Peru Tech Winny


cuban refugee
Excellent stuff! Highly reccomended for anybody looking to run oral Winstrol (winny). I've ran stanabols, tt's, ip, and denkal oral Winstrol (winny) before, and so far this stuff seems to have kicked in before all of those did.
I've run Winstrol (winny) in almost every cycle so far, and this stuff is potent. :afro:
Ill be using 50mg/day of the Perutech Winstrol (winny) for 10 weeks this summer, so suffice to say I am quite happy to hear your results.
I know a lot of people on it right now and they are all really happy, my guy cant keep them in stock
peru tech

hey bro's,
i have to give a big thumbs up to PT winny!
pumps are insane, and i always know my Winstrol (winny) is working when my elbows start to
run that with some LFC tren and prop, and you won't be dissapointed!
god bless
BiggieSwolls said:
Ill be using 50mg/day of the Perutech Winstrol (winny) for 10 weeks this summer, so suffice to say I am quite happy to hear your results.

I'll be starting them in about 8 weeks, and I'm really looking forward to it. 'Course the d-bol bloat I'm presently enjoying is kinda fun to in its own way.

Heyyo said:
SBC, PeruTech has nothing to do with Peru. It's a small underground Canadian company, very few middle men if any so the price is very low.

The product is Top notch, never heard a single complaint. They also have a clomid and soon a dbol.

from what i hear, they will be expanding the product line quite a bit, more orals and apparently some oils also....
orals that i've heard they will specialize in are:
winny, anavar, dbol, clomid, arimidex and nolva...
not too sure about the oils tho, however, i'm looking forward to them making more orals cause they seem to be taking over with with great prices, and exceptional quality...
Great feedback...thanks. I will be running Perutech Winstrol (winny) for 10 weeks also after I get off this bulking cycle.