Possible to make Nandrolone suspension?


New member
is it possible to suspend nandrolone base with peg or water alike test suspension? would it yield faster results than NPP? (i know this is the wrong forum lol, but i didnt wanna make two threads on this...)
most bases will be a suspension. however since ida has introduced us to the world of peg it may go in solution. and yes base is faster than pp. the shorter the ester the faster it acts and the faster it leaves the system. but to be honest i dont see the need for short ester/no ester nandro. deca works great with very little sides. takes a few weeks to kick in so a little patience is a good thing. the reason most foks avoid long esters is because of the sides, lack of patience, are trying to beat drug tests or competing and need a quick boost. long esters normally are more prone to promote sides. bases are tricky to work with as well. long esters are easier and can be made at a lot higher concentrations with no pain or little discomfort.

i would suggest before you venture off into the base world that you learn the ropes of the long esters first. the are much simplier and more forgiving. always a tough blow to the ego when you experiments wont hold. deca, enan and eq are pretty much fail proof with a little common sense.
gymphreak said:
is it possible to suspend nandrolone base with peg or water alike test suspension? would it yield faster results than NPP? (i know this is the wrong forum lol, but i didnt wanna make two threads on this...)

The hell if I know, I cant stop staring at your avitar.
gymphreak said:
is it possible to suspend nandrolone base with peg or water alike test suspension? would it yield faster results than NPP? (i know this is the wrong forum lol, but i didnt wanna make two threads on this...)

i think it is safe to say that i have no clue. I have yet to work with Nne, nor do I have any to whip up. If you or anyone has any, we could see how it works with peg. I'm sure it will either be solution, suspension, or a combination of the two.

Yeah, it will kick in the fastest, but honestly i don't see the need to go any shorter than npp. I mean, w/ npp you are looking at ed pokes for consistant blood levels, vs. at least morn and evening pokes w/ Nne to keep levels steady.
