People running OP test e.....

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If you're running OP's test it 500mg or more a week, how is your pip and injection site after your pin? Yesterday was pin day for me and it would have bin my left glute, last pin before yesterday was my right delt. I didn't pin my left glute because I still have a little bit of a lump still left. Went down a lot but didn't feel safe pinning it because of the lump and my right glute still has a little bit of a lump too. So I pinned my left delt that I pinned I think 2 Thursday's ago since it was fine. I'm pinning 1.25cc's at a time and my question is I'm thinking of splitting it in half. If my glutes are fine and back to normal by this Thursday I'm thinking of pinning half the amount in one glute and the rest in the other glute. Would this make the pip and swelling not as bad/faster recovery time? I only have 4 injection sites, glutes and delts so it would be Thursday's pin both glutes and Monday's pin both delts.
You're not the only one having this problem. I've replied to at least 3 threads regarding the exact issue with a remedy that worked for me. It may or may not work for you but I'll post it here yet again.....

Immediately after injection take your heating pad(almost too hot to touch) begin massage the area with the pad, massaging it so hard that it hurts a little. Do this for 3-5 minutes then sit on the heating pad for 10 minutes and it should help. My heating pad is homemade with dried corn kernels inside a bag so the corn really helps in the deep massage. Good luck
I'm thinking it's the BA%. I can't remember what pinnacle's BA% was and if anybody knows let me know but OP's is 2% per 1ml. Since I'm doing 1.25ml's I'm thinking splitting it into two shots would help.
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I finally pinned a half mL of the Test E yesterday. (With a full mL of the tren E, to make it a total of 1.5mL)

I pinned it in the ventro glute and I was rock solid with the technique. Used a 25g and injected slowly over 1-15 seconds. I walked into the bathroom and immediately noticed that a 2 square inch patch at the injection site was red and raised up about a 1/4". I swear I had pain in my whole leg within an hour. Hip, quad, and even calf. By hour 6, my hip and glute on that leg were just fucked and I was limping around, dragging the leg.

I immediately took some ibuprofen after seeing the swelling, and took four more about five hours later with 7.5mg oxycodone. I woke up several times in the night, and it was like I had bad arthritis in my hip and glute. A strong ache deep in the joint. Not cool.

Today, I'm walking normal with the aid of the ibuprofen. I can definitely feel it, but as long as I'm not limping I can live with it. Of course, I only pinned .5 mL of the Test E.

So, bottom line is I can live with this amount of pain, but I don't think I can go up to a full mL and still be able to sleep.

I'm perplexed by the way the pain spread so fast to the entire leg, and around to the rear glute. The preparation is noticeably thinner than what I'm used to (Pinn and Strango). I'm wondering if the thin oil that they use is able to saturate more tissue, or travel through capillaries or the interstitial space more efficiently, thereby causing pain over a larger area, and we perceive this as being "worse?"

If it isn't the oil making the preparation thinner, then it has to be the BA, right?

I will separate the Test E and Tren E on my next dose for comparison and let yall know.
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Curious how this plays out. Thinking that less than 1ml per pin will help. I can deal with some PIP so long as the product verifies through bloods. Someone should be close to posting them???
Curious how this plays out. Thinking that less than 1ml per pin will help. I can deal with some PIP so long as the product verifies through bloods. Someone should be close to posting them???

I can deal with the pip too. So far it isn't crippling pip for me it's just the swelling takes a while to go down and I don't feel comfortable pinning with the swelling.
Yeah, from what ive heard pharm companies are around 1%. Usually ugls are 2 or 3%.

What is the Mgs on the test E??
That's crazy it hit you that quick. I've had pip almost instantly before but it was poor technique. Last pin was 1ml Test 400 .5 ml EQ 400, I applied the "massage" method noted above and it is literally like I didn't even pin on Sunday. Tonight I have 1ml Tren 150 .5ml EQ 400 and we'll see if it's as smooth. I'll let y'all know.
I don't get any pip until about 18-24 hours later. Then a day later I get some swelling that'll last 3 to 5 days.
I don't get any pip until about 18-24 hours later. Then a day later I get some swelling that'll last 3 to 5 days.

I was referring to Hugh's post on the pip immediately. I typically get it the next day too, When I wake up. Worsening throughout that first day.
Curious how this plays out. Thinking that less than 1ml per pin will help. I can deal with some PIP so long as the product verifies through bloods. Someone should be close to posting them???

2 more weeks and I'll have mine, if I have time. If not it'll be 3-4 weeks. Definitely by the end of April.
I don't get any pip until about 18-24 hours later. Then a day later I get some swelling that'll last 3 to 5 days.

That's my typical response as well. I've been waiting on this to build all day and it just hasn't. Kinda weird, like this is some kind of reverse-PIP, lol.

I may have a low-level allergy to the ethyl oleate. Seems more like an allergic reaction than standard PIP.
Yesterday at 8:30am I pinned 1.5ml of test 400 and 1.5ml of tren together. Both r from OP last night at gym I had a lil pip as I worked legs (pinned glute). Today nothing. I always work legs on pinn days even if pinn days don't correlate with what muscle groop I'm on I still work legs alil. I think it helps but fuck I donno much
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