Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

yj generics have you herd of it its a chinese make would you know anything about it cheers pal,the link is below

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yj generics have you herd of it its a chinese make would you know anything about it cheers pal,the link is below
read the rules
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Hey new to this site and wanted to ask a question. I just ordered 100 dbol capsules 25mg and a bottle of test cyp 250mg. i ordered then from tnt pharmaceuticals, does anyone know about them?
I use to work out about 2-3 hours a day for 5 days then stopped about 3 years ago. Recently I've been doing research on different things I could take. I've never taken any type of anabolic, I'm really interested in starting up I was recommended 12 week test and tren? I'm 6"2 270lbs 28yrs I'm looking for strength gains and to get cut up with more mass since I tend to look smaller when working out always dropping body fat and looking puny lol. Any recommendations and let me know about any side effects that I would be lookng at for them also. I'm on Xanax and suffer from sever panic attacks. I've kind of lost my muscle and am medium build also lost strength. I'm sick of dealing with aches and pains with my back from a deteriorated disk in my lumbar. I want to really chisel out my core. Any help will be appreciated also lol I'm kind of a hypochondriac. Haha again I am completely new to any of this so I want to educate myself first. Also I do not know the lingo with this either so I wont understand a lot. Please give me your advise? Also my blood pressure tends to run high and I smoke a pack and a half of cigs a day witch I'm quitting first. I'm sure cigs do more damage then this.
Listen all I'm trying to do is educate myself, there is no harm in that. If you have experience in all this you shouldn't be judging me. I deal with agonizing pain from my lower back. Yeah of corse if there is way to speed up the process and get in shape very quickly Id rather take a shot then risky surgeries and so on.
whats sad is that this isn't the first time, nor will it be the last time DADAWG has made a post like this.

this is what stickies should look like. of course not many read them so its moot. lol

Are you on vacation? well stay on vacation and stop mass producing false information, just because you have learnt to inject yourself don't make you a star, orals only can and have been done, pros used to do it back in the old days before other drugs were around, being shut down on an oral steroid is dose and duration dependent, if you are going to spout this information at least come out with more facts on the quantity that would cause this negative action
Are you on vacation? well stay on vacation and stop mass producing false information, just because you have learnt to inject yourself don't make you a star, orals only can and have been done, pros used to do it back in the old days before other drugs were around, being shut down on an oral steroid is dose and duration dependent, if you are going to spout this information at least come out with more facts on the quantity that would cause this negative action

a LOT of stuff was done back in the day before we knew the info that we do today . maybe one day your mom will let you wear your big boy panties and inject one day.
a LOT of stuff was done back in the day before we knew the info that we do today . maybe one day your mom will let you wear your big boy panties and inject one day.

For a stat sunshine your supposed to be a mod not a little school kid so start fucking acting like one, maybe when YOUR mommy and daddy split from their conjoned state you can have a one to with them separately about your shrunken testicles and your singular pubic hair !
For a stat sunshine your supposed to be a mod not a little school kid so start fucking acting like one, maybe when YOUR mommy and daddy split from their conjoned state you can have a one to with them separately about your shrunken testicles and your singular pubic hair !

lack of body hair definately isnt my problem and my testicles are big enough that im not scared to inject lol. with your user name of dboler we all know where the lack of a nut sack is because that big bad needle will hurt you .
For a stat sunshine your supposed to be a mod not a little school kid so start fucking acting like one, maybe when YOUR mommy and daddy split from their conjoned state you can have a one to with them separately about your shrunken testicles and your singular pubic hair !

as info since you have red karma / reputation when you give rep points it doesnt do shit .its the thought that counts though. your whole existance on this board has been spent justifying your oral only cycles and even though you keep getting shot down for not doing a real cycle you just keep coming back . MAYBE just MAYBE you should read this whole thread from the start and read WHY your dbol only cycle isnt a good idea .there is a REASON i dont reccomend a oral only cycles , its not like i get a kick back from syringe companies.
Actually i love needles but you are just dismissing oral cycles because you think you have gone one better, A lot of the arguments about orals being a waste of time or dangerous is just a misconception because the people that know how to inject act like gods, thats whats really funny, i have just read an article on dbol (not that its the first time) which was attached to these forums saying dbol is ok to take on its own, but not just articles, bodybuilders that i have spoke to as well. I wouldn't tell a noob to inject if he diddnt know what he was doing, that would be worse than any oral cycle you could think of, all these green bars around here dont mean shit to me either, if it did i would be sucking up to everyone like you lot because thats the only way you would achieve one! Look at your disclaimer at the bottom of your posts, completely and utter pathetic
Actually i love needles but you are just dismissing oral cycles because you think you have gone one better, A lot of the arguments about orals being a waste of time or dangerous is just a misconception because the people that know how to inject act like gods, thats whats really funny, i have just read an article on dbol (not that its the first time) which was attached to these forums saying dbol is ok to take on its own, but not just articles, bodybuilders that i have spoke to as well. I wouldn't tell a noob to inject if he diddnt know what he was doing, that would be worse than any oral cycle you could think of, all these green bars around here dont mean shit to me either, if it did i would be sucking up to everyone like you lot because thats the only way you would achieve one! Look at your disclaimer at the bottom of your posts, completely and utter pathetic
be a hard head if you want . there is nothing wrong with orals as PART of a cycle , test is THE natural male steroid NOT dbol. test should be part of any cycle. taking dbol will shut down natural test and dbol will not replace it . quit being stubborn and learn something.

be a hard head if you want . there is nothing wrong with orals as PART of a cycle , test is THE natural male steroid NOT dbol. test should be part of any cycle. taking dbol will shut down natural test and dbol will not replace it . quit being stubborn and learn something.

Stubborn? did you not read what i just read, I said i have spoke to bodybuilders about dianabol they say its perfectly fine on their own, and I mean bodybuilders not jungle juicers, hey i aint knocking test one bit, and i believe it is safer than any oral you can take, but ive read it in print about methandrostenolone and i have spoken to lifters and it is perfectly fine to take on its own, combine it WITH test and you got rocket fuel.
Stubborn? did you not read what i just read, I said i have spoke to bodybuilders about dianabol they say its perfectly fine on their own, and I mean bodybuilders not jungle juicers, hey i aint knocking test one bit, and i believe it is safer than any oral you can take, but ive read it in print about methandrostenolone and i have spoken to lifters and it is perfectly fine to take on its own, combine it WITH test and you got rocket fuel.

i give up , you just cant fix stupid.