pics of a fat, bloated needsize.....


Community Veteran
started dieting today, so I thought I would take some before pics to track my progress. Stats as of this morning, 260lbs even, at 5'8", dont even want to guess at bodyfat...... I'm carrying a truckload of fat and water in my back, so I can barely even see it in the pics, but thats the last place I lose it, last show, my back still looked water logged until I started diuretics.
My bodyfat wasnt that bad till recently, but then I came off of everything, and forgot that I gain bf crazy fast as soon as I come off, so my gut blew up
lookin huge :) ... are you dieting back down to contest size.. or just doing a cut to slim down?
Damn, still looking good bro....When is your peak date? If I had to guess your BF I'd say you're right around 15-17%. Not at all bad for off season. Heck I wish I looked like you.
Needsize looking good bro. Im around 5'8 and I wish I was that swole. Keep us posted on the diet and pics. Good luck.
thanks guys, I'm hoping to do a few shows in Oct, but am meeting with a top of the line trainer in a few weeks, so we'll see what she has to say. Dirkmonkeyshot, 210lbs would be great, but my guess was 205lbs going by how much I lost last time...we'll see, eventually my goal is at least 220lbs on stage
I still think you lost more then you needed to last time in terms of LBM. If you need help next time you diet down let me know.
I was 180lbson stage last time
dirk, I think you may be right, or at least I am hoping so....Appreciate the offer for help, I'll see how the meeting with the trainer goes, if I can afford her, I might not need any help. She's actually an IFFBB pro that trains all the top guys around here, I just dont know if I can afford it
fuck , you certainly packed on some mass, you'll need to change your name!!
make sure you keep posting your progress pics
BiggerthanLavar said:
Damn, still looking good bro....When is your peak date? If I had to guess your BF I'd say you're right around 15-17%. Not at all bad for off season. Heck I wish I looked like you.

what the hell are you smoking? He is holding some water, but he is not carry much fat at all.
dammmmnnnn needsize! and you can still see your abs, too! crazy! you're gonna be awesome dieted down... good luck!