Popichulo said:the following labs/players have been busted:
Genera Pharms (NOT GENERIC)
Huma Labs
The Professor (this could be API)
Vizion Pharms/Phoenix
Samar Labs
Phoenix Pharm, Aka Vision
Pharm RXL
HeHateMe said:Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 49
estray said:Theres some interest here.
Jimmykick said:what a complete fucking joke
nothing better to do with our tax money huh? Those fucking fat flabby politicians are angry that their wives look at their fat disgusting bodies and wish for something better.
Yes i am bitter
fog said:POPICHULO-i think it kind of goes along the lines of "we can convict you of murder without a body". if they have emails from you to a source specifying orders, mctn, WU orders, anything like that, it is conspiracy to commit interstate drug trafficking at the very least. now, will they take the time and money to build that case? who knows. i'm hoping they won't, as i know a few mates on that list. this IS some serious shit and i think those that are brushing it off ought to think again. these motherfuckers are serious.
Blake8581 said:well my guy was on that list that was mentiond earlier...
when SSB was running about 6 hrs ago, his long termed thread was no longer there...i was hoping he shut down shop early....then his nam appared on that list, wich is the only thingi have going far as proof
conspericy includes 2 or more parties.rocko419 said:Conspiricy as most know is fucking Deadly LE don’t need 1 piece of physical evidence conspiracy alone will do someone in.
My only question is and no I am defiantly not shore but does’ent there have to be 3 parties involved to be a conspiracy? I really think thats so I have a friend doing 7 years for conspiracy to buy and transport over state lines of weed. He sent his runner down with the money when he got there and the runner and the guy selling started to count the money it was 5 grand short so the runner called on the phone to my buddy to inform him it was short then my buddy got on the phone with the seller and it was him that was being watched and his phone that was taped so LE had my buddy his runner and the seller all on the phone talking about this weed deal. BAM not 1 bud of weed was found but all 3 are doing time as we speak I can be wrong but i always thought it took 3 people to be a conspiracy...????
Popichulo said:The amount of work it would take to prosecute all these people seems to be outrageous and I (knock on wood) dont see it happening.
Blake8581 said:caus/effect ..in a few months there will be another board, more sources...just lets peope learn from their mistakes and 'tightening their game'...but, yea i'll wait it out for a while
estray said:I agree. this reminds me of the RIAA when they made a few lawsuits against illegal downloaders. They said they were gonna nail thousands but to date theres been less than 10 lawsuits. Its just not feasable. Theyll probably just go after all the major players and open source boards in an attempt to clean up Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) trade in the US. The rest is just scare tactics to try and keep people from any further Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. Unfortunately for them, this proabably wont even make a dent. Demand will remain the same and supply will just come from somewhere else. This industry is very capable of evolving.