Opinions on increasing Tren A dosage

I'm not positive yet. Tha5s why I like informative threads like this one to help me decide. Of course evryones different. I will most likely play it safe like you bro. Start out small, see how goes it. Add a little each week as I'm able to handle. No rush I figure. HW nailed it, I'd rather NOT go hard in the paint at first and have regrets. I think your doing it the safe.but right way my man. You gotta get to know this substance, as T likes to remind us, it was made for cattle for f sake!!! ;-) Keep posting bro!
50mg eod? thats just like a waste of tren...

It s negativity and reckless b/s advize from someone whose never posted a pic that keep me sideway s with you. GD it..why don t you go run 2 cc s air IV and be done with it ? Or just fuck off in general...say anything stupid, reckless or negative again...please....red rep. ...and there will be more every f k n time u pop off, mis post or start another lame thread HERE.. or do anything that irritates the rash u ve given me. I DO NOT LIKE YOU AT ALL....savvy.????? PM me over this u r banned.


Soldier and I ve talked and he s going to ease into this Bovine drug as there are those who tolerate it, some who tolerate it in low to mild doses ( me) and some who react almost violently against high doses ( me again) brutal night sweats paranoia, vivid nightmares. I like 50 tren w 50 prop e o d or ed...it s awesome and w diet training and rest...amazing.

And then there s those it s turned into retarded assholes like the d fuck I quoted....

It can be a mind fuck so go slow..u got your whole life.
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One of my regrets on this cycle is GW

I had never used and began dosing it at 20mg ED for the purpose of stamina while on Tren.

As I mentioned before, I had issues with interrupted sleep

As I've read more about GW, I've been seeing people that have experienced sleep issues while using it

I can't really say how effective the GW is in regard to stamina while on Tren because I have nothing to compare it to

I can say that I have reduced my dosage of GW a few days ago to 10mg Ed and have been sleeping better

At this point I can't really say if I suffer from trensomnia or sides from GW but we'll see how it goes from here

In terms of other sides....I haven't experienced Tren cough at all

I do notice slight aggression

I train in the morning and can't do a work out until I take a pre workout. My body is tired in the morning and sore after a good workout. I haven't experienced the recovery Benefits many guys speak about