PH cycle in lieu of TRT??


New member
At 36 yrs old my TT came in at 415 and PCP thinks I'm gtg. I know I'm not dying but feel I could improve many aspects of my life with even a little elevation in T.

I'm considering three options at this point:

1) Consultation with a Urologist for further testing and possible TRT.

2) Contacting IMT or similar, again for possible TRT.

3) A PH cycle

*AAS cycles are absolutely NOT an option due to my job.*

Clearly it would seem that the PH option is relatively inexpensive, controlled entirely by me, legal, and easier (no doc appts etc.). However, is this a viable alternative? Or am I just going to screw everything up and end up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) anyway OR have to use PHs for life as it seems testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) must be used for life?

Honest opinions welcome and thanks.
Prohormones are NOT a viable alternative to TRT. There's no way you could sustain your androgen levels with a liver toxic substance for a very long time without permanently causing damage. Shop for another doctor, or if you want the best (and can afford it) get in touch with IMT. Oh, and yes - testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is for life, so plan accordingly. (Children, etc.)
Thanks man.

It was my understanding that AAS and PH orals are hard on the liver. However, I had wondered if appropriate cycling, post cycle therapy (pct), liver detoxes, and mild PH usage in general might be a viable substitute. I appreciate your frankness thanks again man.
Get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) first. Than run the ph. You ll have a real tes base than.

Gains will be good and no post cycle therapy (pct) needed (as long as u stay on TRT)
Get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) first. Than run the ph. You ll have a real tes base than.

Gains will be good and no pct needed (as long as u stay on TRT)

Thanks man. Yeah some other people have recommended test as a base even with PHs. Lindsay from IMT has been polite and informative so I am going to look into them next week.

By chance are you on TRT?
Thanks man.

It was my understanding that AAS and PH orals are hard on the liver. However, I had wondered if appropriate cycling, post cycle therapy (pct), liver detoxes, and mild PH usage in general might be a viable substitute. I appreciate your frankness thanks again man.

Injected Test is not going to be hard on your liver, all orals however are going to be hard on the liver, and I would even venture to say PH are worse, they are converted to AAS by your liver