Pain's Spring Cycle...let the games begin :)

ok guys today was shoulders but i got a shooting pain in my left shoulder towards the end so my intensity diminished a little...

Shrugs 135x20/225x20/315x12/315x12
Reverse Shrugs 315x15/315x15/315x10

DB Shoulder Presses 75'sx12/85'sx10/95'sx8/100'sx6

Shoulder press machine (close grip) 150x10/150x10/150x6/150x6

DB Front Raises 35x12/40x10

Upright Rows 140x10/160x10/160x10

Tri Extensions 40x12/40x12/40x12/40x10
Close Grip Bench 135x20/225x10/275x6/225x10/185x15
Skull Crushers 70x15/70x5/70x12/70x12
Reverse Grip Triceps Extensions (on cables) BB 100x12/110x10/120x10


BB Curls 85x12/85x12/85x12/95x10
One Arm Preacher curls 40x12/50x12/50x5-40x5-30x5-20x5-10x5
Reverse grip BB curls 85x12/85x12/85x12/90x10
havent had any back pumps, im assuming its not something everyone gets, other than libido, aggression, strength and weight gains i havent had much for sides diets deff not where it should be and i was gonna hook up with 3j but my girls grandfather who was like her father just passed and she got stuck flipping the bill for the funeral so what i did have saved is gone...every time i save anything something ALWAYS pops up and i have to spend my saving, im more than happy to do the right thing by my girl though so anyways sorry for boring yous heres yesterdays workout, and i took off today...

Still at 202 havent went up any more...

flat bench 135x20/225x10/225x10/315x6/315x6/225x10-135x15 drop set(YES i touch my chest, NO i do not bounce of my chest its cheating!!! i dont cheat myself!!)

incline bench 185x12/225x8/225x6/185x10

Incline DB Flys 45x12/55x12/65x10

Peck Deck 100 till failure for 2 sets

i really need to get my diet in order if i want to keep my weight going up i feel like the dbol is fucking with my appetite, or it may be the heat, either way i need to step my game up!!!
Yeah bro!!! Diet is a must for any real size!!! I doubt the dbol is messing with your diet so much as the Tren might be!!! I have a bro right now that is on Tren A and Sustanon and his appetite is horrible. Keeps getting stronger and the pumps are crazy but in order to eat he must shovel it down and dry heave the whole time so he retired to not eating properly and he is VASCULAR as hell and DEFINED like crazy with strength going up every day but.... Some people get humongous on tren and others simply cut up while putting on a taste of size!!! I think if your goal was to put on MASS that the tren could be holding you back on that. Unless you are willing to eat a 3J planned out diet and force most of it down, I wouldn't look for hefty gains!!!
Yeah bro!!! Diet is a must for any real size!!! I doubt the dbol is messing with your diet so much as the Tren might be!!! I have a bro right now that is on Tren A and Sustanon and his appetite is horrible. Keeps getting stronger and the pumps are crazy but in order to eat he must shovel it down and dry heave the whole time so he retired to not eating properly and he is VASCULAR as hell and DEFINED like crazy with strength going up every day but.... Some people get humongous on tren and others simply cut up while putting on a taste of size!!! I think if your goal was to put on MASS that the tren could be holding you back on that. Unless you are willing to eat a 3J planned out diet and force most of it down, I wouldn't look for hefty gains!!!

damn man i hope this appetite thing straitens itself out or this will defeat the purpose of my cycle lol...i feel swolen as fuck and constantly tight and flexed, pumps are GREAT and weight just keeps getting lighter and gonna have to stick with some force feeding for now as much as i hate doing so....
missed the gym yesterday and today its been a rough week for me lots of stress and mayhem...gonna get back on my grind tomorrow and make up over the weekend what ive missed this week....been short on my appetite also which im pretty sure can be accredited to stress and aggravation...wish me luck gotta put beast mode back on!
had a short workout today but at least i made it in on a sunday...

Deadlifts 135x12/225x12/315x12/405x6
Lat Pull Downs 135x12/165x10/195x10/225x10
Bent over rows (reverse grip bb) 135x15/185x12/225x10/225x10
Machine Pull Overs 125x15/125x15/125x15/125x15 slow reps

weighed in at 203
sorry been slacking on the log ive been very busy...weighed in at 205 today so far im very happy with uncles omnas and pinnacles gear ive got me some grade A smooth gear and im fckn loving it!!!

Diet is on point now so my weight should be shooting up again in about 2 weeks as long as i keep eating the way i started too yesterday...i pre cooked tons of lamb grilled chicken porterhouse steaks, got some broiled salmon salad, tons of tuna sweet potatoes, spinach, brocoli, blueberries, pineapple, greek yogurt just for example...deff straightening out my diet and i switched my proviron and caber to before bed and my appetite has straightened out since then...

today waas chest kept it short and sweet bc i feel like less is more the more i read...

4 sets of dips x15 for a warm up

Flat Bench 135x15 225x20 275x10 315x6

Incline Smith 185x15 225x10 225x10 185x15

Peck Deck Slow and Hold Contraction 4 sets of 12 with 130
welllll not much of a log, it got no attention, zeek disappeared and PB as well soo i kinda stopped signing in here and moved, among a lot of other things going on didnt get around to updates......long story short weight got up to 207, i like pinnacles sust better than the omnas i figured fuck it i have it try it, bounced sust around from omnas, oxide, and pinnacle.......just helped my girl move and had a really bad fall down a stair case carrying a tv and been out of the gym and miserable for the past 3 weeks.....i figured the least i could do was hit yous with an update that im sure your well aware of...PINNACLE IS THE WAY TO GO....tht tren had me looking god like i decided that instead of aborting cycle bc it was aobut time to post cycle therapy (pct) bc i stopped injections after my injury bc i couldnt lift my arm to wipe my ass let alone take a shot, to stay on a low dose of just sust and give the gym a whirl today even tho i reallly shouldnt and keep this cycle going for another month...thoughts?

i was also thinking about running some pinnacle cyp at a maintenance dose untill next cycle in about 4 months...thoughts on that as well??
Me disappeared? looka t my post count man!! I am here daily

Glad you are back my friend!