

That Dude
I told someone on here id post some pics last week so heres two i snapped just now. 5 1/2 weeks into test E cycle. kick started it with prop 75mg EOD and test E about 500mg/week. Im now pinning 250mg of test about every 3 days or so. critiques welcome.
Ill snap some pics of the wheels tomorrow. Quads and hams are coming along nicely, however the calves are terribly stubborn! Cannot get them to grow no matter what i do!!

shoulder routine includes seated BB press, behind the neck BB shoulder press, arnold presses, then side lateral raises and rear delt flies.

appreciate the kind words bro!
Man... U can't beat good genetics! Not to take any credit from u, but genetics play a huge role! I have 7th grader shoulders + 3rd grader calves! I have decent bicepts and an okay back.
On the other hand, I have other great qualities! Lol
I told someone on here id post some pics last week so heres two i snapped just now. 5 1/2 weeks into test E cycle. kick started it with prop 75mg EOD and test E about 500mg/week. Im now pinning 250mg of test about every 3 days or so. critiques welcome.

other than the miami vice hair dew, and the black shit all over your face, you look great bro.. lol
good job snigg your lats are beast aswell, throw up a back shot...

ill see what i can do. maybe i can get a lady friend to snap a pic cuz i cant take a pic of my back with this iphone, no timer.

other than the miami vice hair dew, and the black shit all over your face, you look great bro.. lol

lol miami vice hair do? i just got out of the shower haha

looking good snigg...great delt development bro

thanks bro

looking pretty good bro. nice work on the delts for sure. now get the chest there

thanks be honest my chest is actually pretty balanced compared to the rest of my upper body, just doesnt show well in these pics. inclined 235 for sets of 8 yesterday.

Delts are nice brother. Keep at it.

thanks bro

You told me and you look legendary bro you can set a cup on those delts excellent!!!!

appreciate it!
You're shoulders are very impressive. You almost look like you have site enhancement in them (which I assume you don't, so take that as a compliment).

As far as your calf are concerned, a couple things to consider:

#1. A heavy posterior chain movement (ie. deadlifts or good mornings) followed by a lot of calf volume (sets of 20-25)
#2. DC Calf training. Explosive positive movement, 5 second negative, 10 second stretch at the bottom. 2 sets of 12 and you'll be smoked.
Damn, I was looking to do some hatin' on you. Your delts are the focus point of your physique. Goodstuff, any particular program for delts you can share or just genetics?
genetics. i dont do anything special for them, and the weight i use for my pressing movements isnt anything spectacular.
Looking good bro! Like everybody else i've gotta say the delts look great. Where do you pin? I stick to the glutes because i'm slightly nervous about shooting the thighs or delts
all my pinning is done in my quads. when i was on test prop along with my enanthate i pinned the glutes a few times but the quads are my sweet spots. never pinned anywhere else.