Get sustanon 250 of pharmacy and shoot it

I did one shot and it was enough for me

And yes what do you want in 8 weeks??? take DBOL 2x dose and you will look 3 times bigger than now in couple weeks,you are 30 years old dumb,would you imagine how long it would take for that transformation to happen without steroids in natural way? you would have to be 100% clean of drinks drusg cigaretes,eat like ronnie coleman and train hard,you get good buff in 2 months and cry,seriously are u effen retarded.Add DBOL now if you so retarded about your gains.How many ronnie colemans in gym do you see? Do you imagine they do everything perfect and did 300 stronger cycles,and you come here after 500 test a week,after 8 WEEKS!! to complain that you barely gained anything when its clearly visible,your logic like 13 year old girl.IT TAKES TIME,IT TAKES WORK,IT TAKE DEDICATION,not few shots and "thinking" youre eating good.
About depression side of effects.
I doubt it will heal depression or insomnia,i have same shit as you and im really starting to think if someone with mental problems should cycle if they are not completely solved before cycle..You looked good without steroids,if you have depression go to doctors,i understand if you was 100 kilo fat boy dreaming to get lean because lack of girls gives him depression,you look good,size will not treat your depression,you are at good side as you are now about looks,if you dont feel confidient and depressed go to doctors and get antidepresants and start treatment,steroids will only make it worse if you are already complaining about depression and insomnia.