell curls:
3 sets, first one with 40lbs, then 45lbs, then 30lbs (holding the flex in the opposite arm being worked, then switching up)

Dumbbell Prechur Curls:
3 sets of about 8 reps with the 30lb dumbbell

Seated Calve Raises:
3 sets with 70lbs (hey it's a start)

-Pretty good workout today actually, finally got in calves into my workout on back and bi day like i should have been, did dead lifts,,, but next time i do biceps i'm gonna switch it up, i haven't really been doing that with bi's.

Shoulders and abs tomorrow.
Monday April 19/04

-Pretty good, got a lot of food in today.

-Shoulders and abs

Military press (dumbbell):
40's for 10, 55's for 8, then 2 sets of the 65's for 6, then 40's for 6.

Side Lat Raises:
25's for 10, 2 sets of 35's for 6, then 20's for 8.

Front Lat Raises:
30's for 10, 2 sets of the 35's for 7-8.

Back Lat Raises:
2 sets of 25's for 10, 1 set of 30's for 8.

65's for 10, 85's for 8, 70's for 8.

Hanging Leg Raises:
3 sets of 12 reps.

Situps (ball throw):
3 sets of 10-20 with the 12lb medicine ball

-Good workout today, but upperback (in the middle) and neck have been sore all night. Don't matter, legs tomorrow anyway.
Tuesday April 20/04

-Pretty good, got quite a bit of food in, i'm trying to eat until i just can't eat anymore.

-Well, i jumped around on a trampoline with my girl's 2 little cousins (ages 5 and 9), fuck, i've never been on one before so it was different, uneasy feeling in my stomach on the way down, but it was weird, i could feel it for cardio and my abs felt it a bit.

-Trampoline is half decent for a workout when you got 2 little kids forcing you to not stop playing on it... fuckin bastards!!!
Legs tomorrow.
Thursday April 22/04

-It was alright, woke up late, didn't get to eat much, got stuck in traffic for about an hour after the gym, now i'm late for work.

-Chest, Tri's and abs
Bench Press:
got up to 245 for 2 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press:
Got up to the 90's for about 6 or 7 reps.
Incline Fly's:
Got up to the 55's for 5 reps

Supersetted Rope Pushdowns and Straight Bar Pushdowns, 3 sets of each, then did Dips (2 sets of 10 reps).

Then did 2 sets of about 10 reps throwing the ball on abs.

-Half decent workout, but i'm insanely late for work, gotta get some food in me first.

Maybe back and bi's and calves tomorrow.

Saturday April 24/04

-Pretty good, constantly hungry, keep eating.

-No training today.

-Started my 10 week cycle of Test, did 500mg's today (250 in each shoulder), my shoulders hurt like a mother fucker already, didn't help being at work lifting stuff all night. Tomorrow is gonna be a bitch, i'm pretty sure i'll just be doing legs.
Sunday April 25/04

-Pretty decent just tryin to keep eating as much as i can.

-No training today.

-REALLY feelin the injection from yesterday today. I had to sleep sitting up and whenever anything touches my shoulders it kills. Didn't help that i went out drinking last night and was at a really busy bar and everyone kept bumping into me, fuckin killed. I could hardly even move my arms this morning, but it's not almost supper time and their doing a bit better. It was really hard to shower. IF i workout tomorrow it'll be legs, that's for sure. Gonna keep eating tonight and just go watch a movie, keepin it simple. Hopefully legs tomorrow if i'm up for it.
bigbuffstaples said:

Saturday April 24/04

-Pretty good, constantly hungry, keep eating.

-No training today.

-Started my 10 week cycle of Test, did 500mg's today (250 in each shoulder), my shoulders hurt like a mother fucker already, didn't help being at work lifting stuff all night. Tomorrow is gonna be a bitch, i'm pretty sure i'll just be doing legs.

just do it one shot in the ass. that aint but 2-2.5ml. unless you doin no ester or short ester. i routinely do up to 6ml in one shot in the glutes. if you got long ester test it should not be hurting unles you got 400mg/ml or higher.