PCT Drugs & Liver Toxicity questions


New member
So I'm in quite the predicament. Totally wrecked my liver using a strong Superdrol/Halo/Ostarine cycle. Ended up with jaundice 2 weeks into my PCT of Clomid @ 80 mg (I don't blame the clomid, I blame the Superdrol and Halodrol) and had to go to the ER. Liver enzymes were elevated and was diagnosed with drug induced non-viral hepatitis.

A month later my Bilirubin levels are finally lowering, yellowness is going away and getting better every day, but still may take up to 3 months before my skin pigment is 100% normal again and I am operating at 100%.

Here lies the issue... I've lost a great deal of gains since being off cycle (30 lbs) due to decreased appetite from nausea and not being able to train, natural test level being shot to hell didn't help either.

I'm 25 years old and am feeling the effects of lagging Testosterone levels due to not being able to finish out PCT. Little to no libido, slight testicular atrophy, low sperm volume, low energy and motivation, achey joints etc...

My question to you wise sages is what PCT drugs and/or supplements can I add in to aid in my lagging test and what dosages? It can't be anything that is extremely hepatoxic due to my liver issues.

I've heard great things about Toremifene and Raloxifene. Was wondering about Letro or any other AI's as well?

Really need to help guys and greatly appreciate it.
How long were you on the proho's for?

Gonadal Atrophy: will return to normal, might take some time. You can use a PCT protocol to help but I wouldn't. HCG could also aid, again I'd advice against due to your current state.

Weight loss: Lowering estrogen will only hurt weight gain and health, DO NOT use an AI while not on exogenous hormones. A SERM combination nolva/clomid could be beneficial, basically restarting your pct but weight loss is due to the diet. Get diet on point and you'll stop losing weight and start gaining it back.

Ginger and B12 can help with appetite.
How long were you on the proho's for?

Gonadal Atrophy: will return to normal, might take some time. You can use a PCT protocol to help but I wouldn't. HCG could also aid, again I'd advice against due to your current state.

Weight loss: Lowering estrogen will only hurt weight gain and health, DO NOT use an AI while not on exogenous hormones. A SERM combination nolva/clomid could be beneficial, basically restarting your pct but weight loss is due to the diet. Get diet on point and you'll stop losing weight and start gaining it back.

Ginger and B12 can help with appetite.

4 Weeks. Super DMZ 2.0, 2caps (yes realize its a SDrol Clone) and Halo Elite, 3 caps. This was my 2nd cycle, the first one being a year prior with no problems whatsoever. The doubling up on methylated products is what f*cked me.

So what do you recommend I do or take to help with estro and test production in light of my current state?

The wife is not too happy with the current sex life and the lack there-of lol. Just need something I can take that will help and not destroy my liver. Forgot to mention I get blood work done at the Dr. every week.
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Don't use an AI.

Clomid and Nolva or Torem and Nolva. Can't beat em, and none of them are really hepatoxic.

Are you running NAC?? Or UDCA?
Have you had test and estrogen checked with all the blood work?

Don't use an AI.

Clomid and Nolva or Torem and Nolva. Can't beat em, and none of them are really hepatoxic.

Are you running NAC?? Or UDCA?

Getting that checked on the 8th, but i'm 100% that i'm running low on test atm...

Yes, been on Liv52, NAC, and Milk Thistle. What is UDCA? And you don't think there are any risks bumping clomid or any PCT drugs with my liver enzymes? If not i'll go right for it.
Getting that checked on the 8th, but i'm 100% that i'm running low on test atm...

Yes, been on Liv52, NAC, and Milk Thistle. What is UDCA? And you don't think there are any risks bumping clomid or any PCT drugs with my liver enzymes? If not i'll go right for it.

Ursodeoxycholic Acid (hope I spelt that right.) It's a secondary bile acid which has amazing healing benefits to your liver. Should look into running it for a while and stay on the NAC. You can stop wasting your money on milk thistle by the way.. it's a completely useless compound.

Where were your liver enzymes at on your last blood panel? AST, ALT, Alk. Phos...etc. If your livers not too inflamed at the moment you should be fine. Clomid and nolva are metabolized in the liver but won't really put any stress on a normal functioning liver.
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Ursodeoxycholic Acid (hope I spelt that right.) It's a secondary bile acid which has amazing healing benefits to your liver. Should look into running it for a while and stay on the NAC. You can stop wasting your money on milk thistle by the way.. it's a completely useless compound.

Where were your liver enzymes at on your last blood panel? AST, ALT, Alk. Phos...etc. If your livers not too inflammed at the moment you should be fine. Clomid and nolva are metabolized in the liver but won't really put any stress on a normal functioning liver.

Oh, yes, Ursodoil, I have a prescription for that. It's been a little over 30 days since I finished my PCT, or not finished, more like interrupted I should say.
My liver enzymes are completely normal right now, just waiting for my bilirubin levels to climb back down.

So just restart PCT? Clomid and Nolva, what dosing do you guys recommend?
Oh, yes, Ursodoil, I have a prescription for that. It's been a little over 30 days since I finished my PCT, or not finished, more like interrupted I should say.
My liver enzymes are completely normal right now, just waiting for my bilirubin levels to climb back down.

So just restart PCT? Clomid and Nolva, what dosing do you guys recommend?

Okay sweet.

Yep, redo PCT. I'd go with:

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

Daily dose for each week^

Then wait 6 weeks after your last dose and have bloods done.... LH, FSH, TT, E2 :)
Don't use an AI.

Clomid and Nolva or Torem and Nolva. Can't beat em, and none of them are really hepatoxic.

Are you running NAC?? Or UDCA?

Okay sweet.

Yep, redo PCT. I'd go with:

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

Daily dose for each week^

Then wait 6 weeks after your last dose and have bloods done.... LH, FSH, TT, E2 :)

Alrighty thanks a ton. So this should all help with me nutts dropping and the sperm load? Was thinking about throwing in some cialis for a while as well, just to keep the lady satisfied.
Alrighty thanks a ton. So this should all help with me nutts dropping and the sperm load? Was thinking about throwing in some cialis for a while as well, just to keep the lady satisfied.

Yep, they'll get the brain pumping out LH & FSH and your testes should react well unless your real unlucky. Cialis is a great supp, definitely add it to keep the missus happy lol. You'll probably start feeling better by about end of week 2 PCT.. unless clomid gives you emotional sides like it does for some people. In that case you'll have to wait until end of PCT to feel good again :P