Please help guys!!


New member
This is a bit of an embarrassing and serious thread...... but feel I must tell so I can get some advice.

Ok.... I'm 36 years old, Male,and been training for years. I have used gear but many years ago. Now I suffer from very bad anxiety to the extent that sometimes I don't want to leave my house.

Now this is the question..... After sex my anxiety gets worse and I feel strange, kind of weak and tired.....Does anyone know what could be the matter? I was wondering if it could be down to a low Testosterone count but then I surely would loose my sex drive?

Any help would be great.
After sex your anxiety gets worse? lol.. That IS wierd, when I am all tense and I cum I feel all relaxed afterwords.

Smoke a dubie or something, a low dose of testosterone may help as well to get that overal sense of well being yes.
sounds like a psych problem.. do u or have u used rec drugs??

I'm on Citalopram and Valium for anxiety mate. Suffered from anxiety for years. Getting bloods done next week so I can find out if my Test levels are ok as I just want to rule out any possibilities.