over 40 need advice on jump starting gains


New member
This is a great forum, I want to post here to see if I can get some answers and pointers for an older guy who needs a little boost.

First, about me.

44yrs old, 6'2" current weight 260lbs

I got to 320lbs and was sick of being that big. Started working out and eating better almost 2 years ago and have lost 60lbs of flab, while being careful to preserve muscle. Yeah, I was huge, but also muscley and strong. I've never been a serious lifter, my Dad found more than enough work for me to do, and in younger days I was pretty damn yoked as a result. I'm thick, and 50 inches in the chest, but years of working in an office got the better of me where weight was concerned.

No health issues except for marginally high cholesterol levels and borderline HBP, but these have improved some as the weight has come off.

Ok, so where I'm at now is about my target weight. I'm still approx 20% body fat and I'm not gaining. I'm putting food in, and I either get fatter, or I loose weight when I back off. I could easily strip off more pounds, but I don't want to shrink down to 220. I'd like to stay in the 250-270 range as this is where I look pretty good when not carrying an extra 40lbs of paunch. The only real parts of my body that are flabby now are chest and abs. The rest of me is very solid.

The problem is that my test levels are not helping me out. In my 20's and 30's I was told by dermatologist that my oily skin and backne was likely due to high test. I found that very believable, because I was always able to gain with less effort than many. But now, according to last bloodwork, I'm at about 300, which Dr says is within normal range. According to him, my muscle mass is above average for someone of my age and I don't suffer any ED, so he's saying that I'm ok. That sucks, because even though I may be "ok" now, I'm still aging!

So here's where I'm at mates - I could try to get someone to prescribe hrt, but even then, what I'm going to get is another "average" amount, or in the worst case, until I take a turn for the worse, I am going to get the "it's normal" speech and no help.

My other choice is to try a little gear. Not a lot, but enough to get things a little closer to where I was at at one point. I am hoping that some of you have experience dealing with these questions and can help me out with some pointers.

I am leaning towards hdrol, which I can get, and seems to be close to turinabol. This is what kind of boost I'm talking about. Not big increase in bulk, but steady progress and lean mass gains with good diet and effort in the gym. 20-30mg per day is around where the Germans experiment with tbol, so I was thinking of starting off there.

My goal here is to keep my weight up while gaining muscle, and I can't do that as is. I'd love to be able to jump on some test, but I have no way of gettig it, and also I'm pretty certain that the gains I'm looking for can be attained with orals alone. They are pretty reasonable.

If anyone has experience in this, or wants to link to posts and articles that may be able to help me out, I'd appreciate it. I have been lurking here for about a month, and gained much valuable information,
but not a lot out there for the older guys.
Test and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a great start - and the build from there.

Actually, I would also agree with Jack and add hGH if you can afford it?

I'm 45 and have been running an average if 5iu's ed for the last 6 months or so and love it!
I was in your position. Test was too high for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). I was told I was "normal." But I felt old before my time. I, like you, worked myself into a position of perfect health: I.e., great bloods, no prostate or blood pressure issues. No diabetes or cardio issues. I quit smoking. And I did my research. I chose a mild cycle of AAS. 500 test/ 250 decca per week... 10 weeks and a proper pct afterword. It changed my life. No regrets.