Please help guys :/ .........******cant sleep!!

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I have seen people state cycles causing mild disruptions. Or long term use causing a little more, but still manageable.

Chances are its the side effect of a psychosomatic induced issue.

Do as said above and hit up a doc who specializes. Depending on the test blend, 3 weeks would be the max it could be. What was the esters?

You have to have slept since then.

After 96 hours your brain enters psychosis. And in fact you usually cannot treat yourself, you need medical treatment. Psychosis is a bad state of mind to ever even be near.

That being said, some of the side effects psychosis induced by that sleep deprivation can be lifelong... Just giving you a warning of the minor possibilities.

Maybe it did have a minor effect on you for a few days, and did cause something. But it would have worn off some time ago, other issues are the ONLY answer.

But if you have been up for 3 weeks you would not be typing lol. Whats your sleep pattern like?
Ifshe's that smokin hot why would you wanna sleep anyway? Just sayin... relax fellow you need some lexipro for your anxiety & be on with your life.
get a grip .
you took 1/2 a cc and there are ten THOUSAND people here who have taken 10 TIMES that dose or more.
you either have a bad anxiety problem or you are using aome recreational drug thats causing the problem.

Direct hit bro.

Parent s have mean s.

That s ruined more people than it s helped.

Go push mow the yard, shovel snow, move rock s from place to another jesus mary and joeseph. !!!

Another reality show in the making. 1/2 cc ruined my life...
I have seen people state cycles causing mild disruptions. Or long term use causing a little more, but still manageable.

Chances are its the side effect of a psychosomatic induced issue.

Do as said above and hit up a doc who specializes. Depending on the test blend, 3 weeks would be the max it could be. What was the esters?

You have to have slept since then.

After 96 hours your brain enters psychosis. And in fact you usually cannot treat yourself, you need medical treatment. Psychosis is a bad state of mind to ever even be near.

That being said, some of the side effects psychosis induced by that sleep deprivation can be lifelong... Just giving you a warning of the minor possibilities.

Maybe it did have a minor effect on you for a few days, and did cause something. But it would have worn off some time ago, other issues are the ONLY answer.

But if you have been up for 3 weeks you would not be typing lol. Whats your sleep pattern like?

i never said ive been up for 3 weeks? i said my sleeping pattern has been off for that long.

before i used to go to sleep at mid night and wake up at 8 or 9 with no issues! now i go ingto my bed at midnight toss and turn till like 630 AM then go back to bed and eventually sleep from like 930 to 1130 am??? wtf is that?

i never had that issue

the esters are ...

30mg/ml Testosterone Acetate
50mg/ml Testosterone Propionate
50mg/ml Testosterone Phenylpropionate
90 mg/ml Testosterone Cypionate
105mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate
Direct hit bro.

Parent s have mean s.

That s ruined more people than it s helped.

Go push mow the yard, shovel snow, move rock s from place to another jesus mary and joeseph. !!!

Another reality show in the making. 1/2 cc ruined my life...

we will see him on the jerry springer show next
Direct hit bro.

Parent s have mean s.

That s ruined more people than it s helped.

Go push mow the yard, shovel snow, move rock s from place to another jesus mary and joeseph. !!!

Another reality show in the making. 1/2 cc ruined my life...

dude seriously? cmon man i dont need comments like that wtf is the matter w u
you have a choice , you can keep bitching or you can do something about it.

yo, on some real sh*t? f*ck you!

your no doctor bc if you were you would know that sustanon causes an increase in "cortisol"

if you have hight levels of cortisol - your prone to insomnia

a more sofistcated person would asked me to check my levels of cortisol or somthing in that nature.
Your body isnt perfect man, things can go wrong. Go see a doctor and get it sorted out, stop stressing.
If these experienced guys are telling you its not the test, then its not. The person who has linked it to anxiety seems on the right track, i would say that is the most logical explanation.

And you have taken hardly any test anyway, there is no way its causing high cortisol. Your stress levels on the other hand may be doing so...
What is wrong with you is the question. Dude crying really because you are not sleeping well. Maybe it roid rage starting. Next thread will be I punched my mom in the face because she didn't have my breakfast ready when I woke up. Jk.

U really quit work over this? Good excuse. I wish I could not go to work because I was tired. I'm really over this thread.
Ive been having sleeping problems since i was 15. i used to run my ass off just to tire my body out so i cant sleep at night.

i self medicate now. :smokepoke
Your body isnt perfect man, things can go wrong. Go see a doctor and get it sorted out, stop stressing.
If these experienced guys are telling you its not the test, then its not. The person who has linked it to anxiety seems on the right track, i would say that is the most logical explanation.

ive never been anxios omg!

even if i were anxios how come i NEVER ever had trouble sleeping!

i go to sleep at night thinking the same shit ive always been thiking about for years- what i did that day and whats for tomorow and then im sound asleep. nothing has changed in my life besides that shot ....that shot includes
30mg/ml Testosterone Acetate
50mg/ml Testosterone Propionate
50mg/ml Testosterone Phenylpropionate
90 mg/ml Testosterone Cypionate
105mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate

whos to say that ONE of those my body just doesnt react well to?
i never said ive been up for 3 weeks? i said my sleeping pattern has been off for that long.

before i used to go to sleep at mid night and wake up at 8 or 9 with no issues! now i go ingto my bed at midnight toss and turn till like 630 AM then go back to bed and eventually sleep from like 930 to 1130 am??? wtf is that?

i never had that issue

the esters are ...

30mg/ml Testosterone Acetate
50mg/ml Testosterone Propionate
50mg/ml Testosterone Phenylpropionate
90 mg/ml Testosterone Cypionate
105mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate

Any other changes? Loss of a loved one, a move, when did you lose your job, fighting with the GF?

See what you listed is NOT going to cause this.

Your talking about legit insomnia/anxiety.

Usually triggered by a new stressor that has come into your life that you cannot focus off of.

Use of medications should only be temporary when dealing with issues like this.

No signs of any infection, no other pains?

No runny nose or the likes?

Was your gear UGl?

Have you used any other drugs? OTC, or illegal?

Any changes to your diet?

The list of things that can cause what your talking about is huuuuge....
And I will say quit being a bitch. You are talking shit to Dawg when he answered your question. You just don't like the truth.
What is wrong with you is the question. Dude crying really because you are not sleeping well. Maybe it roid rage starting. Next thread will be I punched my mom in the face because she didn't have my breakfast ready when I woke up. Jk.

U really quit work over this? Good excuse. I wish I could not go to work because I was tired. I'm really over this thread.

yes im sorry everyman has is breaking point and im crying bc i just cant take the insomnia anymore i hate feeling like the only one awake, hearing all elctronics around the house...walking around and seeing everyone snore thinking 3 weeks ago i was just like that. - that kills me man
yes im sorry everyman has is breaking point and im crying bc i just cant take the insomnia anymore i hate feeling like the only one awake, hearing all elctronics around the house...walking around and seeing everyone snore thinking 3 weeks ago i was just like that. - that kills me man

Imagine having Tinnitus....I lay there with insomnia often, hearing a loud ringing noise that never goes away in my mind/ears...high pitched ring that is there 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

You worry about things, then you get over them...insanity helps.
The list of things that can cause what your talking about is huuuuge....

ok fighting with the gf? - who doesnt, even when i fought w her before i would just SLEEP on it

drugs? - ive been smoking weed for 3 yrs, nevr had an issue sleeping , as a mtter a fack the only issue while i was high was staying awake!!

i quit my job i didnt loose it...

and any problems that are new to me i would just SLEEP on....

my worst worst worst fear is if THIS CONTINUES......
this thread is locked .
this guy wont listen , he just keeps repeating how 1/2 of 1 cc

is ruining his life.

he needs psychological help and this isnt the place for it.
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