Omega 3 Fish or Flax?


6 Months In...
Just looking for a few opinions and a possible explanation of which is better Fish Oils or Flax Seed oil in a both a healthy and/or specialized bodybuilding diet?

I've read a few articles and know that Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but fish oils contain much more DHA which is why a lot of people go for fish oils.

Would a combination of the two be beneficial in anyway? What kind of quantaties are sensible for a 76kg male @ 5'9 training 4 times per week?

without question fishoil. Flax conversion is too poor and ratio of EPA/DHA is dreadful. I always answer it by saying whats better test or prohormones fishoild are the test a direst source no conversion needed flax contains ALA requires modification
AAS Kills everyone that takes it too..... Honestly i do not thing small amounts of 99 % of anything most lifters/bodybuilders take hurt them.. Media bullshit probably.
In what regard? Theres only so many fatty acids, most all of use take in too much of one, not enough of the other. Are you saying krill supplies simple MORE DHA, EPA and has a better LNA and LA ratio or its just plain better quality?

btw I rarely check back on these threads so I prob will never see the answer :( I gotta start subscribing to threads.
what is dha? does fish oil effect mood?

also where is the best place to buy fish oil, and does it have to be bought refrigerated like flax?
simpllyhuge said:
what is dha?
A specific type of omega-3 fatty acid.

simpllyhuge said:
does fish oil effect mood?
Simple answer is no.

simpllyhuge said:
also where is the best place to buy fish oil, and does it have to be bought refrigerated like flax?
No refrigeration is necessary.

Best place to buy depends on what is more important to you: the absolute best quality or price. I buy from but if you want the best quality, look for Carlson's fish oil. Carlson's might need to be refrigerated if it isn't capped...not sure. But you don't have any fishy burps from the Carlson's stuff.
i use barleans flax. not the regular one but one they make specifically for men. should i switch over to fish oil.

i was under the impression omega 3 are good for mood. the reason i ask is i somtimes have depression and social anxiety that i take zoloft for.