Phyto-Testosterone -- A natural testosterone mimicker

Im thinking of going Androhard, Phyto-test, and TCF-1. Will log results but wont start till next mth

From reviews from college friends. phyto is a great product when stacked with something like tcf-1 or formestane

That would be interesting to see.
The bottle lasts a month at the recommended dose. It tastes like a strong maple syrup.

You want to use it for at least a month to measure results. From the feedback we’ve gotten and the studies that have been done on the ingredients, a 4-5lb gain in lean mass with 2-3lb loss of bodyfat is typical in a 4-8 week period. (compared to placebo)

It causes a major increase in appetite so having plenty of protein around is very important – your gonna need it.


sound great. im on this with 6-bromo and sustain alpha. saved a bunch with the sale as well
how long does it take to see physical effects? would this stack well with bioforge promax or hcgenerate?

NO not really because it would be to much Testofen bro. Photo test is 400mg of Testofen
per serving and you take it twice a day for a total of 800mg Testofen along with 800mg of
5-Methyl-7-Methoxy Isoflavone ( a plant not a pro hormone )

among other things HCGenerate has 1000mg of testofen per serving. Together this would be to damn much testofen bro. Many people report getting head aches when taking above 1200mg testofen a day.

If you wanted to get the Fadogia Agrestis effects along with the photo test product i think a much better combo would be NTBM's "bridge" product along with the photo test my friend.

In fact taking them together as a bridge between your cycles would be awesome. Run a cycle, then pct, then bridge+photo-test, and then run Sarms s-4, then another bridge, and then by then its time to jump back on cycle!!!!!!!!

So many ways to skin a cat and its so great that there is great products that work out there these days.
We use “Testofen” which is the same standardized extract used in the human studies that showed the increase in strength, muscle and reduction in bodyfat.

This is a specific extract of the fenugreek seed for the anabolic/androgenic “fenuside” portion -- which is trademarked by Gencor Inc. I’m not sure what you would get from a generic fenugreek extract, but its probably nothing like Testofen.


I thought the research for Testofen was found to be less than trust worthy.not attacking your product in anyway just wondering if anymore research independantly has been done on Testofen that wasn't funded by the makers of it or related to them.
I thought the research for Testofen was found to be less than trust worthy.not attacking your product in anyway just wondering if anymore research independantly has been done on Testofen that wasn't funded by the makers of it or related to them.

Funny that you should ask such a question...


Physiological Aspects of Male Libido Enhanced by Standardized Trigonella foenum***8208;graecum Extract and Mineral Formulation

The aim of the clinical study was to evaluate the effect of Testofen, a standardized Trigonella foenum***8208; graecum (Fenugreek) extract and mineral formulation, on male libido (sexual drive, urge or desire) in a double blind randomized placebo controlled study. The study recruited 60 healthy males aged between 25 and 52, without erectile dysfunction and randomized to an oral dose (two tablets per day) of the active treatment (600 mg Testofen per day) or placebo for 6 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the DISF***8208;SR (male) self***8208; administered QOL total score and the four domain scores. The secondary outcome was specific quality of life parameters. Testofen had an overall positive effect on physiological aspects of libido. In particular, there was a significant increase in the subdomains of sexual arousal and orgasm. Testofen had a positive effect on QOL in self***8208;reported satisfaction with muscle strength, energy and well***8208;being but did not have an effect on mood or sleep. Serum prolactin and testosterone levels remained within the reference range. It was concluded that Testofen demonstrated a significant positive effect on physiological aspects of libido and may assist to maintain normal healthy testosterone levels. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH Phytother. Res. (2011) Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3360
Funny that you should ask such a question...


Physiological Aspects of Male Libido Enhanced by Standardized Trigonella foenum***8208;graecum Extract and Mineral Formulation

The aim of the clinical study was to evaluate the effect of Testofen, a standardized Trigonella foenum***8208; graecum (Fenugreek) extract and mineral formulation, on male libido (sexual drive, urge or desire) in a double blind randomized placebo controlled study. The study recruited 60 healthy males aged between 25 and 52, without erectile dysfunction and randomized to an oral dose (two tablets per day) of the active treatment (600 mg Testofen per day) or placebo for 6 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the DISF***8208;SR (male) self***8208; administered QOL total score and the four domain scores. The secondary outcome was specific quality of life parameters. Testofen had an overall positive effect on physiological aspects of libido. In particular, there was a significant increase in the subdomains of sexual arousal and orgasm. Testofen had a positive effect on QOL in self***8208;reported satisfaction with muscle strength, energy and well***8208;being but did not have an effect on mood or sleep. Serum prolactin and testosterone levels remained within the reference range. It was concluded that Testofen demonstrated a significant positive effect on physiological aspects of libido and may assist to maintain normal healthy testosterone levels. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH Phytother. Res. (2011) Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3360
I have been using it for years in post cycle therapy (pct), and it's fantastic. Phyto Testosterone is the best and highest quality I have used yet.
the only test booster i like is anything daa, be it testforce or tfc-1

if i had to choose something else, ill take fenugreek based boosters over bulbine based boosters anyday of the week...iv read way more bad stuff on the bulbine than the fenugreek

until then, squats and deads ill trust to boost my t levels