Please give me advice.. Newish to anavar..


New member
Hi I'm new to this site but not knew to ASS.. I've done a cycle 3 months ago 10mg anavar for 30 days then bumped up to 20mg for 60 days. I got great results from it but I'm not quite where I want to be yet. I just started my second cycle 4 days ago 10mg anavar. I cant decide if I should cut first and get some fat off and then bulk for a month to put on some muscle. My goal is to add size and definition to my legs cuz they don't match my upper body's muscle size and definition. My upper body is where I want it to be already and I would like lose some fat to do a photo shoot and get my BF% around 15%.

Stats: 5'4 135lbs 20%BF 26 years old

Meal 1:
cup of egg whites
Green peppers and red
2 tbs salsa

Meal 2:
100g Fish filet
120grams frozen mixed veggies
1/4 avacado
1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
2 tbs mango chipotle dressing

Meal 3: Same as meal 2.

Meal 4: same as meal 2 but with chicken breast instead of fish

Meal 5:
Casien protein
1/4 cup of 100% whole grain oats
This is for an hour before my workout.

Meal 6:
100g Fish filet
120g frozen veggies
30g feta cheese

Whey protien
Lucine sup
Glutamine sup
For after my workout

Sometimes I have a 6" sub for a meal with a diet pepsi for a treat. Daily calorie goal is 1300cals 40/30/30 p/c/f

Training. 5 day split.
Monday:Quads,Hams,Glute Heavy
-Quads:4X12 romanian split squats, 3x10 Hack squats, 4x10 leg extentions each leg seperate.
-Hams:4x10 stiff legged deadlifts, 3x12 Seated leg curls each leg, 3x10 Laying leg curl each leg seperate.
-Glutes:4x15 reverse hyperextentions with 5lb plates tied to my shoes
25 minutes jogging


Wednessday: Chest, back, arms HEAVY
-Chest: 3x10 dumbbell press, 3x10 chest press with cables, 3x10 seated chest fly machine.
-Back: 3x10 seated row with v-bar, 3x10 one armed rows, 3x10 rear delt row with rope, 3x5 wide grip chin ups.
-Tricep: 25lb 3x10 Weighted dips with feel on bench, 3x10 Scull crushers ez-bar, 3x10 one armed over head tricep extentions
-Biceps: 3x10 barbel curls, 3x10 hammer curls, 3x8 reverse close grip chin ups.
25 minutes jogging

Thursday:Cardio, calves, abs and lower back.
-Abs: 3x90 Tri-set of floor exercises, 3x25 side bends with 45lb plate, 3x20 leg raises with hip thrust and the top.
-Calves: 3x10 Seated calf raises, 3x 25 One leg standing calf raise.
-Lower back: 3x15 25lb plate Hyper extentions, 3x15 lower back machine.
-Cardio: 5 minutes jogging for every 5 minutes of walking for 60 minutes.

Friday: Hams, Glutes, quads LIGHT
-Hams: 5x20 stiff leg deadlifts, one leg laying leg curls.
-Glutes: 3x15 Revers hyper expentions.
-Quads: 4x15 plate loaded leg press wide feet. 3x15 Leg extentions one leg.
Cardio 25 minutes jogging.

Saturday: OFF

Sunday: Abs, shoulders, calves.
-Abs: 3x20 leg raises with hip rais at top. 3x15 oblique side bends with 45lb plate.
-Shoulders: 3x20 lateral raise with thumbs up superset with arnold press, 3x YTWLI"S.

Any advice on things I can change add or take out to get better results please let me know.. Plus i was considering adding a test booster but i'm not sure how that would work with the anavar.
Well, if you want to bulk, 1300 cals is pretty low.

Personally, I'd have figured out.which direction I wanted my training to go prior to starting my aas cycle, but that's just me.