Options for reducing RBC and hemocrit levels without donating blood.


New member
On TRT for the past 12 months (100mg/week) plus 250 IU HCG/week. Intending to follow the general rule that while doing TRT, I should be donating blood to reduce RBC and hemocrit. I don't have numbers for hemocrit as yet as I just moved to a new country (testing coming up in 2 weeks, I hope).

However, I'm unable to donate blood due to a past history of Hep C. That's been cured a while back BTW. However, antibodies for this disease show up in standard blood tests and blood donations are refused.

Anyone else in this boat or ideas on what to do? I've heard of blood letting kits for home use but where are these available ?
On TRT for the past 12 months (100mg/week) plus 250 IU HCG/week. Intending to follow the general rule that while doing TRT, I should be donating blood to reduce RBC and hemocrit. I don't have numbers for hemocrit as yet as I just moved to a new country (testing coming up in 2 weeks, I hope).

However, I'm unable to donate blood due to a past history of Hep C. That's been cured a while back BTW. However, antibodies for this disease show up in standard blood tests and blood donations are refused.

Anyone else in this boat or ideas on what to do? I've heard of blood letting kits for home use but where are these available ?

I'm pretty sure you can do a "therapeutic" blood withdraw but is costs money. They basically pull the blood and throw it away. They charge for it.
that would be the only option unfortunately.. you need a doc to prescribe it..

but at that low of a dosage you may not even need it?? if youre hemo is high on 100mg once a week, i recommend you do 50mg twice a week.. that should keep it in check

i know when i drop to 60mg twice a week i dont need to donate.. but its highly individualistic
Thanks guys for the advice. I did do twice per week but the injections got a bit tiring, with some PIP. Part of the reason to suspect RBC might be high is that I have quite a red face with on T. I'm always flushed. But lets see what the test results show, if I can get them. Problem of living in here (China) is that doctors here are not advanced in TRT treatments and simply asking for a blood test is complicated (and not covered by insurance). The upside - Test is basically free to purchase...