Pics BEFORE First Cycle

non-stop said:
Yea the genetic thing is great but it can only take you so far. If I continue my current training and diet routine, I shouldnt gain too much bodyfat at all on the cycle. I am just imagining what 20-25 extra pounds will look like, its hard to picture.

Would love to know what the the diet/workout routine is..
i'd say do the lower end of the scale 300 or so, but do it with a dianabol kickstart.

dianabol > Test...

50mg ed for the first 6 weeks, I was up 30lbs after 6 weeks on my first cycle, kept 20...dbol rocks
StoneColdNTO said:
But you can alter your injection frequency to manipulate your weekly dosage.


amp every 4 days = 437mg/week
amp every 5 days = 350mg/week
SC... how did u come up with this??
very lean with good genes, I am interested to see how much ya keep...Even if ya lost everything square one is still great...good luck buddy
MilkDaScow said:
i disagree... the more is not necessarily better and especially for a first cycle...

I was 221 and ran my first cycle of 400mg/wk and gained 26 pounds

non-stop will do just fine with 400mg - 500mg a week
I will be starting my cycle as soon as the gear gets here, and I am going to begin with 350mg a week...i.e. 1 amp every 5 days. If I feel I need to up it at some point I will but I think I will see some good results with that. I will keep you guys posted.
Takes a bit to kick in. Also make sure you have your post cycle therapy (pct) in check. Also would love to know more about your routine/diet...
I train on a 4-day split with no off days unless i feel i need one. Usually it goes as follows; chest/bis, delts/tris, back, legs...repeat. My diet to get lean was simple, I did 300gs of protein a day, i fluxuated my carbs typically anywhere from 100-300gs of carbs daily. 300gs being my high carb day, usually on leg day. I kept my fat below 50gs a day all the time, and most of the time below 30gs. My diet now is completely different, I have a fast metabolism so I can eat a lot and not gain too much fat as long as i dont go overboard. My calories now are around 4,000 a day, 300-350gs of protein and around 300-400gs of carbs. I dont count the fat in the offseason but as i said i dont go overboard. I plan to tighten up the diet again and up the calories a little bit when I jump on this cycle, which should be this weekend. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
non-stop said:
I train on a 4-day split with no off days unless i feel i need one. Usually it goes as follows; chest/bis, delts/tris, back, legs...repeat. My diet to get lean was simple, I did 300gs of protein a day, i fluxuated my carbs typically anywhere from 100-300gs of carbs daily. 300gs being my high carb day, usually on leg day. I kept my fat below 50gs a day all the time, and most of the time below 30gs. My diet now is completely different, I have a fast metabolism so I can eat a lot and not gain too much fat as long as i dont go overboard. My calories now are around 4,000 a day, 300-350gs of protein and around 300-400gs of carbs. I dont count the fat in the offseason but as i said i dont go overboard. I plan to tighten up the diet again and up the calories a little bit when I jump on this cycle, which should be this weekend. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

if your maintaining well on 4K a day with that macro break down, I wouldn't drop my cals at all... you're lean as hell, if your gain 20lbs and 5lbs is fat, that means your bf% would have increased by ~2%... not a big deal at all starting out as lean as you are currently
I wouldn't cut diet back when you go on cycle. You could likely keep it as is through the cycle and adjust as you go after you see changes. 350/wk will work good for you, I did 400mg a week and 5 weeks in everyone I hadn't seen in 2 months almost shit themselves.
If you take a look at what I posted above, I never said I was cutting back the calories, I am just going to tighten up the diet i.e. eat clean while on. I actually plan to up the calories a tad and clean it up at the same time.
outlawtas2 said:
Lookin awesome man. I'd do a nice clean bulk and you'd look just the same but bigger. Hit those calfs hard tho!!! hehe

Yeah I agree with outlawtas2 proportions not too far off but you def need to work on the calf s and I would hit the traps a lil harder. Keep up the good work man! :)