Please critque this cutting cycle


New member
I am 5 10 170 lbs now BF unknown it is all in my stomach not huge but not firm either you can pinch about an inch or 2 it real jiggly fat. Anyway I am going to use a CKD diet and of course cardio 5-6 times a week along with my regular weightlifting regime. Prior to this I did a deca only cycle and it was good I put on about 10lbs and kept it now I have been trying to do this without anymore AS but I am thinking about trying this:

week 1-6 test enanthate 250mg/week
week 4-6 Winstrol (winny) depot 50 mg EOD
jb160 said:
I am 5 10 170 lbs now BF unknown it is all in my stomach not huge but not firm either you can pinch about an inch or 2 it real jiggly fat. Anyway I am going to use a CKD diet and of course cardio 5-6 times a week along with my regular weightlifting regime. Prior to this I did a deca only cycle and it was good I put on about 10lbs and kept it now I have been trying to do this without anymore AS but I am thinking about trying this:

week 1-6 test enanthate 250mg/week
week 4-6 Winstrol (winny) depot 50 mg EOD
welcome , test eth is a long acting ester and should be run 10-12 weeks , you could throw in the winnie at the end , also dont forget clomid or nolvadex for post cycle therapy , how old are you and whats your training experience
How about this;

400 mg Test Enanthate week 1 - 10
50 mg Winstrol (winny) ED, weeks 7 - 12

Post cycle starts 24 hours after last Winstrol (winny) injection
oh yeah of course the post therapy 4 sure already got nolv on hand and gonna order clomid and maybe Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) when I get the AS. I have been training the last year hard core but prior to that 3ys but not very serious about diet or anything that was important. I am pretty content with my size i just wanna get nice a ripped. Oh I am 25 yrs I frequent EF usually under the same screen name but this board is pretty cool it is really growing on me you get alot of asshole responses over at EF but still alot of good guys there too. Yeah that was my concern about the test being a long lasting ester what if I frontloaded the first 3 weeks? I did only run my Deca for 6 weeks at 200mg a week and I was happy with the results.
StoneColdNTO said:
How about this;

400 mg Test Enanthate week 1 - 10
50 mg Winstrol (winny) ED, weeks 7 - 12

Post cycle starts 24 hours after last Winstrol (winny) injection

Awesome man u guys are awesome over here. I have been reading alot about short cycles and I like the way they seem to work but what is you guys opinions on short cycles?
jb160 said:
......... what if I frontloaded the first 3 weeks?

The proper way to front-load Enanthate is to double you normal weekly dose the first day of your cycle. ie; if you were going to do 400 mg/wk , then fron-load 800 mg on day one. Any more of a front-load, and you will surpass your maximium theraputic levels of your cycle
jb160 said:
Awesome man u guys are awesome over here. I have been reading alot about short cycles and I like the way they seem to work but what is you guys opinions on short cycles?

Short cycles (6 weeks) are OK, providing you use short esters or esterless gear. ie- for Test use Prop instead of Enan or Cyp.
i am currently running a test ethinate cycle and have not yet started my winstrol but i will be running it like this week 1-10 900mg of eth 8-13 100mg of winstrol i shal see good results
jb....if you only want to run a 6 week cycle....try running prop and Winstrol (winny) for 6 weeks @ 50mgs ED for both!!! good luck.
yeah I was just thinkin that if this was any other board, you would have lots of assholes saying shit like, "only 170? bro you need to be at least 225 natural before you start juicing." blah blah blah
as a contructive comment/crtique, you can run a longer ester in the beginning, and a shorter ester in the end.

for example

wks 1 to 8 enanthate
wks 8 to 10 prop