Please advice on first cycle with Sust, Stanozol and Nova!


New member
hi guys,

I have been training for the last 4 years naturally and currently in my late 20s. Recently i came across some AAS. I gotten on hand 17 amps of sustanon, 200tabs of Winstrol (winny) at 5mg and 100tabs of nova.

After all i have read thru forums and handbooks, i am planning on 8 week cycle, 500mg sus per week (1 pin tues, 1 pin fri), 30mg Winstrol (winny) per day for first 4 weeks and nova on hand for gyno.

I am unsure if this is the best to utilize what i have on hand. Also, i don't have access to clomid or hcg, leaving me only with Nova which i understand isn't the best for post cycle therapy (pct).

Will my nova suffice as post cycle therapy (pct), say 3weeks after my last sust pin, i start on 40mg a day for 2 weeks then taper down to 20mg a day for next 2 weeks. is this enough? i read abt the differences with clomid and nova, nova being an immediate acting substance while clomid more suited for post cycle therapy (pct) but i can't really digress the whole thing.

Can anyone help me out on restructing this cycle with only what i have gotten, or is what i put out good to go? i cant get any more gear at the moment as the supplier has a stoppage of his goods at customs.

be thankful for all advice given from bros/seniors here! :nerd:
i meant to say tamoxifen citrate.. what's the diff btwn the 2 u mention? is it one is the supp from gaspari nutrition? pardon me from my lack of knowledge..
Yes one is an OTC PCT (Novadex XT or something like that), it's bogus...Nolvadex (Nolva for short) is what you need, it's the real deal
ok thanks for the advices.. a lil more qns to ask, will nova suffice? or do i need clomid?

i read alot on front load and bacl load or should i not use Winstrol (winny) at all? some say it's for girlies but i read other reports supporting the use of Winstrol (winny), man it's damn confusing with all the info flying ard..

really need a few bros who can point me in the right direction..

2 shots of sust per week for 8 weeks, on the 10th week i kickstart my nova for pct, 40mg per day for 14days then cut down to 20mg per day for 14days.. after that i gotta rest 8 weeks off gear and perhaps supp with tribulus as i got no access to hcg.. is this plan on the right track?
That will work..yes. You can run nolvadex and chlomid for pct...but I hear chlomid is better but its a personal thing. 1 should do fine...8 week s is short but that s your ass off and sleep as much as you can.
At this point in your journey..shelve the winny....really. 1 compound only till your a lot more aware of what the hell your disrespect.
teutonic, thanks for the advice.. i read alot on otc these few days.. mainly reading on beastdrol.. wondering if it works but well i guess i will go with single sustanon for 8wks.. i wish i could up it till 10 wks but currently i have about 17 amps, i run 2 amps per week for 8 weeks and i get a single amp for week 9.. that's about all..

man it's hard getting source from where i am.. so i could only get it once, my supplier's stuff got confisaicated at customs.. boohoo..

thanks all the bros, this is reaLLy a great place to be posting, don't mean to sound gay but i am starting to love this place..