Onyx parm Test C gelled up and looks crystallized


New member
I've got some Test C made by onyx never had a problem with it until I received 2 viles and it looked like crystal with gel. Is this bad? Is it ok to take? Not sure how to post pictures but I've got some of someone can help my out.
Try heating it up. Looks like it was exposed to cold temps for long periods. When this happens, not only does the hormone crash, but the oil itself begins to solidify.
Test cyp is nearly as hard to disolve as test prop. No problem. Just heat in warm water and it should be okay.

If it does that at room temperature, they didn't use enough solvent. I never go higher than 225 mg/ml with cyp, and that requires 20% bb.
Hey guys thanks for input I heated up some water and put bottle in there last night for about 5 minutes. Gel dissolved then looked like crystal so I shook it from side to side and put back in warm water and now back to normal form. I did leave it in my truck the night I received it and got down to about 20 degrees that night.