please TRT Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Hello I have a question for you guys so im 37 and i had labs run for my testosterone for fatigue and here are my results my doctors said he wont treat me for trt any advice would be great
Your results are on the low side but in range so his viewpoint makes some sense.
If you're determined to be treated, you might have to go to an anti-aging doc or clinic. They often apply a different standard and will treat "suboptimal" (read subclinical) testosterone levels.

But are you sure your fatigue is due to low T? Fatigue can have many causes. Recognize the huge commitment that TRT represents and that years down the road it may feel very different to have gone into it because you had no choice rather than having done it "electively".

This is not to diminish the positive effects that taking your levels from 350 to 1000 can have, but the rest of your life is a long time. Don't rush into it and spend some time researching the pros and cons.
If depression is your problem then TRT might help, but after a few years when the novelty has worn off you might find yourself back in depression but now you're also firmly committed to lifelong medication.

Ask me how I know.
If depression is your problem then TRT might help, but after a few years when the novelty has worn off you might find yourself back in depression but now you're also firmly committed to lifelong medication.

Ask me how I know.

You started TRT for depression? What was your T?
What time of the day was your blood work drawn? It can make a big difference.

What did your LH and FSH come in at? Did you check TSH?

There is a sticky thread at the top of this forum. It is called Basic TRT Overview. Please give that a read.
What time of the day was your blood work drawn? It can make a big difference.

What did your LH and FSH come in at? Did you check TSH?

There is a sticky thread at the top of this forum. It is called Basic TRT Overview. Please give that a read.

It was taken a 9 am as far as fsh lh tsh I don't know the results I posted was what I got from the doc
Looks like you are on the low side. Have you checked your 24 hour cortisol level?? This will have an impact on your testosterone level.