Old Geezers cycle Test+ tren and Anavar

I would like to see POPS go on another Test Tren Anavar (var) cycle of the Mao blend!!!!! So here in a few months when your body is ready, let's see what specs come out of some of the GOOD SHIT!!!?????
cycle was cut short due to an injury that i just had surgery for on Friday.

I will say that my little run was magnificent, mostly credit the anavar and tren for that!
cycle was cut short due to an injury that i just had surgery for on Friday.

I will say that my little run was magnificent, mostly credit the anavar and tren for that!

I remember Pops!!! That shit was transforming you!!! Sucks that you had to get all caveman strong on us and break your boobie!!!! Hope you start feeling better Pops!!!
DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!......That's why i try to lift much lighter when on cycle. Sometimes shit happens though.....:/.....how high were you running your VAR/PRIMO?
did 8 weeks of pinnacles Anavar (var) at 50mg per day and was fantastic!! the primo i was running at 1 gram per week but had t stop just when it was kicking in due to this injury!

i have female friends also currently running pinns primo and they love it...real primo!!
did 8 weeks of pinnacles Anavar (var) at 50mg per day and was fantastic!! the primo i was running at 1 gram per week but had t stop just when it was kicking in due to this injury!

i have female friends also currently running pinns primo and they love it...real primo!!

Oh yeah, Just ask Kane!!!! He will tell you that the Primo kicks ASS!!!! May be EXPENSIVE but when you look at the fact FACT!!! that 90% of the UGL's that sell 200mg/ml Primo is really EXACTLY 100mg/ml like Pinns is......... Kinda makes you see that Pinns Primo is actually CHEAPER!!!! Real Primo at 100mg/ml would actually suprise guys used to 200 UNDERDOSED!!!!!

KANE and POPS don't LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any suggestions or comments
i'm 5'10 220lbs and have done many different cycles but new to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and T3

Anastrozol .25mg/ed Week 1 - 10
Winstrol 50mg/ed week 1 - 10
Tren E 400mg/week week 1 - 10
Test E 500mg/week week 1 - 10
HCG 500IU/week week 1 -10
T3 50mcg/ed week 3 - 10
Anavar 60mg/ed week 4 - 10 and 20mg/ed week 11
Clen 80mcg week 1,2 - 5,6 - 9,10,11
Nolvadex 30mg/ed week 11,12,13
clomid 100mg/ed week 11 and 50mg/ed week 12,13
Check the dates on this thread, no ones gunna be postin in here anymore would be my guess. Post your question as a new thread and you will have better luck