Opinions needed on BA/BB concentrations for making prop.


New member
The most common percentages I've seen are to use 5% BA and 15% BB for making test prop. Is this pretty much the accepted level to use or have any of you guys used a different ratio and gotten better results? Thanks in advance.
RJH8541 said:
I haven't made any prop yet, but I think DougE uses 3/9 and he says its painless.

if this doesn't crash, then it would be preferred. Haven't tried it yet. can vouch for 5/15, which isn't that painful.
Ive heard that 2%Ba and 20% bb works well. I may try 1%BA and 20-22%BB when i make my next batch.
NYCEE said:
Ive heard that 2%Ba and 20% bb works well. I may try 1%BA and 20-22%BB when i make my next batch.

i might try something like 2/20 on my next batch.
I made 2.5% Ba and 7.5%BB propionate and it was absolutely painless and it didn't crash.
ive made it at 3/9% ba/bb at 100mg/ml before. pretty much painless. next time im goin with 2/20%.
2% and 22% (125mg/ml) is what im taking right now. No, its not "painless" but IMO prop is supposed to hurt. I put this mix in my bi's and wow, very painful. Delts took it well and glutes/vg/quads dont even know its in there. I vote for 2/20 or around there.

btw, ive seen some get away with 1/25.
bb is great for oily solutions. painless with no smell or taste to speak of. plus it is not water soluable where as ba is water soluable. therefore the bb hangs around longer in the depot wich helps with soreness for a couple of days after wards.
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I second Ifrits ratios. Any Ba over 3% gives me painful shots, I would make the rest up with BB if it still isn't stable.
pullinbig said:
bb is great for oily solutions. painless with no smell or taste to speak of. plus it is not water soluable where as ba is water soluable. therefore the bb hangs around longer in the depot wich helps with soreness for a couple of days after wards.

I have used the ratio of ba/bb that PB previously recommended
works well with tren in grape seed oil at ~100mg/ml
I am concerned about the quality of my BB . I do taste/smell the BB
right after inj. It is a pure form that comes from a well
known chemical co. (the name starts with S and is a greek letter)
There are scary hazard signs on the bottle but I'm fine
and there was no pain.
Please enlighten me PB about any precautions of BB . thanks
what were you making? have you tasted the bb out of the container to see how it really tastes and smells? read the msds on bb.

for fina pellets 5% ba and 15% bb works well to dissolve them. ba does not bother me at 5%.
i was making tren acetate at ~100mg/ml and used your
recomendation of 5%BA and 10%BB. I did smell the BB from the
bottle and this is how i recognized the smell/taste after an
inj. , but it was only slight sensation and for a short time, seconds
after an inj.
The hazard warning on the bottle says not to injest
so I guess we are OK . BB is in no way something we can drink!
Powders should arrive tomorrow. I'm going to go with 2/20 and see how that works out. The deca and test enanthate will be made with 1% BA. Still not sure what I'm going to dissolve/suspend the dbol, Winstrol (winny), and clomid in. Leaning towards peg400, but still asking around for opinions.
clo dont do well in EC. dbol does. Winstrol (winny) does as well but it can be clumpy. i used an eye dropper for doing my oral winny.
pullinbig said:
clo dont do well in EC. dbol does. Winstrol (winny) does as well but it can be clumpy. i used an eye dropper for doing my oral Winstrol (winny).

Will the clomid and dbol completely dissolve if I use only peg400? For the Winstrol (winny), I think I'm going to make an oral suspension with 1g Winstrol (winny), 0.5mL ba, 5mL peg400, and fill to make 20mL of final product.
bleachcola said:
Will the clomid and dbol completely dissolve if I use only peg400? For the Winstrol (winny), I think I'm going to make an oral suspension with 1g Winstrol (winny), 0.5mL ba, 5mL peg400, and fill to make 20mL of final product.

clomid and dbol should both go into solution w/ peg400.