Pre contest water problems. Help?


New member
Ok so it's about 3 weeks before I compete and I'm running test and winny but I want to shred up completely and drop the rest of this water. I'm planning on dropping the test about 8 days prior and taking diuretics the last 4 days before contest to achieve the bone dry look. Anyone have prior experience this can give me some insight whether or not I should drop sooner or later?
Diuretic s for four days you are going to die. Dehydrating yourself is stupid in the first place. But doing it for four days? Just dumb. You can drop water the day before if you really want to. Smarter not harder bro
Layne norton has a cool video about dropping water it really opened my eyes to this subject. Ill see if I can't find it
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If this is your first contest drop water weight naturally by manipulating your water, carbohydrate and possible sodium intake.
There are multiple ways to come in dry, but I suggest you avoid diuretics this time around.
You don't want your blood thick as molasses, your heart cramping due to potassium loss and you dying.

There are articles all over the net and discussions on various forums, but you should have already done a trial run or two before your contest.

This is where a trainer who has competed multiple times comes in handy.