Poll: President Clintons lie or Barry Bonds lie


New member
Since CNN says that 3/4 of Americans feel Barry Bonds should go to jail if he lied about his steroid use, I ask you this..........Who would you send to jail if you had to choose. Which one is Barracus and which is Jesus :)

1. President Clintons affair with Monica and his lie....if you don't beleive "is" would work for you or me to get out of a statement like that... ( I beieve 3/4 of Americans said that this incident was BS and nothing to do with politics...which I agree)

2. Barry Bonds and Marion Jones using steroids. (again-what does this have to do with politics?)

-by the way, steroids were not banned in baseball until very recently. At the time all these athletes took them, they were not on the banned substance list for major league baseball.

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ok for the last time jack, you are being ignorant and idiotic, if you go to college and take a basic law and justice class, you will learn that President Clinton did NOT lie to the country, its a play on words, if you are not intelligent enough to understand the concept of sexual relations, which is a synonym for sexual intercourse after its explained to you, idk what to tell you. he clearly stated he did not have sexual relations with that woman, and i ask you this, why did he say sexual relations? because he is a lawyer, and knows the meaning of the word sexual relations and knows that most Americans wouldn't be smart enough to know that sexual relations means penis penetrating vagina, not oral sex. thats why he didn't say i did not have any type of sex with that woman. its not a hard concept to understand. he DID NOT lie. He said sexual relations to cover his own ass because he knows the definition of the word, and knew that people, like you, would think he was lying to the country because you think that sexual relations is oral sex, well guess what, IT ISN'T. end of story.
look bro, no need to get ansy. We are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. If a blow job is not sex than how can you get an STD from it???? He is a liar and nothing you say will change my mind nor anyone else who doesn't beleive in BULL SHIT. Yeah, he only fucked around with her once right? It's just like taxing the poor more and the rich less. Every economics major claims the theories too. Problem is what they teach you may not be right. Ever think of that? Follow what you think and what you are told. There are a lot of people who disagree with you and me. I just do not agree with you. Sorry. My uncle own a huge law firm with over 50 lawyers working for him in Puerto Rico. I think you need to explain why these choice of words would never work for anyone else who is not of such stature. If it was you being prosecuted in a regular court, you would be found guilty. This is the exact problem with this countries law system. TWO EXACT CRIMES TO DIFFERENT JUDGEMENTS. You think he would have been found guilty if it was a republican majority?? Like I said bro, I understand what you are saying, but I think there are a lot of people that disagree with you. When you become a lawyer, you will see when you lose a case. One day you'll win and what you said will prevail. A week later you will lose with the same argument. Thats why you can play this game on words with me. It sucks, but your right and wrong. One day your be righ, the next day you'll be wrong. Thats just the way it is. CORRUPT and INCONSISTANT.
-Besides the only point I am trying to make here is that 3/4 of Americans felt that Barry Bonds should be put in prison. This means that hitting a ball is more important to people than what the president does. Its a joke.
just my 2 cents....we'll leave it at that unless you want to reply, but I wont continue the argument. I like your passion though. Good luck in Law School.
ok it has nothing to do with STDs lol u can get STD's with any kind of sex yes, but the kind of sex president Clinton said he didn't have with Monica was vaginal sex...

i mean you can disagree with me, people can, but the facts are the facts, he was referencing he did not have vaginal sex with monica, its not that hard to understand, therefore by saying "i did not have sexual relations with that woman" meaning 'I did not have vaginal intercourse with that woman' thats exactly what he said, there is no falsifications in it.

and thank you for saying im passionate, you have to be when 21 and in grad school lol.
True, but if it was us I don't think that it would hold up. I think we would be in prison, or at least found guilty. I just hate to see people thinking steroids are so bad when all we are doing is trying to look better and feel better about ourselves. I do not have a 4million dollar a year contract, so why do they want to put men in jail for taking it? Why are we hated by 3/4 of Americans? We did nothing to them? I mean we are at war with Iraq and 3/4 of this country are worried about a guy who hit a ball farther. Thats the point I am trying to make here. I never thought sports would be more important than the war and what you would think would be priority issues. After all they went after the drugs that do not fund terroism. There is just no logic to the way the majority of Americans are acting towards bodybuilding. It is a Salem witch hunt. No doubt. Just like when the republicans attacked Clinton. I mean Miss America can't have breast augmentation, but I do not see them outlawing beast implants for the average American woman. So why would they make pro-hormones illegal? Not just illegal, but CDS! How is something dangerous when no one has died? Why should this effect the average joe so drastically. So the people who drink, smoke, and do all the wrong things run this country and get to tell us what to do. Thats my point brother!! The laws are different for me and you. Why were they able to make pro-hormones illegal? No evidence mattered. Thats the part of law I do not understand. President Clinton technically did not lie, but when it comes to sports, it doesn;t matter. They dictated the prohormones to be CDS in the US, and they will continue to take away our freedom of choice. Cigarttes OK- freedom of choice is the excuse that worked for the cigarette companies right? So why did it not work for hormones when not one person had been hurt by them?? Thats why I disagree with the statement by Clinton. I just do not think that we would be called clever. We would be found guilty because we are a dictoatorship of power and money which he has both.
-Still though, its been great talking to you bro. I love getting into friendly discussions about things like this. Since your in law school, I would like to PM you if I ever need some legal direction.... later
well the reason they are going after Barry Bonds is to make a point. The legal system is trying to let the country know that they aren't going to tolerate anyone, whether if you have a million plus dollars or not. Hes being made an example of, and its just letting the country know that if you lie to a grand jury and commit perjury, you too will be severely punished. You can't lie to a federal grand jury, and this is exactly what the legal system wanted, a big time superstar to put behind bars and make an example of.
Yeah, but what proof do they have he actually did them? Hearsay cannot hold up in court correct? Also, when they asked him if he used, he told them no, and remember, steroids were not banned at the time. Furthermore, he has passed every drug test and than some. If he had them perscribed, he did not do anything wrong. I beleive that the drug testing organizations for these aports should be the ones being made examples out of. Its scary. When they know that 3/4 of American no nothing about hard work and exercise to achieve goals. The government realizes that they can lie and get away with it because Americans will not question it. They laugh at us and think we are stupid and we sure are letting them see we are.
well, he lied to the grand jury and was found with steroids in his possession and in his blood... he did take them, thats why they are charging him, not for taking them, but for lying about taking them and interfering with a federal investigation of BALCO

A federal grand jury returned an indictment against Bonds. He was charged with four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice. "During the criminal investigation, evidence was obtained including positive tests for the presence of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances for Bonds and other athletes," the indictment reads. The charges focus on Bonds' responses to the grand jury in his 2003 testimony, specifically his denials when asked if he had used steroids, and whether Anderson had administered steroids to him.[18][19][20][21] The Giants, Major League Baseball and its players' union all expressed sadness at the indictment, and even the White House weighed in, calling it a "sad day in baseball".[22] Bonds' arraignment is set for December 7, when he is expected to plead not guilty[23].

Hours after Bonds was indicted, Greg Anderson was ordered released from prison. Anderson's attorney, Mark Geragos, denied his client had testified before the grand jury and expressed outrage Anderson had been imprisoned, telling the New York Daily News, "They kept Greg in prison a year. I read the indictment and there is nothing that the government didn't have a year ago to indict Bonds. My guy was nonessential." Geragos also told the Daily News that Anderson would not testify at trial against Bonds if he is called, adding "They would have to indict him [on civil contempt charges] first."
Skinny...In a Big Way said:
well, he lied to the grand jury and was found with steroids in his possession and in his blood... he did take them, thats why they are charging him, not for taking them, but for lying about taking them and interfering with a federal investigation of BALCO

A federal grand jury returned an indictment against Bonds. He was charged with four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice. "During the criminal investigation, evidence was obtained including positive tests for the presence of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances for Bonds and other athletes," the indictment reads. The charges focus on Bonds' responses to the grand jury in his 2003 testimony, specifically his denials when asked if he had used steroids, and whether Anderson had administered steroids to him.[18][19][20][21] The Giants, Major League Baseball and its players' union all expressed sadness at the indictment, and even the White House weighed in, calling it a "sad day in baseball".[22] Bonds' arraignment is set for December 7, when he is expected to plead not guilty[23].

Hours after Bonds was indicted, Greg Anderson was ordered released from prison. Anderson's attorney, Mark Geragos, denied his client had testified before the grand jury and expressed outrage Anderson had been imprisoned, telling the New York Daily News, "They kept Greg in prison a year. I read the indictment and there is nothing that the government didn't have a year ago to indict Bonds. My guy was nonessential." Geragos also told the Daily News that Anderson would not testify at trial against Bonds if he is called, adding "They would have to indict him [on civil contempt charges] first."
No skinny, you are wrong. He never tested positive for drugs ever! Even after he was hitting home runs still. To this day Barry Bonds has never failed a drug test. EVER. Unless something came out I did not here of yet.
Skinny...In a Big Way said:
ah correction, he never failed a MLB drug test, he has failed drug testing done by the federal goverment

He did fail a federal test, that is correct. I believe Bonds justifies more punishment on a federal level because he did lie to a grand jury which he was sworn in prior.

Clinton, didn't lie under oath technically even though the american people took it as a lie. He did get impeached by the house and acquitted by the senate for it also if you remember. So from a technical sense, Bonds is more at fault. From a personal sense I have more of a PROBLEM with what Clinton did.

Bottom line is Clinton poked his rod in Monica's mouth and Hilliary kept him at home. And now that Dike is running to be the leader of my country. OH SHIT! What morals she has!

Bonds poked a needle in his ass to increase his bat speed to hit balls further.

I side with Bonds being the least offensive!
Skinny...In a Big Way said:
ah correction, he never failed a MLB drug test, he has failed drug testing done by the federal goverment

eeeeeeewh, I did not know that. Well, there is a patient to doctor confidentiality, so what will happen if it was legally prescribed? What do major league baseball players do if they are on testosterone therapy, retire??? There is a big problem here. Testosterone is being shown every day to be more necessary for men to take after 40 to stay healthy. They are really setting themselves up for a big contaraversy here. Are you going to hold it against someone if they are legally aloud to take it?? Going to be interesting to see what comes out of all of it.
Watch, facts wont matter. He could be as innocent as they come and they already have dubbed him guilty before innocent. The trial will not be fair, uneducated statements with no bearing will be excepted as facts by the judge. You'll see. They are already saying lies to try to set it up for athletic supplements to be in the hands of doctors and big pharmacy. I beleive ESPN did an article on raw deal saying they tested athletic supplements and found growth hormone in all of them.... see how they use the media to set it up. How does growth hormone stay stable in room temp anyway. I do not believe them. It's a way to scare the average fat ass, alocholic, smoker to side with them to make athletic supplements illegal to buy without a script. They are dictating ways to take over the industry. Again, they know 3/4 of Americans are stupid. Tainted supplements that have not hurt anyone, yet thats all they need to scare the American public to regulate them. DICTATORSHIP! Sneaky, lying, bastards. You'll see, it will work. 3/4 of non-educated, cigarette smoking, alcoholics will jump on the band wagon and vote ATHLETIC supplements to be regulated by the FDA, even though 90% of the 3/4 never took them and don't know anything about them. They just know they cannot dicipline themselves to work out and look good, so it is a perfect excuse for the lazy mans lack of achievement. Thats their game... the athletic supplements are tainted so we must regualte them. How much money would a doctor make if someone came to him for creatine. HATE IT HERE. This is their game and they are not fooling me. Unfortuantely, they have CNN, FOX, and ESPN at their disposal, so I'm the idiot becasue they saay so, and the 3/4 will agree. I give it a few years and a bill will be put in place to regulate any supplement that is used for athletic performance to be under big pharmacy. JUST ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTS, WATCH!
well the thing is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is only around a 200mg shot of test each month, barry bonds wasn't prescribed to anything, he initially stated he didn't know he was taking steroids and thought it was just oils.
Skinny...In a Big Way said:
well the thing is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is only around a 200mg shot of test each month, barry bonds wasn't prescribed to anything, he initially stated he didn't know he was taking steroids and thought it was just oils.

Yeah, it was FLAX SEED OIL! BWAAAAHAAAAAA what a moron. I bet he wished he had handled all this diff. now. What a goof! But he's a hall of famer and was one before juice. But he may not be the homerun king w/o it!
I personally feel that this may be an example being set, but I really think Big Pharmacy has a huge hand in all this, and the regulation of athletic supplements has always been their goal. After all this, you will see, they will put in a bill telling the American people that FDA must regulate these athletic supplements to protect our kids and people and like I said since 3/4 of Americans will vote for it, they ae doing this because they know they can control the idiots here to think what they want. I wish I could have 5 minutes in the ring with President Busch, McCaine, and every other politician that backs these rediculous regulations. DID YOU KNOW THAT JOHN MCCaine actuallyhas a bill to make DHEA a CDS! Again, how do yo make something a CDS if not one person has died?? Am I the only one smart enough to ask congress this? Where are the lawyers for us?