PCT.....Adex vs clommid/nolva


New member
My local source told me to continue to take the Adex for my post cycle therapy (pct). I have read alot of people take clom/nolva. Can someone please explain if adex for pct is correct or incorrect please? Cause if it is wrong then i need to order popular method so it has time to get to me. Thanks guys
usualy pct is the following:

Weeks 1-4...clomid at 50mg per day
Weeks 1-2...nolvadex at 40mg per day
Weeks 2-4...nolva at 20mg per day

you can run the adex or aromasin during the whole cycle too.
The nolva/clomid is your PCT, i think he means continue to run it with the nolva/clomid. Some people run adex past it to prevent estrogen rebound.
That would be your best bet is to run adex with your pct cause you don't want that extra estrogen to rebound on you unless that's your thing.
Yes, you can take a low dose during post cycle therapy (pct) but it not crucial because theres not much aromatization going on anyways since your test is really low. If you do, I would continue even a little past post cycle therapy (pct) to help any estrogen rebound like lebonandon said. Clomid and Nolva are SERMS, they prevent most estrogen from binding to receptors, thats why they are crucial during post cycle therapy (pct). adex is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), it prevents testosterone from turning into estrogen, thats why its important during a cycle.

I feel like you should have known this already though and known what AIs/SERMs actually do to your body before you even thought about finding sources.
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On cycle dex for estrogen control. Clomid/ nolva/hcg post cycle therapy (pct). Adex post cycle therapy (pct) won't help you fully recover, can almost gurantee it too.
definitely take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct). If you choose adex then make sure you taper the dose down for the last two weeks of your post cycle therapy (pct) to avoid estrogen rebound.