Ozzyozzy21's First Cycle


Throwing Cookies
I'm 31, 6'3, 222. I was a lifter from age16-23 then let it go. I picked back up last December and lost 40pounds. The last 3 months I've been doing a carb cycling diet w 3J. If anybody gives a rip about my diet or workout schedule, I'll post it here, but I didn't because I always scrolled through that when I read others. Anyway, Here's the plan.

I'll be running 500mg of test E for 12-15 weeks. (250mg Monday, 250mg Thursday)

I have HGC and aromasin on hand, but I've decided not to use either until needed during cycle.

Have Nolva and Clomid on hand as well and am trying to decide between:
Option 1
clomid-100/100/100/50 (50mg 2x a day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)
blast of HGC


Option 2
50/50/50/50 Clomid and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Anyway so I told the wife I'd be starting it and she said she didn't want to know about it (whatever). I've had my gear, post cycle therapy (pct), AI's, syringes and needles for a while, but I was traveling out of the country 2 of the last three weeks and I didn't want to start then miss a couple days or take a controled substance on a plane or cruise ship. Therefore, I started TODAY! BOOM! It worked out because it gave me about 3mo to get my diet in check w/ 3j.

I had a buddy pin me who'd used and pined others before, but he didn't know crap about drawing, how much to draw or anything. Lucky for me, I've been reading my ass off on here and knew what to do (criticisms welcome). First thing I did was drew 1ml of air into the syringe, poped the grey cap off the Pinn Test E 250 wiped it with a alchol pad, then stuck in my 1.5in 23guage needle in, flipped the bottle upside down and drew out a little over 1ml. So I looked at the syringe and thought "dang, this stuff is clear." I showed it to my bro and he busted out laughing. I had successfully stuck the 1.5 all the way past the gearView attachment 545196. 2nd time I got the goods, switched the needle, and ran the syringe under the hot water faucet. I was sure to press and thump to get the air out. When the juice ran down the needle I was likeView attachment 545194. Next, massaged the area, swabed it and then I looked away. All I felt was a slight pinch then my buddy started talking and I was like "that's it"? I never felt anything other than that pinch. As of now no PIP or soreness. View attachment 545195 So I'm fired up and ready for this ride. Thanks to all you board members who posted awesome stuff and answered my questions especially Zeek, Detrot, DocJ and fittnesslife4ever. Hopefully I can give something back with this log! Let me know what you guys think!
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Woke up this morning feeling a tad sore. More specificily like someone punched me in the glute. I still did my kenpo cardio. No big deal really just a tad of discomfort. Chalking this one up to virgin muscles. Off to the gym now today is back. Later!
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Wow. So it's 4 days after my first pin and I just woke up with my bed, covers, PJ's soaked in sweat. This has NEVER happened to me in 31 years. I'd noticed I was sweating a little more than usual two days ago when I sat in a leather chair for a while and got up and had a sweat line bleed through my boxers and shorts, prettymuch from the top of my crack down. Left gulte where I did my first pin is still a tad sore. Later!
Soreness from my 1st pin on Monday is gone. Shot 2 in right glute seems to be less sore. Having to take at least 2 showers a day from all the sweat. Skin is also noticeably more oily. Later
Just got back from the gym. Noticing that I can get myself a little more amped up and I think because of that I had an awesome workout. Will be doing 3rd pin later today!
Did 3rd pin. Bro that was doing it let the needle tilt down then back up, so I imagine I'll be a little more sore than usual. I checked my BP for the first time since I started and it was a little alarming 126/101 pulse was 77. May 3 it was 120/66 then July 2 it was 125/72 w a pulse of 83. Issues?
Do you regularly check for gyno (like feeling under your nipple)?

If so, what are the steps you'd take if you felt it developing? I'm kind of scared of gyno happening if I run a cycle.
Not something I check for because I just feel like if I keep looking, I'll find something to be parinoid about. Always important to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), letro, nolva on hand; that way at the first sign of gyno, you can start taking what you need to get rid of it.
Did 3rd pin. Bro that was doing it let the needle tilt down then back up, so I imagine I'll be a little more sore than usual. I checked my BP for the first time since I started and it was a little alarming 126/101 pulse was 77. May 3 it was 120/66 then July 2 it was 125/72 w a pulse of 83. Issues?

Watch your sodium intake. Drink a least 1.5 gallons of water a day. And keep pushing.
Did 3rd pin. Bro that was doing it let the needle tilt down then back up, so I imagine I'll be a little more sore than usual. I checked my BP for the first time since I started and it was a little alarming 126/101 pulse was 77. May 3 it was 120/66 then July 2 it was 125/72 w a pulse of 83. Issues?

Ok just got a PM from a very knowledgable vet on this board. He reassured me
"That is excellent ON Cycle BP. 150ish is were you may become concerned. BP that affects your sleep or just resting, that is what to watch for.
You are good, enjoy your cycle."

" thanks man, I just thought the bottom number was kinda high."

"Gear does that. Mine is rarely under 80."

Thought this might be a good reference for anyone who's new to aas and wasnt sure about bp issues like me.

Lawd, my ass hurts from yesterday's pin. Later.
5th pin today. Becoming pretty routine. Feels a little less sore after than usual. Hopefully this is the one that finally won't be sore tomorrow. Add balls being sucked in more than usual (atrophied) to the sides I've felt so far. Other than getting myself pumped, not having a huge gain in the gym yet. LATER!
6th pin. End of week 3. Hoping for some big things from next week on. As of now I'm not noticing much as far as strength gains. What I am noticing is the pip isn't getting much better. I'm making sure to warm gear-filled syringe under hot water and making sure I massage the area after. Day I pin, doesnt hurt at all; 1-3 days after, have to sit on the other cheek. I am using Pinn's old stuff that is supposedly overdosed. Crap maybe that is what's going on. Bro whos giving me the shots used to be a nurse and has pinned several people and himself numerous times, so I feel like it's not due to the injector. Standard 23g 1.5in. If anyone has any tips, would appreciate it. LATER!
Pinned the trouble glute again today (left--same one my bro pinned me in and let the needle rock up and down). I tried doing it before workout this time to see if it helps with the pip. Did chest today. Repped 215 8 times for my last set which is 20lbs more than two weeks ago, so I think it's safe to say strength gains are coming as I had hoped since it's week 4. Running this for at least 12 weeks and up to 16; things are going good and I have plenty of test. Also thinking of adding in 6-8 weeks of Anavar (var). I know it's not advised and I also preach test only first cycle but if I start 8 weeks in I'll have seen how my body reacts to test, right? It's just sitting there looking at me every day. LATER!
Woke up yesterday with terrible pip. Suffered through the day. Couldnt get to sleep, so I decided to take two Aleve. Holy cow! That stuff worked miracles! Pip was very minimal after that. In addition, I'm starting Aromasin 12.5 EOD!
1st pin of week 5 yesterday. Did left glute took 2 Aleve about 4-5 hours after injection. Woke up with almost 0 pip. Waited 12 hours poped 2 more, still no pip. I think I'm getting this thing figured out. Up to this point, I've had a bro inject me, but everyone knows how it is relying on other people. Considering pinning quads and eventually want to try delts, biggest reason being is I want to know I have 6 injection sites if/when I decide to run tren A about 3 cycles from now. Bench set last week was 185x15 reps, 195x12 reps, 205x10 reps, 215x8reps. Last week got them all. This week I bumped it all up 10lbs to 195x15 reps, 205x12 reps, 215x10reps, 225x 8reps. Only got 4 on the last set. Not disapointed, but I thought there was a decent chance I could finish all my reps. Later!