Phyto-Testosterone -- A natural testosterone mimicker

According to a study I just read, bulbine natalensis was shown to have a negative effect on the immune system, decrease hdl, no effect on ldl, increase serum cholesterol and triglycerides. I wonder if anything has been done to study its effect on c-reactive protein? Hmm, I'm staying away from the bulbine for sure.

NISCAIR ONLINE PERIODICALS REPOSITORY (NOPR) : Effect of aqueous extract of Bulbine natalensis Baker stem on haematological and serum lipid profile of male Wistar rats

Also causing increases is alk phos, alt/ast, and overall having a negative effect on liver and kidney function.

Effect of Bulbine natalensis Baker Stem Extract on the Functional Indices and Histology of the Liver and Kidney of Male Wistar Rats

Just some food for thought.
I have not looked into Bulbine much, but I am usually held back on "new" ingredients that the only people talking about them are the ones selling them.

Either way, PhytoTest is legit.
According to a study I just read, bulbine natalensis was shown to have a negative effect on the immune system, decrease hdl, no effect on ldl, increase serum cholesterol and triglycerides. I wonder if anything has been done to study its effect on c-reactive protein? Hmm, I'm staying away from the bulbine for sure.

NISCAIR ONLINE PERIODICALS REPOSITORY (NOPR) : Effect of aqueous extract of Bulbine natalensis Baker stem on haematological and serum lipid profile of male Wistar rats

Also causing increases is alk phos, alt/ast, and overall having a negative effect on liver and kidney function.

Effect of Bulbine natalensis Baker Stem Extract on the Functional Indices and Histology of the Liver and Kidney of Male Wistar Rats

Just some food for thought.

Yikes, this sounds more like a cigarette than a supplement.
Have any of you used Pyto test in post cycle therapy (pct) before?

I have used phyto test and also regular fenugreek in post cycle therapy (pct) before. With both products I noticed some increased libido and easier "feel" to post cycle therapy (pct) than when I don't use it. Not sure which I prefer though, fenugreek is much cheaper compared to the extracts, but you have to mega dose the fenugreek then, so cost wise its a wash. If you can get a hold of a solid extract like tesofen, then you should be good to go, slight edge to the extract in this case.
Personally I have found the more quality product contains the more pure extract, also relative to side effects. It just makes sense to me to always use the highest quality possible, which is why Primordial Performance is so great.
I wonder how fenugreek usually does on cycle. I've used testofen on cycle and it maintained libido... I figure if it mimics test, then it could be useful. But I don't know if it would be powerful enough for something longer than 6 weeks.
I wonder how fenugreek usually does on cycle. I've used testofen on cycle and it maintained libido... I figure if it mimics test, then it could be useful. But I don't know if it would be powerful enough for something longer than 6 weeks.

It would be of some benefit on cycles that might kill libido, like a longer deca cycle perhaps, the only issue with fenugreek extracts is it takes 2 months to get some solid results, by the end of the first month I'm just starting to notice its effects.
It would be of some benefit on cycles that might kill libido, like a longer deca cycle perhaps, the only issue with fenugreek extracts is it takes 2 months to get some solid results, by the end of the first month I'm just starting to notice its effects.

Really? Wow I could feel the effects almost instantly it seemed... I should try longer courses then. If this mimicks test, then it's not really supposed to raise test or free test it's simply activating the receptor?
Really? Wow I could feel the effects almost instantly it seemed... I should try longer courses then. If this mimicks test, then it's not really supposed to raise test or free test it's simply activating the receptor?

It could be that I was on post cycle therapy (pct), also I'm more so reffering to any mass gains I noticed from it, libido improvement was noticed fairly early.
ya 12 weeks imo is optimal, but as far as libido, increased semen volume, and "nut swelling" it was a matter of day for me.
ya 12 weeks imo is optimal, but as far as libido, increased semen volume, and "nut swelling" it was a matter of day for me.

Forgot about the volume expansion of the man gravy, I am rather gifted in the volume department already, so when I'm on something like phyto test, damn watch out ladies. Like a 9mm that fires .35 rounds.
Ryan I consider your feedback gold. Im goin to pick up some more Phyto Testosterone and look even more forward to my pct.
whats the story with phytotest to canada? i cant order glycocarn or argino, forget about the new phtyo g2g for canada...i may pick one up when i grab some map, to try in pct