12 week weight gainer

pullinbig said:
just do it one shot in the ass. that aint but 2-2.5ml. unless you doin no ester or short ester. i routinely do up to 6ml in one shot in the glutes. if you got long ester test it should not be hurting unles you got 400mg/ml or higher.

Well i dunno,,, my buddy has the same stuff and he did a shot in the ass (one in each cheek, 250mg in each one), and he was sore as fuck. Another friend did the shoulders, hurt bad like mine, then he did the legs next week, he couldn't walk for over a day, but now when he does his shoulders it's fine. I'm starting to feel a bit better, but i just keep poppin tylonal and passing out, i feel fucked but hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I think i'm gonna stick with the shoulders again next week. Thanks for the tip though.
bigbuffstaples said:
Well i dunno,,, my buddy has the same stuff and he did a shot in the ass (one in each cheek, 250mg in each one), and he was sore as fuck. Another friend did the shoulders, hurt bad like mine, then he did the legs next week, he couldn't walk for over a day, but now when he does his shoulders it's fine. I'm starting to feel a bit better, but i just keep poppin tylonal and passing out, i feel fucked but hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I think i'm gonna stick with the shoulders again next week. Thanks for the tip though.

what kinda test is it? you guys make it or is it mex/euro. also what ester is it?
Buff, no offense man, but what are you doing drinking while you're starting a cycle?
string_bean00 said:
Buff, no offense man, but what are you doing drinking while you're starting a cycle?
Agreed, alcohol decreases nitrogen retention...I think weed increases estro levels or something like that too. Not sure if I'm making up the weed part or not:p . Good luck man, just shoot in your ass. Highest blood-plasma levels, no fuss.
pullinbig said:
what kinda test is it? you guys make it or is it mex/euro. also what ester is it?

I'll have to get back to you on that for a 100% for sure answer, i'll post it when i find out later today, i just woke up, terrible sleep.

Beans,,, your right,,, i was planning on drinking one last time before i started the cycle, then my buddy talked me into just doing the shots, then drinking that night anyway for the last time. I won't be drinking anymore on this cycle.

It fuckin sucks though, my shoulders are actually swollen, so i can't even workout. Plus it's cloudly out today and i have no car, so i'm fuckin stuck at home, i'm feeling kind of sick (flu sort of), the shoulders REALLY hurt, i can hardly lift my arms, i gotta sleep on my back and if i move it kills. I broke up with the girl last night, i had insanely shitty sleep (partially cause of the break up, but more so the pain in shoulders and flu like feeling). I'm feelin pretty depressed today, actually have been for the last few days. One thing i've learnt since making this post, is that when i'm not working out i get pretty depressed, it's almost like working out is Therapy for me, and i'm not getting this therapy so it fucking sucks. Today is gonna be SHIT.

That was my post for today, Monday April 26/04.... diet will be decent, training will be nothing, unless i do cardio (just walking though, too much bouncing hurts the shoulders), and abs.

Hopefully tomorrow will be different.
Tuesday April 27/04

-Pretty good, got in i'd say well over 3000 calories today, pretty clean for the most part too, but i'm just tryin to eat what i can really.

-Not really... i took one of those stretchy band things with the handles on the ends, did bicep curls, then side lateral raises,, fuck that put my shoulders out for the day hahaha.

-Keep taking tylonal to numb the pain, left shoulder is doing VERY well, right one not good at all, right thumb is still fucked from when i punched that guy last thursday, plus i think i slept on my right arm weird last night, cause it all hurt this morning when i woke up,, got decent sleep for once, and i think i will again tonight.
Gonna wake up early, do some cardio, then eat and go pay some bills and shit, HOPEFULLY hit up the gym sometime before work and work legs and maybe abs.

Till then.
Thursday April 29/04

-So far so good, i think i'm gonna set up an actual diet plan for next week, i've got a few idea's so far, gonna spend today and tomorrow Perfecting it....

-Ehh, might do cardio and abs like i did yesterday.

-Well, my left shoulder is doing alright, but my right one hurts like a mother fucker, i got hit 3 times in that shoulder yesterday by the car door, then at night i saw someone i hadn't seen in a while, so he slapped my on the shoulder, fuck that hurt. I'm not sure if i should just take some pain killers right before i work out to numb it, then rip the fuck out of it at the gym, or if i should keep waitin till it heals... i just dont wanna end up having one good workout then injuring it. Maybe i'll post up a thread askin what you all think i should do.

HOPEFULLY i'll get to the gym soon, i'm so ready to get a pump on but my shoulder just won't let it happen.
Saturday May 1/04

-Been pretty good the last few days, eating a LOT of food, hard to get it all down, losing most of my money cause i'm just spending it on food, but i put on a few pounds and it's becoming noticeable.

-I guess cardio, went for a walk through the woods for like 2 hours, then played on a jungle gym thing for like a half an hour (i kid you not, i actually did this today).
Did a FEW pushups too, shoulders seem strong now.

-Went out late last night, and i know the ex called me (the one that's my buddy's ex girlfriend, who is now my ex girlfriend), it was pretty late and she called and it didn't say the number, but at her friends house it always shows up without a number on my cell, so i know it was her. I said "Hello" and she was like "Who's this?" i was like "****" and she was like "**** Who?" so i was like "**** *******" and she said "Oh, i must have the wrong number" but i knew it was her the whole time, she was fuckin loaded i think, and i laughed and almost said "*******???". Then i said i should have called her back and did the same thing to her... i don't understand why she did that, it seems sort of like she's playin games and wants me to call her or something. Stupid girl, i'm gonna confront her about it next time i see or talk to her.

Tonight i'm gonna get good sleep so i can workout tomorrow, i think i'll do legs and another injection before the gym. till then.
Thursday May 6/04

Fuck i've let myself go, my diet has been decent, eating as much as i can, just no working out. Fucked up my cycle cause i've been stuck at home almost everyday without a car, couldn't get needles. No more blaming it on that though, i gotta re-start this cycle this weekend and get insanely serious.

I gotta start hanging out more with the friends who are interested in the gym for the next 2 weeks or so, that'll give me just enough motivation to keep myself normal and get back into things again so i can hang out with the "party" friends and not get too influenced by them.
if your shooting two shots anyway why not do it mon and thur instead of both on one day? that way your blood levels are more stable... also, pins are easy to get at getpinz.com they come in like 2-3 days and its cheap... also don't start a cycle without everything you need, especially needles... anyway, good luck with the cycle, hopefully you gain alot... also what kind of test is it? you never said???
For some reason i couldn't get on this site for the last 2 days or so, it was weird..

and panteracfh, it's enanthrate, don't know if that helps... i do both needles in the same day, just to get the shit over with. I had to re-start my cycle, but i did it in the shoulders again and worked shoulders about a half hour afterwards,,, the next day my right shoulder was sore, but it was more of an uncomfortable pain, left one is perfectly fine,,, i think i'll be able to lift again tomorrow though.

The other day i did shoulders, had to cut out early because my ride was leaving so i missed out on bent over lateral raises and abs.

First time in like 2 weeks working out again, but i didn't really lose any power, i actually felt pretty strong.

Lat raises with the 35's for 8, dumbbell press with the 65's for 7 reps, shrugs with the 90's for dumbbells and 135 for behind the back barbell shrugs (was gonna do 185 but figured i'd wait till next time, just didn't wanna over do it).

Diet has been pretty good lately, eating as much as i can and not really eating junky kinds of foods.

-Still don't know why i couldn't log on here for a few days, but whatever, it works now so i'll keep this going again.
I'm gonna keep going serious again otherwise i'm wasting my money on the roids.
Friday night me and some friends left a movie, and my buddy was always talkin about this girl who's pretty easy, so we got him to call her up, he did, she said she was with a friend who's getting into modeling and she's single, so we were like fuck lets meet her. So we ended up meeting them, only for like 20 minutes, and i only spoke like 3 or 4 sentences to the girl who's gettin into modeling. Didn't even get her name, but i came home later that night and my buddy was on MSN and said that he was talkin to them and she liked me. Then both girls joined my MSN and started talking to me. The girl said she thinks i'm hot and started asking what i look for in girls and shit. She seems pretty decent, but i dunno... lately i've been looking at girls as more of pieces of flesh then people, which is alright i guess, but not really cause i'm gonna end up fucking them over. I'm gonna go out with her probably sometime in the next few days. But her friend told me and i quote "If it's any conceltation, if i didn't have a boyfriend you'd make the cut"... but all i thought was "wow, you think pretty highly of yourself"... the other girl isn't like that, but it's nice to know i can get with either one of them if i want.
Thing is, i'm still talking to my last ex, and i actually started talking to the ex before her, but i don't think i'm gonna take it beyond friends with her just because she's kind of crazy... it's just nice to be able to talk civilized, seeing as how we have the same friends and all. But the last ex, i dunno,,, i think i still like her, i talk to her almost everyday for a few hours sometimes, and she hints like crazy that she wants to get back with me when she's ready for a relationship (she's kind of fucked over her ex before me, that's what lead to us ending, he was my friend, yadda yadda). I keep telling her i'm not waiting for her,,, but i think subconciously i am, but i know if something comes up i won't pass it up just because of her sort of thing, because she'll always be available if i keep talking to her,, she's a good friend and i'm so surprised we're getting along really well after we tried getting together and all that.

Ah well, i gotta stop focusing on so many girls and start focusing more on my training. Chest, Triceps, and abs tomorrow if the shoulder allows it,, if not, cardio and abs and i'll try the workout the next day.
josh81 said:
the site was down, buff.

no one could log on.

all is back and running well now though.

Yeah i found that out after a bit once i got on here,,,, hopefully we can post some pics soon.
lol well your taking two seperate shots anyway, might as well do it 2 different days to keep blood levels stable... but, it doesn't make that big of a difference... so whatever's clever... good luck on the cycle, hope you blow up
panteracfh said:
lol well your taking two seperate shots anyway, might as well do it 2 different days to keep blood levels stable... but, it doesn't make that big of a difference... so whatever's clever... good luck on the cycle, hope you blow up

Thanks, i hope so too, appreciate the support.
Wednesday May 12/04

-Pretty good so far,,, it can always be better, it's still my weak point. The day isn't even half over yet though.

-So far i did 25 minutes of cardio, then a few sets of jacknives, crunches and pushups. Actually felt fairly pumped from it too, it was good. But i think tonight after work or maybe this afternoon i'll go work Arms. I think i'm still a bit too sore to work back and chest, but i think i could work arms for sure. I'm saving legs for this weekend when i inject again.

-FINALLY i'm gonna go out and do some productive shit today. I woke up early do do cardio and pushups and situps and such. Now i gotta clean my room, work on resume, eat some lunch, then go get my hair cut. Then i'm gonna apply to 4 different gyms (3 of them are all the same company, just different locations), then i gotta go pick up my Personal Training Certificate. Then work. I've been emailing this new girl i've been talking to lately cause for some reason i never got her number. But it doesn't matter cause i think i'll be doing something with her within the next few days. I don't know how serious I wanna get with it, so i'll just go with the flo, but she's getting into modeling, so i imagine it'll be pretty fuckin easy to get some "good" pics of her cause she's sort of full of herself in that sense. Anyway, hopefully i'll get myself a new fuckin job from applying to these gyms today, and hopefully i'll work out arms today or tonight. Until tomorrow.
Thursday May 13/04

-Not really the best, i was out most of the day, and broke so hard to keep a good meal plan going on.

-Didn't have time to get that done today.

-Busy day, out pretty much the entire time. Gonna be busy tomorrow but i'm gonna hit the gym in the morning before actually going out to apply to these gyms (Yeah i never made it yet), gonna try and pick up the certificate, been dicked around a little there.

Top off a long ass day, one of the ex's was talkin shit about me behind my back, but i didn't find out till after i left her place tonight (stopped in cause other friends were there). Next time i see her i'm gonna go off.

Chest, tri's and abs tomorrow (for sure)
Sunday May 17/04

-Pretty good, woke up late though, missed out on a bit of food cause of it.

-Chest, triceps and abs.
Flat dumbbells with 90's, cable's with 75lbs, some machine with 2 plates on each side.
skull crushers (dumbbell) with 90lbs, straight bar pushdowns with 50lbs super setted with one arm pushdowns 20lbs and 10lbs.
2 sets of 20 situps with 12lb medicine ball.

-Really good workout, got quite a pump from it. I wasn't feeling up t working out but it's been like a week since i hit the weights last. Gettin back into it, as i should. Next injection is tomorrow if i can get some more needles. So unprepared. Back and bi's and calves tomorrow.
Monday May 17/04

-Pretty good today, could have been better, not as much food as i'd hoped for. I gotta start eating more and waking up earlier.

-Back and biceps.
2 sets wide grip chins (10 reps)
3 sets of lat pulldowns (120lbs, weak i know)
3 sets of seated cable rows (180lbs, 6 reps)
incline dumbbell rows (60lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets)
bent over barbell rows (90lbs and 70lbs, 3 sets 10 reps)

Barbell curls (standing), 3 sets 70 and 90lbs
dumbbell curls, 40's for 5 reps (WEAK)
concentration curls 20 and 25lbs 3 sets 6-10 reps
ezcurl cable curls (standing), 70lbs 2 sets 8 reps, 100lbs 1 set 6 reps

-i did quite a bit of exercises (especially biceps) and i didn't do dead lifts today, i was feeling pretty weak, like my endurance just wasn't there, couldn't get out many reps for anything so i did lighter weight.

Gonna run in the AM and i think i'll do legs or shoulders tomorrow or just take a day of rest and do abs and pushups.
Saturday May 22/04


I'm slackin like crazy,,,, i'm not really working much lately, but i've just been so fuckni busy. My cycle is shit, i inject, then 2 weeks later i get around to it again, i've only done this twice so far so i'm thinkin i'm gonna hold off unless i just go out and get all the needles,,,, but i wanna wait till i get all my shit together.

I'm sellin my car and getting a newer one, plus i just got a job at a university gym as a personal trainer, so at least there's some experience for the resume, and once i start working at that, then i'll be in a gym all the time so there'll be no excuses to miss the gym.

I'm fuckin going to the gym today for sure, workin shoulders. I'll post later.