Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

im only ashamed that ive listened to your shit this long , one more insult and your gone from here and will have to back to hanging with your high scholol friends.
i'm ashamed we have a mod like you who has the mentality of selective reading

and i'm ashamed we have a mod like you that resorts to "maybe one day your mom "

i suppose its cheery bye then!

Can anyone advice what should be the ideal limit to which Anabol(5mg pink tabs) can be taken? I mean total daily intake(in mg) and for how many months?

This is considering a mid-level bodybuilder.

Can anyone advice a proper cycle(days and intake etc)

6 weeks TOPS and dont go over 20mg a day
The irony DADAWG is that he doesn't get your signature. It means var is popular for women, which even I know and haven't been in the game much at all. So you didn't get the implication and on another thread you thought it was amusing that you'd aspirate an air bubble if you pin correctly.

No idea why you dug in over this. It just would have been simpler to be open minded than to make threats with taking screen shots. Just silly.
Been reading through this today, and will most likely just wait to find a source at some point for some real gear, nothing is better than protecting your liver.
6 weeks TOPS and dont go over 20mg a day

Dude... i said mid-level BB.Anyway not that I dont know about it but wanted more direct inputs from this site as its specific for roids.

Can anyone confirm the ideal dosage--> 40-50 mg max daily and max 2 months.

Please only experienced BB's answer.
do NOT give out that shitty advice. a healty male makes the equivilant of 100-150 mg of test a week so why shut down that test for 140 mg of dbol.

check your spelling before trying to correct someone, it makes you look really stupid!
Dude... i said mid-level BB.Anyway not that I dont know about it but wanted more direct inputs from this site as its specific for roids.

Can anyone confirm the ideal dosage--> 40-50 mg max daily and max 2 months.

Please only experienced BB's answer.

I im way more experienced than you sunny, i was helping you you ungrateful shithead!
The irony DADAWG is that he doesn't get your signature. It means var is popular for women, which even I know and haven't been in the game much at all. So you didn't get the implication and on another thread you thought it was amusing that you'd aspirate an air bubble if you pin correctly.

No idea why you dug in over this. It just would have been simpler to be open minded than to make threats with taking screen shots. Just silly.

why dont you do your OWN research instead of taking someone elses word for it, if you did you would find that var is not just a female drug, its just pushed on them because its mild, sucking up to people will not win you respect, grow a pair!
nothing wrong with a moderate dose of orals as PART of cycle. despite all the rave about tren and it is good , test / deca / dbol is the shiznit for a mass cycle.
they dont have to be part of a cycle, you can dabble with them, still beats all the other crappy supps out there, id rather take half a dbol aday than take creatine\glutamine\multi vits\and any other gimmicky shit!
Oral cycles are useless especially if its on the own I.e. dbol only mix it up dbol with test for instance plus oral increase the strain on you liver
Good read DADAWG but please answer this question regarding var only cycle. Why is it OK for women to run it while it is forbidden for guys. I mean, var will shut down natural test production in both guys and girls. Girls also have natty test in their body although in lower quantities and since test is what is needed to hold onto muscles, the test+var thing should hold valid for women too. Also since they already have lower test in their bodies, women should need external test during var cycle much more than guys. Am I missing something here? Please excuse me since I dont have much knowledge in this and only want a little more understanding from an experienced person like you. Please remember I am only talking about Var here and not Orals in general since a moderate doses(40mg) var is supposedly not extremely suppressive.Thanks bro.
Good read DADAWG but please answer this question regarding var only cycle. Why is it OK for women to run it while it is forbidden for guys. I mean, var will shut down natural test production in both guys and girls. Girls also have natty test in their body although in lower quantities and since test is what is needed to hold onto muscles, the test+var thing should hold valid for women too. Also since they already have lower test in their bodies, women should need external test during var cycle much more than guys. Am I missing something here? Please excuse me since I dont have much knowledge in this and only want a little more understanding from an experienced person like you. Please remember I am only talking about Var here and not Orals in general since a moderate doses(40mg) var is supposedly not extremely suppressive.Thanks bro.[/QUOTE

that question is pretty special . your comparing the shutdown of test production in a man with balls and test levels at HIGH numbers to a woman and her ovaries with very LOW test levels. i wish you well , do what you want to .