Post cycle therapy (pct) for winstrol cycle


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PCT for winstrol cycle

currently on oral only winstrol cycle....
shld i do post cycle therapy (pct) aft my cycle end...?
HCG or Nolvadex for pct??
Pls advise

i wonder this also...thinking of bridging with winny...thoughts are its a mistake though...deca already has me shut down hard like diamonds

but i wanna take the winny!!!
Winstrol is a very mild drug, and when a drug is taken oral is less effective then injection for that you may want to use some nolva
do boyYYYYY!!!!

ok im 165lbs 27yrs old.
im looking to get up on something. i have done orals before but lost wut i gained. my goal is to lose fat, get lean and gain some muscle. im looking at doing.

test c,
and maybe dbol.( 10 weeks)
(PCT 4weeks starting at the end of week 10)clomid, novedex, or both
my thing is i cant find a cycle premade and spaced. how much should i do a week and can i do them at the same time and then start my post cycle therapy (pct)?

someone who knows wut they r talking about please reply. other wise dont try and waste ur time or mine!!!!
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ok im 165lbs 27yrs old.
im looking to get up on something. i have done orals before but lost wut i gained. my goal is to lose fat, get lean and gain some muscle. im looking at doing.

test c,
and maybe dbol.
(PCT)clomid, novedex, or both
my thing is i cant find a cycle premade, and spaced. how much and should i do a week and can i do them at the same time the at the end start my post cycle therapy (pct)?

some who nows wut they r talking about please reply. other wise dont try an waste ur time or mine!!!!

start your own thread and you will get more help .

how tall are you .
ok im 165lbs 27yrs old.
im looking to get up on something. i have done orals before but lost wut i gained. my goal is to lose fat, get lean and gain some muscle. im looking at doing.

test c,
and maybe dbol.( 10 weeks)
(post cycle therapy (pct) 4weeks starting at the end of week 10)clomid, novedex, or both
my thing is i cant find a cycle premade and spaced. how much should i do a week and can i do them at the same time and then start my post cycle therapy (pct)?

someone who knows wut they r talking about please reply. other wise dont try and waste ur time or mine!!!!

I am not an expert but With my test E cycle it was recommended that I wait 2 wks after last pin before I started post cycle therapy (pct)...

As far as amounts If this is your first "injected" cycle I would do what was recommended to me which was as follows .

12 wks of test E or C @ 500 mg per wk (split into 2 shots {monday/thursday}). I also would say drop the Winstrol (winny) (just my opinion). The dbol is ok I guess I am just not a fan of orals due to how hard it is on your liver, but alot of guys are all about the orals...

Some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would be a good Idea and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is a really good idea.

Also the "standard post cycle therapy (pct)" sticky on the front page helped me out big time with the dosage amounts....Also the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is covered in that thread as well ..

As far as keeping your gains, your post cycle therapy (pct) plays a HUGE role in that. if you do it right and work/diet your ass off you can keep a good % of your gains.

Hope this helps

Sorry if I wasted your time.?> and as Dawg said start a thread and you will get a whole lot more help..

Good luck
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currently on oral only winstrol cycle....
shld i do post cycle therapy (pct) aft my cycle end...?
HCG or Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct)??
Pls advise


" standard post cycle therapy (pct)" sticky will tell you everything (for the most part) you need to know about post cycle therapy (pct).

Also if you do an A.S. it is always a good idea to do some form of post cycle therapy (pct). Especially if you want to keep ANY of your gains...

HCG did wonders for me so I really recommend it.

Good luck
im 5'6 or 66inches tall.....maybe l should just drop i said its my first time wit injectables...test c does not hold water wait dbol does but wit cardio and a fat burner like arson or hydrocycut i should get wut i want.....wut do u think?
im 5'6 or 66inches tall.....maybe l should just drop i said its my first time wit injectables...test c does not hold water wait dbol does but wit cardio and a fat burner like arson or hydrocycut i should get wut i want.....wut do u think?

on the main anabolic forum page on the upper left hand corner is a button labeled NEW THREAD click that and make your OWN thread . give us as much info about yourself as possible.