Phyto-Testosterone -- A natural testosterone mimicker

A good natty stack would be Phyto Testosterone with our TRS and TCF-1 < got a discount for that too:)

I have been having a bit of a libido hit due in PCT, and decided I am going to run two months worth of phyto back to back to transition me through it. August 3rd it ships.
I have been having a bit of a libido hit due in PCT, and decided I am going to run two months worth of phyto back to back to transition me through it. August 3rd it ships.

Nice, keep us updated on how you are liking it, and eat big while you are on it.
There are a lot of studies backing Fenugreek as well as 5-Methyl-7-Methoxy Isoflavone.
I have been using Fenugreek for years in PCT and remember a study I found long ago on how it has similar properties to silymarin as a possible hepatoprotective agent.


I'm thinking of testing this with Ultradrol, maybe using Phyto Testosterone pre/during and post, since it's the best fenugreek product there is
Im getting close to finishing up my 1st bottle and so far im liking it. Biggest thing im noticing is increased libido, recovery and muscle fullness.
Im getting close to finishing up my 1st bottle and so far im liking it. Biggest thing im noticing is increased libido, recovery and muscle fullness.

Nice, I took a libido hit in PCT, so I am glad to see you confirm its benefit in that regard.
Nice, I took a libido hit in post cycle therapy (pct), so I am glad to see you confirm its benefit in that regard.

I'm not looking forward to my post cycle therapy (pct) in November. I've been using hCG, so that should make recovery a bit easier, but I'll have been on for quite awhile by then.
I'm not looking forward to my PCT in November. I've been using hCG, so that should make recovery a bit easier, but I'll have been on for quite awhile by then.

Yah HCG helps a ton, are you running the triple T+P PCT? You know, TRS, TCF-1, Torem + Phytotest? ;)
Yah HCG helps a ton, are you running the triple T+P PCT? You know, TRS, TCF-1, Torem + Phytotest? ;)

Definitely the first 3 parts. I need to see what I have in my stash that might be applicable. I might add in some Drive by AN and AnaBeta as well.
Definitely the first 3 parts. I need to see what I have in my stash that might be applicable. I might add in some Drive by AN and AnaBeta as well.

Ill think you'll be pleasantly suprised with Phyto Testosterone Rodja. It definatly belongs in Primordial Performance's line up.