People are asking if I'm on the juice

DougoeFre5h said:
I get a LOT of jealous hecklers at parties and shit if something goes down and I gotta handle things I immediatly get the "roid raging" comments and shit. Or how about when the first thing someone says is...what are you on these days. Honestly our community is the only group of people who really respect the work we put in. The others can suck a fat dick for all I care. When average guys see someone with actual muscle on thier frame they get defensive to cover the fact that they dont look as good. Its fucking gay, I give bigger guys all the respect in the world for achieving something we all want.

I got guys harrassing my girlfriend at work telling her my dick is tiny from steroids, all kinds of comments. Its funny how all this garners such negative attention for me. Anyone experience the same shit?

whoa whoa whoa... theirs other guys at your girlfriends work talking bad about you??? I know you dont want to get her fired but that just doesnt sound right to me, especially talkin bad about your dick, thats over the line. I am a really mellow guy and avoid alot of stuff, but man that just isnt right!
IF your not a fat fucker who sits and drinks beer all day and only does curls in the gym you are a juicer and a cheater....

All i say to people is man i wish i could get ahold of some of those, do you know how big i would be lol, works every time they usually jsut laugh with me.
DougoeFre5h said:
I got guys harrassing my girlfriend at work telling her my dick is tiny from steroids, all kinds of comments. Its funny how all this garners such negative attention for me. Anyone experience the same shit?

Good God Almighty, I have gotten the "penis shrinking" comments since high school. It's amazing the bullshit that can be spread and believed by the average person. Luckily I live in Canada and the laws and attitudes are quite less severe then in the US so I have a bit more ability to contest such proclamations. People pretty much assume that I am on steroids because of my size (although I don't have the definition of a bodybuilder) and sometimes feel the need to tell me about what they are doing to my body, including my genitals. Invariably it is a drunk female that feels compelled to do this. I just start talking about the various aspects of steroids and begin quoting research, etc. That usually bores them enough that they either drop the issue or just tell me that I'm stupid and leave. Either way is fine with me.
DougoeFre5h said:
I get a LOT of jealous hecklers at parties and shit if something goes down and I gotta handle things I immediatly get the "roid raging" comments and shit. Or how about when the first thing someone says is...what are you on these days. Honestly our community is the only group of people who really respect the work we put in. The others can suck a fat dick for all I care. When average guys see someone with actual muscle on thier frame they get defensive to cover the fact that they dont look as good. Its fucking gay, I give bigger guys all the respect in the world for achieving something we all want.

I got guys harrassing my girlfriend at work telling her my dick is tiny from steroids, all kinds of comments. Its funny how all this garners such negative attention for me. Anyone experience the same shit?

Yes I would say that we can be considered social outcasts in a lot of ways, however I don't mind it at all. I've actually grown to like it because frankly I could give two fucks about 99.9% of people and what they think. Within my own social circle I get a mix of respect and fear, in that order. If people talk about me it's behind my back which again, I couldn't care less about. The reason they hate is because they are afraid. Whenever I walk into a room full of people who don't know me they automatically assume I'm 2 seconds away from killing someone. It's hilarious really.
Aboot said:
Good God Almighty, I have gotten the "penis shrinking" comments since high school. It's amazing the bullshit that can be spread and believed by the average person. Luckily I live in Canada and the laws and attitudes are quite less severe then in the US so I have a bit more ability to contest such proclamations. People pretty much assume that I am on steroids because of my size (although I don't have the definition of a bodybuilder) and sometimes feel the need to tell me about what they are doing to my body, including my genitals. Invariably it is a drunk female that feels compelled to do this. I just start talking about the various aspects of steroids and begin quoting research, etc. That usually bores them enough that they either drop the issue or just tell me that I'm stupid and leave. Either way is fine with me.

Haha when I get the small penis stuff I think it's funny to tell people that the only reason I lift weights is to compensate for my small penis. That usually shuts them up :roll:
When anyone asks if I use AS I just start lecturing them about my diet. I go into ratios, saturated fats, the benifits of animal fats, good fat, bad fat, complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein timing, how many meals I eat a day, timing bowel movements...

I bascially try to bore them to death. People are usually trying to walk away and I chase them still talking about diet issues. They will never ask again.

This fat dude asked once and has he was walking away I was yelling at him that he would always be out of shape if he didn't count his calories, I just started screaming "YOU ARE FLYING BLIND MAN, YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE GOING."
DougoeFre5h said:
I got guys harrassing my girlfriend at work telling her my dick is tiny from steroids, all kinds of comments. Its funny how all this garners such negative attention for me. Anyone experience the same shit?

I'm referred guys at my girl's co-workers as "Arnold." They apparently use his accent at work when doing random stuff, and refer to me in code to each other. Its actually quite disturbing how involved this game is. I've heard to dick shrinking thing. Me and my girl know how big I am, so it doesn't bother me. They can be haters with their puny builds and below average penis size.
Aboot said:
Good God Almighty, I have gotten the "penis shrinking" comments since high school. It's amazing the bullshit that can be spread and believed by the average person. Luckily I live in Canada and the laws and attitudes are quite less severe then in the US so I have a bit more ability to contest such proclamations. People pretty much assume that I am on steroids because of my size (although I don't have the definition of a bodybuilder) and sometimes feel the need to tell me about what they are doing to my body, including my genitals. Invariably it is a drunk female that feels compelled to do this. I just start talking about the various aspects of steroids and begin quoting research, etc. That usually bores them enough that they either drop the issue or just tell me that I'm stupid and leave. Either way is fine with me.
I have actually had dumb fuks asked me if lifting weight makes your dick shrink...WTF. My neck of the woods is full of dumbs asses.
Golgo13 said:
This fat dude asked once and has he was walking away I was yelling at him that he would always be out of shape if he didn't count his calories, I just started screaming "YOU ARE FLYING BLIND MAN, YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE GOING."

berealjohn said:
I have actually had dumb fuks asked me if lifting weight makes your dick shrink...WTF. My neck of the woods is full of dumbs asses.

ahhhh the dreaded "gym cock"
i think you should be proud of your achievements.....lets face it anytime theres someone larger /bigger /better looking around jo fuckin average he gets scared and tries to discredit you to justify his own lack of personal development.....i take pride in my physique and health in a positive way and always try and be a positive person ...
since dedicating myself to weightlifting lifestyle my life has improved in so many ways........all of them positive.........
I agree with you to an extent...but im less flexable, and my joints always ache so that kinda limits say like i want to go do something fun with my friends I always have to tell myself not to, like play football at the park, or go jump off high rocks when you go camping, cause im afraid to injure myself and not be able to lift.
Jimmykick, i understand your argument and yes you have been dedicated for 20+ years and put your time in the gym and maintained a dedicated respect to you for that...but at the same time you are on a cycle and have added 20lbs of lean muscle you kind of shoot yourself in the foot there, i mean all the hard work and dedication you put in minus the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and your physique would be totally amazing natural physique maybe, but still nothing to compared to your chemically assisted physique of today right? SO of course your gonna get some reactions like that...but you shouldnt let it bother you cause you go through what you go through for yourself no one else, and if it does bother you maybe consider dropping those 20 lbs.
I really don't hide it when people ask ... I'm not ashamed of it and really don't give two shits about anyone's opinion. Usually, I get: "I'd like to do that." and I quickly suggest they trying actually lifting weights first.

Occaisionally there will be shit talkers, but I like them even more because over the years I have realized, the more a guy can bad mouth me to another girl, the more curious she gets about me. Indirectly, these guys help me get laid. Thanks, bro.

For those of you concerned about being too obvious about your juicing, buy some letro so your not gaining huge amounts of water and looking "fat" and then shrinking post cycle. The yo-yo effect is a dead give away.
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Jimmykick said:
I hang out in a youth sports community and the people I socialize with are typically out of shape parents and coaches. My friend came to me yesterday and said that 3 different people have asked him if I was taking steroids. Granted...I am on cycle of test/tren, I'm 40 and for a 40 yr old to look this good it IS unusual. What sucks is that although I KNOW I've taken steroids I have been extremely dedicated. I eat 6 times a day, have 250 grams of protein a day, work out 5 days, cardio 5 days, etc. I have added 20 lbs and kept my waist at 34 inches. I am 5-9, 218 lbs and 14% BF.

If someone found out that I was on the juice they would automatically think that I cheated my way to look good. I like to think of it as chemically assisted. Many don't realize that if you just take roids and don't have your diet, workout and sleep patterns down then they will not work or work as well as they should. I've busted my ass, hit new personal records and pushed myself. While I'm happy about what I see in the mirror, I'm pretty bummed out about the way people react to someone that gets themselves into great shape.

I been asked the same thing alot latley, i tell people no..I hate it, i don't like lying to people, but sometimes it's needed
never had that problem, ppl just think i'm getting fat, cause of water retention, then a few weeks after cycle i lean out heaps