PIP, help?


New member
So this is my first time at the prom lol, did alot of reasearch and a good body as my source for pinnacle, have Test E and aromasin and clomid, running 500 a week. My buddy who helped me out is only gonna be around this past Sat so i pinned for the first time, within a half hour it hurt, i understand its like getting a flue shot....virgin muscle also. But even today its still sore, its hard to sleep on hurts to rais my arm (fyi i pinned in the shoulder). I know its not bad gear because everyone raves about pinnacle, but is it normal for the first time to hurt this bad, i took a shower, i alchohol swabbed like a mofo?? advice or guidance anyone? PMs are welcome also
Gauge and length of pin...

1 st time alway hurts..ask any girl :) But then, in time you ll be able to take almost anything...ask any cougar.
tried to get pins online from a website my source todl me about but they dont recognize my address lol wtf, i understand first time hurts, but so does a flu shot but it doesnt last for days. It feels like a bruse from virgin muscle, just want to make sure. The GF who doesnt agreew ith this next step of mine is a nurse and she keeps telling me about all the negatives when ever she can lol, she will like the results hopefully.
I'm going through lots of PIP right now. Every time I change test esters my body reacts. I'm using Sustanon (sust) for the first time.... It has prop ester in it so I was expecting pain. I'm on my fourth pin and it really hurts... I have a friend using the same brand and he's having a much better time. Oh well, it will probably pass by next week. I pin quads and glutes.... Makes my leg workout excruciating. At least I can still do squats with sore glutes... I arrange my workouts accordingly.
What do you guys think about taking aromasin or any anti estrogen all through your cycle? not sure if im gyno prone of not just scared of it and dont wanna take chances? would taking an anti estrogen hurt my results?
What up, ski. I just did my third pin today. I'm a beginner also. same brand as you (test e only) and i pinned in the thigh(21g 1in). i switch legs every pin just to prevent scar tissue and pain. much easier and as far as pain and soreness, the initial pin goes smooth with little to no pain. The next day i had some soreness when bending my leg but it only lasted 2 days and by the third it was like nothing happened. i definitely recommend using the thigh. shoulder is kind of a small area for such a long needle and that much fluid. i'm hoping that you just build up a tolerance to the injections and the soreness goes away. haha btw, don't put the whole needle in. especially in the shoulder. haha only 1 inch is necessary for the thigh so the shoulder probably needs even less than that.
What do you guys think about taking aromasin or any anti estrogen all through your cycle? not sure if im gyno prone of not just scared of it and dont wanna take chances? would taking an anti estrogen hurt my results?

btw, i'm not usin aromasin or anything in my cycle. i have it on hand just incase. i've read from several people that you only really need to use it if gyno or unwanted sides start to arise. I'm a week and a half in with no problems yet. i also heard that if you're a hard gainer (or have a slender build) then sides are typically less likely to show. idk if thats 100% true though.
K-rob9 thanks a bunch man, i am going to be pinning for the second time today, i was already thinking about switching to my thigh, my OCDness has me wanting to keep things even and stick my other shoulder then move to thigh to keep it even hahaha. The pain is going away did chest last night, i was not able to get to the gym so last night was the first time. Shoulder was a tad sore but didnt bother me, hopefully back and bis tonight wont give me to much troubles after. I have a tall mid size frame,


i have broad shoulders but wasnt filled out as much as i wanted, i never had and gyno problems growing up (i read some ppl it spawns during puberty) but i didnt want to take any chances, from what i read this one affect me test levels or gains if i take aromasin all the way through will it?
From a one-pin beginner: I used 25 gauge 3/4" and felt zero pain. Just 0.5 ml shot in shoulder. I literally did not feel the needle at all. Less pain, drama and time than shaving.
The 22 ga needle is a bit on the large size, specially for virgin muscle. Switch to a 25 ga. The pain should subside within 2/3 days.
dont have access to 25g in an instant, only 22g for a while. Anyone have a good source to get pins onlong? (PM me) the one source my buddy said to get from couldnt recognize my address fml.
dont have access to 25g in an instant, only 22g for a while. Anyone have a good source to get pins onlong? (PM me) the one source my buddy said to get from couldnt recognize my address fml.

I know this is a bit old on this thread but let me address one thing....

I hear you saying that you don't have access to 25 gauge and only 22 and some such about your not being able to order any needles based on an addy thing etc...
So where did you get your needles??? Syringes??? Where did the person you got them from get them???
If by chance (which I hope not but I've seen it happen more than once) but if by chance you are using CO-OP or ANIMAL pins, this is your PIP problem. Those pins are made with a VERY VERY different and cheap plastic than that of HUMAN grade pins!!! This plastic will most assuredly be DEGRADED and MELTED by the Benzyl Benzoate and other solvents and carriers in Pinnacle gear!!!!!! As soon as you are sucking it up into the syringe it is melting, so to speak, the plastic. The longer it sits in the syringe before you pin IE (you suck up your gear then take a shit) the more PIP you will have!!! Reason is because you are injecting PLASTIC into your muscle!!!!!

If not then you just need to suck up and keep pinning, eventually you will get used to it!!!
No a friend got them from a certain medical establishment he is an RN at, he got me a few until i could find a new site to order off of, i still have 4 left, and will be ordering from rui soon, thank you for the concern though. Its good to have ppl like you on the forum, im sure alot of ppl have done this in the past, common sense wouldnt have allowed me to youse anything besides human grade pins. Moved to my glut instead of my shoulders and thighs, less pain, im chalking it up to virgin muscle, first cycle, i have been told just be ready to walk with a slight limp lol
No a friend got them from a certain medical establishment he is an RN at, he got me a few until i could find a new site to order off of, i still have 4 left, and will be ordering from rui soon, thank you for the concern though. Its good to have ppl like you on the forum, im sure alot of ppl have done this in the past, common sense wouldnt have allowed me to youse anything besides human grade pins. Moved to my glut instead of my shoulders and thighs, less pain, im chalking it up to virgin muscle, first cycle, i have been told just be ready to walk with a slight limp lol

theres sponsers all over this boards who sell syringes and pins cheap. click the banners and look around.
DADAWG, i did, and im going to order from one of them, just havent done it yet, i have a few more pinz left so im not in any hurry, ive gotten used to the large 1.5" 22g pin, so im in no hurry, thanks though.
I know this is a bit old on this thread but let me address one thing....

I hear you saying that you don't have access to 25 gauge and only 22 and some such about your not being able to order any needles based on an addy thing etc...
So where did you get your needles??? Syringes??? Where did the person you got them from get them???
If by chance (which I hope not but I've seen it happen more than once) but if by chance you are using CO-OP or ANIMAL pins, this is your PIP problem. Those pins are made with a VERY VERY different and cheap plastic than that of HUMAN grade pins!!! This plastic will most assuredly be DEGRADED and MELTED by the Benzyl Benzoate and other solvents and carriers in Pinnacle gear!!!!!! As soon as you are sucking it up into the syringe it is melting, so to speak, the plastic. The longer it sits in the syringe before you pin IE (you suck up your gear then take a shit) the more PIP you will have!!! Reason is because you are injecting PLASTIC into your muscle!!!!!

If not then you just need to suck up and keep pinning, eventually you will get used to it!!!

I hope everyone on Sology reads this!

I hear guys advising on preloading syringes to travel, and even with HG rigs this practice is NOT recommended due to the reason(s) JS described above.

Gawd himself there knows there is enough PIP talk running here 24-7 and using substandard or preloaded syringes or even think you can load one for the next morning is just plain bad!
anothre thing to consider .
ive seen several newbies make their 1st pin and most shake so damn bad their 1st cycle that the needle jabs in and out of them constantly like a damn sewing machine . of course its gonna hurt after you do that.
anothre thing to consider .
ive seen several newbies make their 1st pin and most shake so damn bad their 1st cycle that the needle jabs in and out of them constantly like a damn sewing machine . of course its gonna hurt after you do that.

haha i can imagine, i was nervous as hell on my first pin, but i just took some deep breathes and went slow, cant feel a thing after the initial prick. the only one i had trouble on is my glut, which doesnt hurt post pin as bad as my other areas, but i couldnt keep the needle steady when asperating, might have lead to some irritation in the muscle when it was moving around.