Throwing Cookies
I'm 31, 6'3, 222. I was a lifter from age16-23 then let it go. I picked back up last December and lost 40pounds. The last 3 months I've been doing a carb cycling diet w 3J. If anybody gives a rip about my diet or workout schedule, I'll post it here, but I didn't because I always scrolled through that when I read others. Anyway, Here's the plan.
I'll be running 500mg of test E for 12-15 weeks. (250mg Monday, 250mg Thursday)
I have HGC and aromasin on hand, but I've decided not to use either until needed during cycle.
Have Nolva and Clomid on hand as well and am trying to decide between:
Option 1
clomid-100/100/100/50 (50mg 2x a day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)
blast of HGC
Option 2
50/50/50/50 Clomid and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Anyway so I told the wife I'd be starting it and she said she didn't want to know about it (whatever). I've had my gear, post cycle therapy (pct), AI's, syringes and needles for a while, but I was traveling out of the country 2 of the last three weeks and I didn't want to start then miss a couple days or take a controled substance on a plane or cruise ship. Therefore, I started TODAY! BOOM! It worked out because it gave me about 3mo to get my diet in check w/ 3j.
I had a buddy pin me who'd used and pined others before, but he didn't know crap about drawing, how much to draw or anything. Lucky for me, I've been reading my ass off on here and knew what to do (criticisms welcome). First thing I did was drew 1ml of air into the syringe, poped the grey cap off the Pinn Test E 250 wiped it with a alchol pad, then stuck in my 1.5in 23guage needle in, flipped the bottle upside down and drew out a little over 1ml. So I looked at the syringe and thought "dang, this stuff is clear." I showed it to my bro and he busted out laughing. I had successfully stuck the 1.5 all the way past the gearView attachment 545196. 2nd time I got the goods, switched the needle, and ran the syringe under the hot water faucet. I was sure to press and thump to get the air out. When the juice ran down the needle I was likeView attachment 545194. Next, massaged the area, swabed it and then I looked away. All I felt was a slight pinch then my buddy started talking and I was like "that's it"? I never felt anything other than that pinch. As of now no PIP or soreness. View attachment 545195 So I'm fired up and ready for this ride. Thanks to all you board members who posted awesome stuff and answered my questions especially Zeek, Detrot, DocJ and fittnesslife4ever. Hopefully I can give something back with this log! Let me know what you guys think!
I'll be running 500mg of test E for 12-15 weeks. (250mg Monday, 250mg Thursday)
I have HGC and aromasin on hand, but I've decided not to use either until needed during cycle.
Have Nolva and Clomid on hand as well and am trying to decide between:
Option 1
clomid-100/100/100/50 (50mg 2x a day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)
blast of HGC
Option 2
50/50/50/50 Clomid and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Anyway so I told the wife I'd be starting it and she said she didn't want to know about it (whatever). I've had my gear, post cycle therapy (pct), AI's, syringes and needles for a while, but I was traveling out of the country 2 of the last three weeks and I didn't want to start then miss a couple days or take a controled substance on a plane or cruise ship. Therefore, I started TODAY! BOOM! It worked out because it gave me about 3mo to get my diet in check w/ 3j.
I had a buddy pin me who'd used and pined others before, but he didn't know crap about drawing, how much to draw or anything. Lucky for me, I've been reading my ass off on here and knew what to do (criticisms welcome). First thing I did was drew 1ml of air into the syringe, poped the grey cap off the Pinn Test E 250 wiped it with a alchol pad, then stuck in my 1.5in 23guage needle in, flipped the bottle upside down and drew out a little over 1ml. So I looked at the syringe and thought "dang, this stuff is clear." I showed it to my bro and he busted out laughing. I had successfully stuck the 1.5 all the way past the gearView attachment 545196. 2nd time I got the goods, switched the needle, and ran the syringe under the hot water faucet. I was sure to press and thump to get the air out. When the juice ran down the needle I was likeView attachment 545194. Next, massaged the area, swabed it and then I looked away. All I felt was a slight pinch then my buddy started talking and I was like "that's it"? I never felt anything other than that pinch. As of now no PIP or soreness. View attachment 545195 So I'm fired up and ready for this ride. Thanks to all you board members who posted awesome stuff and answered my questions especially Zeek, Detrot, DocJ and fittnesslife4ever. Hopefully I can give something back with this log! Let me know what you guys think!
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