Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

after bros do the creatine, protien,nitro oxyde thing they usually go the prohormone route. then figure using real orals will take them to the next level. some even looking half decent. it's hard to tell a guy/girl to stick a needle in their body if they never done it before. hate me i actually encourage an oral only cycle for the first time user. the few and i do mean few who have tried it quiclly lost all improvements thus finally being convinced that injectables are a must. they LEARN from self experimantation. allow them to find out on their own. it is the best teacher. exelent thread aside all the arguing. but that's what family does. right?
I am a newbie and also on a hormone replacement therapy and this type of information and the others like me need to listen and learn. Thank DaDawg for what you do, Im learning!
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good to know, thanks. was reading up on var only cycles but seems like you need test as the base to make it worthwhile, otherwise youre pissing your $$ down the toilet
aside from checking the forums have you done any other research? You must have buddy's at the gym you can ask. 10 if its your first time just about any test will do, enanthate or cypionate, just get some ancillaries for the end. Im no pro never claimed to be but that should work.
I'm gunna play devils advocate for a seconds and say that I'm irked that everyone seems to live in a world where this stuff is OTC but its not and from my experience the pills are probably easier to get and if that's my only option hell yeah I'm gunna take that because I wanna get that pump lol. I mean don't be an an uber idiot about it and ignore ur liver and post cycle therapy (pct) but still I really think it's better than nothing. Most people don't get someone who's like hey I've got some needles & sum sust lets do this. So it's either pills or nada... Feel free to mark me a douche but pills or nothing I'm taking pills even if those gains are short lived
My first cycle ever was a TBOL only cycle for 4 weeks. From first hand experience oral only cycles are NOT WORTH IT. Wast of money and waste of valuable time when I could've been on test. I was naive but I've learned my lesson
lol the crazy thing is all of my old football buddies first cycles were like var only i even knew one who did two wks of test and then just kept taking dbol the rest of the time with nolva....CRAZY!! I feel like the real problem is people are afraid to pin but damn man eventually youve got to just man up and do it i cant believe that with the abundance of info available on the internet that ppl are this stupid, but i must admit ive been wrong before
Hi all, I am new here and a total noob when it comes to steroids. I have a few questions to help guide me in my first cycle. First of all let me just say that I have low Test and am currently taking Testim gel 50mg a day which equals 350mgs a week. I read somewhere that a beginner cycle should be about 250mg of test combined with:
Anavar 20mgs a day for weeks 1-4, Dianabol 20mgs a day for weeks 1-6 and Winstrol 20mgs day for weeks 5-10
Now I am a 33 year old male about 6'1 and 210. Just in the interest of full disclosure I seem to have an allergy to Test, especially the injection. My legs swell up huge. Testim was the same at first and still will cause slight swelling on occasion but not usually. I was wondering if there may be a difference in the formulations between the two, between Cypionate and whatever else which is why my body tolerates one better than the other. Anyway on to the other questions at hand, do any of you suggest a different cycle or dose of any of these compounds? I can't seem to find any of these in 20mg doses so what is the recommended solution for that? Should I just start out at w/e dose they come in? Also, I have looked around and these things are not cheap lol. Anybody know a good site to get them at lower prices? Thanks for all your info and I look forward to chatting with you more.. Nero
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"dadawg" i have a a few brief questions. I just received my cycle of (2 bottles of 250 mg of a 10 multidose vial)enantex test and danabol (blue heart shaped pills) and i was wondering what would be the best directions on taking them. I was instructed to take them together. But i am "fresh' as they say. Somewhat a novice but learning. Never have taking a cycle or anything other then shakes and pre work out. At my best i was 173 right now im 166 and have been out of the gym for two months. Can you please help me bro. Pm or respond to post.
"dadawg" i have a a few brief questions. I just received my cycle of (2 bottles of 250 mg of a 10 multidose vial)enantex test and danabol (blue heart shaped pills) and i was wondering what would be the best directions on taking them. I was instructed to take them together. But i am "fresh' as they say. Somewhat a novice but learning. Never have taking a cycle or anything other then shakes and pre work out. At my best i was 173 right now im 166 and have been out of the gym for two months. Can you please help me bro. Pm or respond to post.

you havent been to the gym in months and only weigh 166 pounds , you shouldnt use steroids at all. steroids are NOT magic beans they wont work without food and training .
I took time off with school and work. Im am returning next week and plain on starting my cycle. I am naturally 130 and put on 40 pounds of lean defined muscle in a three year span (pics and vids to prove it) my leg press and its hightest was 9 plates of 45 on each side and i wasnt on anything...i sqt 3 plates of 45 and 4 plates on the smith machine. So magic beans i am not looking for sir.